What to expect at the 2024 GOP Convention in Milwaukee after Trump was shot at rally in assassination attempt

Trending 3 months ago

More than 50,000 group are descending connected Milwaukee, Wisconsin this week for nan Republican National Convention successful nan aftermath of an assassination effort connected nan Donald Trump.

A shooter hit Trump's receptor during his rally successful Butler, Pennsylvania connected Saturday earlier being changeable dormant by Secret Service. One rally attendee is deceased and others are injured.

But Trump is still going afloat steam up to Milwaukee this week for nan Republican National Convention wherever he will extremity nan week arsenic nan GOP statesmanlike nominee for nan 3rd clip successful a row.

DailyMail.com breaks down each nan specifications of this year's normal and what to watch arsenic nan events unfold and really it's affected aft nan historical assassination attempt.

Former President Donald Trump is still heading to Milwaukee, Wisconsin for nan Republican National Convention this week aft an assassination effort connected his life astatine his rally successful Butler, Pennsylvania connected Saturday 

A constabulary serviceman stands defender extracurricular Fiserv Forum successful Milwaukee, Wisconsin connected Sunday, July 14 arsenic preparations are finalized for nan kick-off of nan Republican National Convention connected Monday


Thomas Matthew Crooks, 20, opened fire astatine nan erstwhile president during a rally successful Butler, Pennsylvania connected Saturday. He clipped Trump's receptor but nan run says he is different 'fine.'

The gunman was quickly neutralized by U.S. Secret Service and 1 rally goer was killed and 2 others are critically injured and still successful nan infirmary but successful 'stable condition.'

With humor moving down Trump's face, nan 2024 campaigner raised his fist successful nan aerial and shouted 'fight' arsenic he was escorted disconnected shape by a circle of aggregate members of his Secret Service information detail.

'President Trump is doing good and grateful to rule enforcement and first responders for their accelerated action,' Trump run elder advisors Susie Wiles and Chris LaCivita said successful a Saturday statement.

They added: 'President Trump looks guardant to joining you each successful Milwaukee arsenic we proceed pinch our normal to nominate him to service arsenic nan 47th President of nan United States.'

The rally connected Saturday was meant to kick-off nan Convention festivities arsenic Trump prepares to go nan charismatic nominee while acting arsenic nan de facto campaigner for months.

It's unclear truthful acold really this incident will impact nan already tight information perimeter astir nan Convention aliases nan plans to support nan events safe.

But reporting indicates that information plans are being 'reexamined' connected Sunday.

U.S. Secret Service item shield Trump and escort him disconnected shape aft a slug grazed his receptor successful an assassination effort astatine his Pennsylvania rally connected Saturday – 2 days earlier nan commencement of nan GOP Convention

Trump Force One landed successful Milwaukee, Wisconsin connected Sunday pinch nan erstwhile president successful 2 aft he assured he would not hold his presence astatine nan Convention aft nan onslaught astatine his Pennsylvania rally

When deplaning Trump Force One successful Milwaukee connected Sunday afternoon, Trump was followed intimately down nan stairs by a personnel of his Secret Service Security detail


The 2024 GOP Convention is astatine Fiserv Forum successful Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

Official events will return spot starting astir 6:00 p.m. each nighttime from Monday, July 15 done Thursday, July 18.

Other activities will hap connected nan field astir nan arena starting astir 1:00 p.m. each time of nan Convention and immoderate closed-press meetings and gatherings will commence each time astir Milwaukee. 

By nan extremity of nan week, nan Republican Party will officially sanction Trump arsenic their nominee for president successful November.

Fiserv Forum opened successful 2018 and is nan location of nan Milwaukee Bucks master NBA hoops squad and nan assemblage hoops squad nan Golden Eagles of Marquette University.

The arena has a capacity of astir 18,000 erstwhile group up for concerts.


Milwaukee was chosen arsenic crushed zero for nan information this twelvemonth aft Wisconsin swung bluish successful 2020 aft voting reddish for Trump successful 2016.

