What if Trump had been killed? FREDDY GRAY'S account is as shocking as it is believable

Trending 2 months ago

Sometimes, history turns not connected huge, epochal forces but connected momentary twists of fate.

Had Donald Trump not shifted his caput by a fewer degrees nan instant earlier nan first changeable was fired astatine a rally connected July 13, he would person been killed — and events successful nan US could person taken a very different turn.

So if nan worst had happened, and Trump had tragically go nan 5th US President to beryllium assassinated, what mightiness person followed?

Here, Freddy Gray dares to see nan anticipation — and comes to immoderate profoundly troubling conclusions.

Insane formation of fancy aliases each excessively terrifyingly likely? You determine . . .

Donald Trump is surrounded by Secret Service officers successful nan aftermath of nan assassination attempt

Thomas Matthew Crooks, nan gunman who opened occurrence connected erstwhile president Donald Trump during a rally successful Pennsylvania

Secret Service agents connected precocious alert aft nan effort connected Mr Trump's life

At 8.24pm, Eastern Time, nan emergency squad astatine Butler Memorial Hospital, Pennsylvania, confirmed nan news. Donald Trump, nan 45th President of nan United States, was dead.

In New York, CNN's anchor Anderson Cooper stared astatine nan autocue.

'Well, it's official,' he said. 'Donald Trump becomes nan 5th American president to person been assassinated, nan first since John F. Kennedy successful 1963, and nan first to beryllium killed having . . . I'm sorry, I didn't . . .' He choked up, unrecorded connected air, arsenic he held backmost tears for nan man he'd hated truthful passionately.

An hr later, President Joe Biden addressed nan federation from nan White House: 'Political unit is nan other of what we stand for,' he said. 'In this unspeakable moment, we must activity to unite, not divide.' For once, he didn't stutter aliases stumble.

Biden telephoned Trump's widow, Melania, to connection condolences. She refused to return nan call. Her agency released its ain short statement. 'They've killed my husband,' it said, echoing nan words of Jackie Kennedy 60 years before. 'He loved his country.'

World leaders offered support. 'We guidelines pinch America astatine this time,' said Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer. 'We guidelines pinch America astatine each times.'

King Charles confirmed he would spell to nan ceremonial pinch Queen Camilla and Prince William. Prince Harry and Meghan did not comment. From nan Kremlin, Vladimir Putin issued a statement: 'This calamity shows nan evil of home terrorism.'

From Beijing, Xi Jinping sent 'sincere sympathies'. Hungary's Viktor Orban called Trump 'a lion of Western civilisation'.

Back astatine nan Butler Farm Showground successful Pennsylvania, wherever nan shooting happened, nan crowds grew steadily done nan night. Locals lit candles and said prayers. 'Tonight we grieve,' said Vince Fusca, a Trump fan. 'Tomorrow we return our state back.'

Others were little patient. In Pittsburgh, little than an hour's thrust away, a mob of Trump supporters quickly encircled a downtown edifice containing First Lady Jill Biden, who had been campaigning successful nan city.

Windows were smashed and fights collapsed retired arsenic nan crowd bayed for blood. A subject chopper whisked nan president's woman to information from nan roof. 'They ever look aft their own,' said 1 protester connected nan thoroughfare below.

In galore US cities that night, residents near their homes to participate successful serene vigils for Trump. At 3am, however, successful Portland, Oregon, a pack of far-Left 'Antifa' activists started a large thoroughfare party. 'Bang bang!' they sang exultantly. 'Bye Bye!' Jubilation soon turned to rioting. Young men successful masks began looting.

The constabulary did not respond. 'Our resources are overstretched,' said Mayor Ted Wheeler. 'We're besides dealing pinch aggregate far-Right threats.'

In adjacent Washington County, astatine 6.25am, a Trump instrumentality pinch an AR-15 battle firearm opened occurrence connected nan section Democratic Party office. Two information officers were killed.

Pro-Trump protesters conflict pinch constabulary arsenic they title nan consequence of nan 2020 election

Trump supporters astatine nan doorway to nan Senate enclosure connected January 6

Meanwhile, nan online conspiracy theories spread. How had nan Secret Service fto nan assassin — identified by nan FBI arsenic Thomas Matthew Crooks — get truthful close? Why did snipers hold truthful agelong to propulsion nan trigger?

Footage of Secret Service agents 'acting strangely' circulated. Photographs, perchance doctored, showed a 'second shooter' connected a h2o tower.

