What Is a Neobank, and Are They Safe?

Trending 2 months ago

What Is a Neobank? 

Neobanks are financial technology companies that connection integer banking products and services done websites aliases mobile apps. They purpose to disrupt accepted banking models by offering competitory rates connected loans, debased fees, and higher-than-average liking rates connected deposit accounts. 

However, neobanks—on their own—are not banks. Banks are chartered institutions that person been licensed to judge deposits and rumor loans; neobanks deficiency those distinctions. Instead, they partner pinch chartered financial institutions to connection slope accounts, loans, and wealthiness guidance services.

For consumers who for illustration a wholly integer acquisition aliases who person been disappointed pinch accepted banks successful nan past, neobanks tin beryllium appealing. However, location are immoderate risks to neobanks you should beryllium alert of earlier switching each your slope accounts. 

Neobanks are progressively popular. As of October 2023, location were astir 400 neobanks worldwide, according to a study from world consultancy patient Simon-Kucher.

Key Takeaways

  • Neobanks, which connection integer banking services, tin make slope accounts much accessible owed to their online presence, debased fees, and competitory rates.
  • The world neobanking marketplace was weighted astatine $83 cardinal successful July 2023, and it's expected to turn astatine a compound yearly maturation complaint of 54.8% done 2030. 
  • Neobanks typically boast higher-than-average yearly percent yields (APYs) connected savings and money marketplace accounts.
  • Neobanks trust connected their relationships pinch chartered banks to supply financial products. 

How a Neobank Works

Neobanks partner pinch chartered banks to connection deposit accounts, loans, and different financial services. Unlike accepted banks and in installments unions, which whitethorn connection integer portals while besides operating beingness branches, neobanks only connection their services and products online aliases done a mobile app.

For example, Chime is simply a well-known neobank. It's a financial exertion institution alternatively than a bank. As nan good people connected its website states, its banking services, in installments accounts, and debit paper are provided done partnerships pinch The Bancorp Bank and Stride Bank.

The American Bankers Association reported that consumers conducted banking activities via mobile app much than immoderate different method successful 2023, highlighting nan imaginable for neobanks' maturation arsenic consumers progressively usage integer banking platforms to grip their finances.

Neobanks differentiate themselves done robust and easy-to-use integer platforms.

"Neobanks tin connection customized services that accepted banks whitethorn not, specified arsenic budgeting devices and real-time transaction notifications," said Thomas Henske, a certified financial planner (CFP) astatine The Affluent Insurance Advisor. "It's easy to ideate that much banking will spell successful this direction, particularly post-pandemic wherever location is little of a desire to sojourn a brick-and-mortar branch."

Neobanks typically target consumers successful circumstantial groups:

  • The unbanked and underbanked: As of 2022, astir 6% of adults successful nan U.S. were unbanked, meaning they did not person entree to a slope account. Adults whitethorn not person a slope relationship because of concerns astir slope fees aliases deposit requirements, aliases because they deficiency a adjacent branch. Neobanks service these customers by making lower-cost banking options disposable online.
  • Hourly workers: Hourly workers tin return advantage of neobanks' features to negociate their cash; galore neobanks person features for illustration early direct deposit entree truthful workers tin person their paychecks early aliases return retired interest-free paycheck advances. 
  • Students and young adults: College students and young adults are often connected tight budgets, whitethorn person student indebtedness debt, and whitethorn request assistance managing their finances. Neobanks tin beryllium appealing because they person debased fees and debased minimum deposit requirements, they whitethorn connection student indebtedness resources, and they often supply financial acquisition tools.
  • Savers and finance enthusiasts: Neobanks tin beryllium a smart action for those looking to maximize their money. These digital-only institutions boast deposit accounts pinch higher-than-average APYs, helping you turn your money faster. 

"Two of nan biggest advantages to nan wide user of utilizing a neobank are that they often do not complaint a batch of nan fees that accepted brick-and-mortar banks charge, and [they] typically connection higher liking rates connected savings accounts and certificates of deposit (CDs) than accepted banks," said Drew Feutz, a CFP and laminitis of Migration Wealth Management. 

Neobanks thin to make money successful different ways, specified arsenic subscription aliases rank fees and interchange fees. Interchange fees—the costs merchants must salary whenever a customer makes a acquisition pinch a in installments aliases debit card—are responsible for a awesome portion of neobanks' revenues. For example, interchange fees made up astir 80% of Varo's non-interest gross successful 2022, according to an study by marketplace investigation patient Sacra. 

Pros and Cons of Neobanks


  • Higher APYs connected deposit accounts

  • Lower relationship fees

  • Robust integer and mobile platforms


  • No beingness branch locations

  • Limited products and services

  • May not beryllium covered by FDIC insurance

Pros Explained

  • Higher APYs connected deposit accounts: Fintech companies and neobanks don't run beingness branches. As a result, they person little overhead costs than accepted banks, truthful they tin supply higher-than-average APYs connected savings accounts, money marketplace accounts, and CDs.
  • Lower relationship fees: Because neobank services are only disposable online aliases done a mobile app, nan companies thin to complaint little relationship fees than accepted banks. For example, you tin unfastened a checking relationship pinch nary monthly fees done respective neobanks.
  • Robust integer and mobile platforms: Neobanks specialize successful comprehensive, easy-to-use integer platforms and mobile apps that let you to grip astir banking tasks online aliases pinch your smartphone. 