'President Trump and nan Republican Party are committed to winning nan Midwest – nan caller fulcrum constituent of statesmanlike elections.' RNC Spokesman Kush Desai told DailyMail.com.

The value of nan midwest successful this predetermination is underscored by nan truth some nan RNC and Democratic National Committee (DNC) decided to clasp their respective nominating contests successful nan rust belt.

The Convention is expected to reason July 18 pinch Trump becoming nan Republican statesmanlike nominee for nan 3rd clip successful a row. Pictured: Trump flashes a thumbs-up astatine a rally successful Milwaukee suburb of Racine, Wisconsin connected June 18 

Workers hole nan roadworthy successful beforehand of Fiserv Forum earlier nan Republican National Convention successful Milwaukee, Wisconsin kicks disconnected connected July 15

The Democratic Convention is successful Chicago, Illinois successful August.

Wisconsin is simply a captious battleground for nan 2024 predetermination – arsenic are galore remainder loop states for illustration Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Trump won Wisconsin pinch 47.2 percent of nan ballot successful 2016 – conscionable a 0.7 percent separator complete past Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. Then successful 2020 nan authorities flipped bluish for Biden by a 0.6 percent separator complete Trump.

Democratic Mayor Cavalier Johnson's Director of Communications Jeff Fleming told DailyMail.com of nan action for nan normal site: 'Milwaukee is nan largest metropolis successful Wisconsin, a authorities that will beryllium important successful determining who wins nan Presidential predetermination successful November.'

'Both Republicans and Democrats are focused connected wooing voters successful our state,' he continued. 'That was surely a facet successful nan Republican's tract action process, conscionable arsenic it was successful 2020 erstwhile nan Democrats selected Milwaukee arsenic nan location for their Presidential nominating convention.'

Democratic Milwaukee Mayor Cavalier Johnson's agency told DailyMail.com of nan location for nan GOP Convention: 'Both Republicans and Democrats are focused connected wooing voters successful our state. That was surely a facet successful nan Republican's tract action process, conscionable arsenic it was successful 2020 erstwhile nan Democrats selected Milwaukee... for their Presidential nominating convention'


All 2,429 Republican delegates from crossed nan state will descend connected Milwaukee for nan Convention. Some will bring family members and different guests.

To unafraid nan Republican nomination, a campaigner must gain 1,215 of those delegates.

Members of Trump's family who are announced to be nan Convention are his sons Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump, arsenic good arsenic Don Jr.'s partner Kimberly Guilfoyle and Eric's woman Lara Trump – who was elected earlier this twelvemonth arsenic co-chair of nan Republican National Committee.

Former First Lady Melania Trump is besides preparing to make a awesome quality astatine nan Convention aft months of staying distant from statesmanlike race, DailyMail.com learned.

It remains unclear if she will reside nan crowd.

Some erstwhile 2024 contenders who dropped retired of nan title and endorsed Trump will make an quality astatine nan Convention. This includes nan likes of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis – who will make a reside connected nan main shape – South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and biotech entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy.

Fellow erstwhile 2024 competitor and one-time South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley is now expected apical make remarks astatine nan Convention, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Haley was nan past to driblet retired of nan GOP title against Trump for nan information earlier this twelvemonth and has already merchandise her 97 delegates to nan erstwhile president and said she will beryllium casting her ballot for him successful November.

Her squad antecedently disclosed that Haley was not invited to be nan Convention and was 'fine pinch that.'

'Trump deserves nan normal he wants. She's made it clear she's voting for him and wishes him nan best,' they added.

When asked astir nan Haley snub past week, Trump said he would look into it.

Trump's vice statesmanlike prime will besides beryllium successful Milwaukee – and nan erstwhile president said he will either announced who that is correct earlier nan Convention aliases during nan events.

Approximately 15,000 members of nan property are credentialed and expected to be nan Convention, nan RNC communications squad told DailyMail.com.

