White sheriff's deputy Sean Grayson, who killed unarmed black mom Sonya Massey in her kitchen after she reported a suspected prowler, needed 'high stress decision making classes'

Trending 2 months ago

The achromatic sheriff's lawman who killed unarmed achromatic mom Sonya Massey successful her room aft she reported a suspected prowler erstwhile needed 'high-stress determination making classes.'

Sean Grayson, 30, received nan proposal from nan Logan County Sheriff's Office successful Illinois aft he grounded to slow down erstwhile his leader called disconnected a conveyance pursuit, CNN reports.

He was driving astir 110mph and struck a deer, conscionable a fewer years earlier he shot nan 36-year-old mother successful her room complete a cookware of boiling water connected July 6, according to records from nan sheriff's office.

'Deputy Grayson pursued nan motortruck done Lincoln astatine a precocious complaint of speed, reaching speeds of 63/30 MPH zones, and successful my opinion, grounded to show owed be aware while driving done extremity intersections,' nan main lawman wrote astatine nan time.

Sean Grayson, 30, was remanded by the Logan County Sheriff's Office successful Illinois, which recommended he return 'high-stress determination making classes'

The study noted that Grayson's supervisor 'terminated nan pursuit,' and Grayson turned disconnected his emergency lights.

He past 'continued astatine a precocious complaint of velocity (110/55mph zone) anterior to striking nan deer.'

'Deputy Grayson acknowledged he lacks experience,' nan study said.

It would spell connected to database a bid of recommendations, including 'additional postulation extremity training, study penning training, high-stress determination making classes and needs to read, understand and talk issued Logan County Sheriff's Office Policy.'

It is unclear whether Grayson ever followed done pinch those recommendations.

He resigned from nan Logan County Sheriff's Office successful April 2023, and nan adjacent month, he joined nan sheriff's agency successful Sangamon County wherever he changeable Massey successful nan face.

The incident came conscionable a fewer years earlier Grayson changeable and killed Sonya Massey, 36

Massey was changeable astatine 3 times by Grayson earlier this period aft she called constabulary to study a prowler. She had a cookware of h2o boiling connected nan stove erstwhile he arrived, which Grayson asked her to unopen disconnected and threatened to sprout her

Massey, 36, who had intelligence wellness problems, called nan constabulary to her location successful Springfield, Illinois, successful nan early hours of July 6 to study a prowler successful nan area. Two Sangamon County sheriff's deputies responded to nan call.

After a 30 infinitesimal hunt of nan area successful which they did not find a suspect, nan 2 went wrong Massey's location and engaged her conversation. 

They past recovered a cookware of boiling h2o connected nan stove, which Grayson asked her to unopen disconnected and threatened to sprout her. 

Bodycam footage shows the young female ducking and apologizing arsenic nan lawman fires 3 times. 

An autopsy has since determined that Massey was changeable successful nan look beneath her near eye, which caused her skull to fracture and perforated her carotid artery.

That caused her encephalon to bleed earlier nan slug exited nan backmost of her precocious neck. 

Massey besides suffered from insignificant blunt unit injuries to her correct leg, nan coroner said. 

Grayson has since been removed from nan unit and charged pinch first-degree murder, aggravated artillery pinch a firearm, and charismatic misconduct successful Massey's death. 

The erstwhile deputy, who mislaid his occupation complete nan shooting, pleaded not blameworthy to each charges. He is presently being held successful nan region jailhouse while he awaits trial. 

Sonya Massey, 36, was a loving mother-of-two who had suffered pinch intelligence wellness issues 

What led to nan shooting of Sonya Massey 

Sean Grayson and different Sangamon County sheriff's lawman were called to Sonya Massey's location for a suspected prowler astatine 12:50 a.m. July 6.

The 2 officers searched nan exterior of nan location for 30 minutes, discovering only a car pinch smashed windows. 

During her interactions pinch nan officers, Massey made respective mentions of Jesus Christ and nan Bible.  

Massey had placed a cookware of perchance basking h2o connected nan antagonistic connected Grayson's instructions.

The unfortunate made a remark astir 'rebuking' Grayson successful nan sanction of Jesus Christ.  

Grayson was successful nan surviving room erstwhile he past drew his firearm and threatened to sprout Massey successful nan face, prompting her to put her hands successful nan air, say, 'I'm sorry.'

Massey ducks for screen down a antagonistic separating nan two. 

Grayson moved closer, yelled astatine Massey to put nan cookware down and opened fire, hitting her 3 times, erstwhile successful nan head.

Grayson did not render assistance and discouraged nan different lawman not to supply help. 

The 2nd deputy, who was not named, stayed by Massey until medics arrived. She was pronounced dormant astatine St. John's Hospital. 

But this isn't Grayson's first spell pinch misconduct while connected nan job. His discharge from nan Army was listed nether 'misconduct (serious offense),' according to documents obtained by ABC News. 

The Army declined to merchandise further accusation regarding Grayson's discharge, citing nan Privacy Act and Department of Defense argumentation that prevents nan merchandise of accusation regarding behaviour of low-level employees. 

Grayson worked arsenic a Wheeled Vehicle Mechanic for nan Army betwixt May 2014 to February 2016 and he near pinch a rank of backstage first class, a spokesperson told ABC News. 

During his clip successful nan military, he was charged pinch a DUI discourtesy successful Illinois successful August 2015 and different soon aft his discharge successful July 2016 successful nan aforesaid county, ABC News reported.   

He paid thousands of dollars successful fines for nan unlawful enactment and his car was impounded aft nan 2015 incident, records show. 

Grayson has besides hopped astir various constabulary forces, moving for six agencies successful 4 years.

His first constabulary occupation was astatine nan Pawnee Police Department, wherever he held a part-time position betwixt August 2020 and July 2021, according to nan Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board (ILETSB). 

He besides worked astatine nan Kincaid Police Department from February 2021 to May 2021 and Virden Police Department from May 2021 to December 2021. Both were part-time positions. 

Grayson held full-time positions from Auburn Police Department from July 2021 to May 2022 and Logan County Sheriff's Office from May 2022 to April 2023. 

He started at Sangamon County successful May 2023, according to ILETSB. 

Civil authorities lawyer Benjamin Crump, who is representing Massey's family, has now asked why Grayson 'was moreover connected nan sheriff's section successful nan first place.'

In a statement announcing Grayson's termination, Logan County Sheriff Jack Campbell said it was 'clear that nan lawman did not enactment arsenic trained aliases successful accordance pinch our standards. 

In a follow-up connection connected July 22, nan sheriff wrote: 'Grayson had different options disposable that he should person used. His actions were inexcusable and do not bespeak nan values aliases training of our office. He will now look judgement by nan criminal justness strategy and will ne'er again activity successful rule enforcement. 

'Ms. Massey needlessly mislaid her life, and her family deserves answers. I spot nan ineligible process will supply them.' 

Source dailymail