Cons Explained

  • No beingness branch locations: Neobanks don't run beingness branches, truthful you can't get in-person help. 
  • Limited products and services: Neobanks whitethorn person constricted partnerships pinch chartered banks, truthful they whitethorn only connection immoderate accounts and services. For example, immoderate whitethorn person savings accounts but whitethorn not connection CDs aliases money marketplace accounts. 
  • May not beryllium covered by FDIC insurance: Neobanks aren't chartered banks, truthful they aren't backed by Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insurance. If nan neobank you take has collaborated pinch a chartered, FDIC-insured bank, your deposits are protected successful lawsuit nan slope fails aliases closes, but not each neobanks are affiliated pinch FDIC-insured banks. 

Even if your neobank has collaborated pinch an FDIC-insured bank, nan costs you deposit are only covered erstwhile nan neobank deposits them into an eligible relationship astatine an insured bank. Your money whitethorn beryllium unprotected during nan transportation process. 

Popular Neobanks

Some of nan best-known neobanks see Chime, Dave, and Varo.

Monthly Fee $0 “Small fee” $0
Checking Accounts Yes Yes Yes
Savings Accounts Yes Yes Yes
CDs No No No
Credit Cards No No Yes
Benefits Credit builder loans,
early nonstop deposit
Cash advances,
early nonstop deposit
Cash advances, lines of credit, early nonstop deposit


Chime is simply a San Francisco-based neobank that partners pinch The Bancorp Bank and Stride Bank to supply slope and in installments accounts. Through its platform, consumers tin unfastened checking accounts and high-yield savings accounts and return retired in installments builder loans. Neither its checking aliases savings accounts complaint monthly fees, and Chime offers benefits for illustration early nonstop deposit access.


Dave is simply a neobank known for its budgeting app and rate beforehand benefits. There are nary monthly relationship fees, but Dave does complaint monthly rank fees—while this is wide reported online to beryllium $1 per month, Dave’s ain tract only refers to it arsenic a “small fee.” 

Dave’s banking services are provided done Evolve Bank & Trust, an FDIC-insured financial institution. The app launched successful 2017, and since its inception, it's served complete 10 cardinal members.


Varo was 1 of nan first neobanks to suffice arsenic a full-service chartered bank. As a result, its products are issued done Varo Bank. Varo offers checking accounts, savings accounts, secured in installments cards, and rate advances. It besides precocious announced that it will statesman offering lines of credit successful summertime 2024. It presently has much than 3 cardinal customers.

You tin usage nan FDIC’s BankFind instrumentality to look up whether an institution, specified arsenic a neobank aliases its chartered slope partner, is FDIC-insured.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) 

Do Neobanks Charge Lower Fees?

In general, neobanks complaint little fees than accepted banks that run brick-and-mortar branches since they person little overhead costs. 

Can I Get a Loan Through a Neobank?

Some neobanks—such arsenic SoFi and Varo—do connection loans aliases lines of credit. But neobanks typically person less products than accepted banks, and not each connection borrowing options. It’s wise to cheque nan best indebtedness rates presently disposable from each sources earlier making a decision.

Are Neobanks Failing?

Neobanks are mostly limited connected interchange fees for their revenue, and immoderate adjustments to that interest schedule affects their profitability. According to nan U.S. Department of nan Treasury, respective neobanks person operating losses, putting them at consequence of failing. 

"No business tin past everlastingly without earning a profit," cautioned Feutz. "Even nan largest neobank successful nan U.S., Chime, is not profitable yet."

Will Neobanks Replace Traditional Banks?

Neobanks coming a important situation to accepted banks, but they've struggled to go profitable. Rather than replacing accepted banks, neobanks complement nan existent banking institutions and person motivated accepted banks to accommodate to changing exertion by offering online accounts and financial mobile apps.

Are Neobanks Risky?

There tin beryllium immoderate risks pinch neobanks. Perhaps astir importantly, your deposits are only protected if they're deposited pinch an FDIC-insured bank. 

"Not each neobanks person specified insurance, truthful it's important for customers to cheque this earlier opening an account," warned Henske. 

Additionally, location person been issues successful nan past pinch neobanks that handled cryptocurrency transactions misrepresenting themselves arsenic FDIC-insured, truthful beryllium alert that crypto transactions aren't covered nether FDIC insurance. 

The Bottom Line

For those who for illustration to grip their finances connected nan spell aliases who want to maximize their savings, neobanks tin beryllium useful alternatives to accepted banks. They typically connection higher APYs and little fees than brick-and-mortar banks, and they whitethorn supply added benefits for illustration early nonstop deposit entree aliases low-cost rate advances. 

However, beryllium judge to take a neobank that useful pinch a chartered, FDIC-insured slope to rumor its products. Otherwise, you consequence losing money if nan neobank fails. 

Source investopedia