Members of nan GOP from crossed nan state will besides attend, arsenic good arsenic lawmakers and different honored guests.

North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum and his woman Kathryn get astatine Milwaukee Airport connected Sunday for nan GOP Convention

Former President Trump's daughter-in-law Lara Trump, who is joined to Eric, was voted arsenic co-chair of nan Republican National Committee earlier this twelvemonth arsenic nan statement moved to oust erstwhile Chair Ronna McDaniel for not being pro-Trump enough

Hundreds – and possibly moreover thousands – of nationalist and section lawmakers are heading to Milwaukee for nan convention.

Among nan notable attendees are Sens. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and J.D. Vance, some floated arsenic VP picks, Reps. Marjorie Taylor Green (R-Ga.) and Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) and South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem – a one-time-VP contender who flubbed her chances aft revealing she changeable her dog.

Some erstwhile White House officials who will amke an quality astatine nan GOP Convention see Kellyanne Conway, Ben Carson – who is successful nan veepstakes – Mike Pompeo and Tom Homan.

A root acquainted pinch readying said that location are apt to beryllium immoderate performances and impermanent speakers not progressive successful nan nominating process but invited to talk astir issues and individual experiences important to nan Republican schedule successful 2024.

Rapper and influencer Amber Rose will beryllium astatine nan Convention arsenic good arsenic Country euphony prima Chris Janson and UFC CEO Dana White.

The Trump run and RNC announced a line-up of 'every time Americans' who will speak astatine nan Convention to item issues important to nan agenda.

Among nan speakers are Anne Fundner, a mother who mislaid her 15-year-old boy to fentanyl-laced pills and moved from California aft authorities location would not prosecute prosecution for her son's overdose.

Shabbos Kestenbaum is simply a Jewish American alumnus of Harvard University who will speak astir really 'Joe Biden's America frighten nan lives of mundane Jewish Americans' amid nan warfare betwixt Israel and Hamas terrorists.


U.S. Secret Service requires that protesters and others who intend to show astatine nan Convention registry and sign-up for nan Demonstration Speakers Platform and Parade Route.

Those registered are required to stay successful nan designated First Amendment zone.

The Parade Route allows groups to move and march to definitive their views, while nan Speakers Platform gives demonstrators a clip slot for an opportunity to make remarks and speeches astir their cause.

The level and parade way are 'both wrong show and sound entree of nan Republican National Convention,' according to USSS.

RNC Chairman Michael Whatley told Fox News Sunday aft nan shooting nan time anterior that 'in position of nan beingness sense, nan arena is set. The information is here.'

'We consciousness very comfortable that we're moving pinch nan Secret Service, we're moving pinch 40 different rule enforcement agencies successful position of what that information is going to look like,' he added.

During a property convention connected Sunday, USSS said 'we're not completing immoderate changes to our operational information plans for this event.'

'We're assured successful nan plans that we person and we are moving guardant pinch those plans,' they added.

U.S. Secret Service created a ample perimeter astir nan Convention tract astatine Fiserv Forum successful Milwaukee, Wisconsin and has a dedicated parade way and speakers' level for protesters who want to show extracurricular nan GOP Convention

USSS Director Kimberly Cheatle held a property convention pinch section and national rule enforcement successful Milwaukee connected June 22 wherever she elaborate information protocols and precautions being taken to guarantee a safe Convention 

Director of USSS Kimberly Cheatle held a property convention pinch different rule enforcement officials successful Milwaukee connected Friday, June 22 to preview information plans and outline wherever demonstrators will beryllium capable to stitchery and make their voices heard connected nan sidelines of nan Convention.

'The Mayor's agency worked pinch nan United States Secret Service and section rule enforcement to place due objection areas,' Mayor Cavalier Johnson's Director of Communications Jeff Fleming told DailyMail.com.

Specifically, Fleming noted, section businesses were concerned astir demonstrations disrupting their operations. This is 1 of nan main reasons a location was decided that sits northbound of nan Convention but is still successful 'direct line-of-sight to nan beforehand doorway of Fiserv Forum.'

Just hours aft USSS property convention past month, 1 of nan astir salient groups readying to lead protests astatine nan RNC slammed nan plans to support them contained during demonstrations.

Co-chair of nan Coalition to March connected nan RNC 2024, Omar Flores, claimed nan city's plans to activity pinch USSS to support them contained is 'insulting.'

The 'hard' information area elaborate astatine nan property convention would encompass nan superior normal sites of Fiserv Forum connected nan northbound down to nan Baird Center connected nan south. The Secret Service is offering areas successful parks to nan northbound and southbound ends of that area for protesters.

Despite nan USSS website's claims to nan contrary, Floes said: 'It's wholly insulting for them to connection either of those parks because they're not wrong show and sound of nan Fiserv Forum.'

'I cognize of nary important concerns expressed astir really rule enforcement is managing protesters,' nan mayor's agency noted.


Republicans were very focused connected making judge delegates were capable to enactment astatine hotels successful Milwaukee aliases surrounding Wisconsin towns. They said that it was important that Wisconsin businesses were capable to reap nan benefits of nan normal being hosted there.

After Democrats were slammed for booking edifice clusters adjacent Chicago, Illinois alternatively of successful Milwaukee for their 2020 convention, Republicans are making judge that each normal activity is kept adjacent to nan Wisconsin city.

'From time 1 of nan normal readying process, we committed to making nan 2024 Republican National Convention a Wisconsin-centered normal to genuinely item everything nan authorities has to connection while putting Milwaukee connected nan world stage,' RNC Spokesman Kush Desai told DailyMail.com.

'From keeping 100% of our edifice contracts successful nan authorities to moving manus successful mitt pinch section businesses to make our normal plans a reality, everything we person done connected nan crushed underscores that nan days of nan Democrats' mythical 'Blue Wall' successful nan Midwest are gone.'

Some reports emerged a period earlier nan normal claiming that Trump planned to enactment successful Chicago wrong of Milwaukee. But his run instantly replied to nan reports, claiming it was not true.

But nan outlets declare nan run changed plans and rebooked Trump successful Milwaukee erstwhile they reached retired to his squad to inquire astir his scheme for accommodations for nan week.


The RNC has organized a time clip show of sorts wherever section Wisconsin businesses tin group up to beforehand their products to Convention walk holders.

Delegates, guests, media, unit and others fixed credentials to beryllium wrong nan information perimeter for nan Convention will person entree to Convention Fest.

A root acquainted pinch readying told DailyMail.com that section businesses, restaurants, unit and arena companies will beryllium group up astatine tents extracurricular Fiserv Forum to springiness those astatine nan arena a sensation of what Wisconsin has to offer.

'A batch of people, it's their first clip successful Milwaukee,' they noted, claiming that nan RNC wants nan metropolis to time off a bully belief connected visitors who whitethorn person ne'er been to Wisconsin before.

Convention Fest will besides see events and unrecorded entertainment.

Former 2024 Republican statesmanlike superior campaigner Vivek Ramaswamy (left) and Majority Leader Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana (right) talk astatine Trump's rally successful Racine, Wisconsin connected June 18, 2024


Just weeks earlier nan convention, Trump was plagued pinch reports claiming he called Milwaukee a 'horrible city' during a closed-door gathering pinch Republicans successful Washington, D.C. successful June.

Trump denied nan reports and lawmakers later came retired to corroborate that Trump ne'er dissed nan Convention hosting city.

But nan news rhythm led to immoderate concerns complete Trump's cognition of a awesome metropolis successful 1 of nan state's important to winning successful 2024.

Just days aft nan comments were reported, Trump held a rally successful Racine, Wisconsin, which is conscionable 30 miles southbound of Milwaukee. There he defended his emotion for Milwaukee and nan authorities wide but acknowledged immoderate activity needed to beryllium done to reside crime.

Source dailymail