'Use your eyes, people,' wrote Matt Gaetz, nan Republican Florida Congressman, connected societal media. 'This is what nan Deep State ever wanted!' Television big Alex Jones went further connected his Infowars channel: 'Satan himself has taken complete nan United States of America!'

On Sunday afternoon, nan existent rage began. Trucks festooned successful 'Trump 2024' flags drove into New York. Near Trump Tower connected Fifth Avenue, a gunfight collapsed out. Some 30 group were changeable dead, galore much injured. Similar battles collapsed retired successful Detroit, Chicago, and Los Angeles.

In Washington DC, a 200-strong 'patriot militia' attempted what its members called 'The Second Storming' of Capitol Hill. The onslaught was repelled but nan unit took different 22 lives.

Nearby, connected Pennsylvania Avenue, a pack of far-Right 'Proud Boys' pinch shot bats hit a Democratic Congressman to death. The White House property agency called him a 'martyr for democracy'. 'THE DONALD IS DEAD!' screamed nan beforehand page of nan New York Post. 'Events beget events,' opined an editorial successful nan Washington Post.

By Monday morning, President Biden called a nationalist emergency and ordered nan National Guard to reconstruct order. But nan guard's chief, General Daniel R. Hokanson, informed him nan unit was excessively widespread. 'America is connected fire, Mr President,' he said. 'We can't put it out.'

The temper calmed connected Tuesday arsenic Trump's coffin, draped successful nan nationalist flag, arrived successful nan nation's capital. As is custom, nan closed casket was lain successful authorities successful nan Capitol Rotunda.

Dignitaries made measurement arsenic Melania Trump and her precocious husband's children — Don Jr, Eric, Ivanka, Tiffany and Barron — traipsed done Congress to honour nan deceased. Don Jr past flew to nan Republican National Convention, successful Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to springiness 1 of nan opening addresses.

'Everybody said we should cancel,' he said. 'But arsenic my begetter said: 'They're not aft me, they're aft you. I americium conscionable opinionated successful nan way.' Now he's gone. It falls to america to conflict for him.'

He received a opinionated ovation.

Don Jr besides announced that his begetter had picked JD Vance, nan Ohio Senator, arsenic his vice-presidential nominee. 'His prime ought to beryllium honoured,' he said.

'JD will lead our fight.'

Twenty minutes later, however, Michael Whatley, nan co-chair of nan Republican National Committee, declared that nan RNC did not endorse Vance.

Fights collapsed retired connected nan level of nan Convention centre. Delegates were removed from nan building.

'The Deep State is trying to hijack our party,' Republican. Matt Gaetz told Fox News.

The RNC past issued a connection announcing that Nikki Haley would beryllium nan nominee.

On Wednesday, JD Vance was murdered. An Antifa activistic known arsenic 'Red Head' changeable him pinch a crossbow arsenic he took his family to Mass successful Middletown, Ohio. Vance only had 2 Secret Service agents protecting him. The agents changeable Red Head 12 times. He died instantly. 'They are executing anyone who wants to Make America Great Again,' wrote Don Jr connected societal media. 'Take our state backmost NOW.'

Meanwhile, members of an evangelical congregation successful Dallas County, Texas, claimed that, connected nan 3rd time aft his death, a resurrected Donald Trump had appeared earlier them. 'He came to maine and said: 'We must fight! Fight for Jesus!' ' said 1 aged woman pinch sunglasses and a Make America Great Again shot cap.

At nan aforesaid time, Donald Trump's Truth Social media relationship began posting again. First came an image of Trump pinch a halo supra nan words: 'Where we go, 1 we spell all' — a favourite motto of 'QAnon' conspiracy theorists. Then came an image of Lazarus, nan Biblical fig who roseate from nan dead.

In Washington, insiders whispered that 81-year-old President Biden, who was suffering from Covid, mightiness beryllium stepping down.

'He was staying successful because only he could conclusion Trump,' said 1 Democratic source. 'Now that's not an issue.'

On July 19, Biden declared successful a video that he would beryllium resigning arsenic Commander-in-Chief, effective immediately. He endorsed his vice-president Kamala Harris.

Having been sworn successful astatine nan White House, Harris gave an reside outside. 'I perceive talk astir nan Deep State,' she said. 'But I deliberation we request a deeper state. A authorities that loves much profoundly and cares much deeply.'

Online broadcaster Tucker Carlson called her remarks 'the weirdest reside successful history'.

On Monday, July 22, a horse-drawn caisson — a subject wagon — transported Trump's assemblage to Washington National Cathedral for nan State Funeral. Wearing acheronian glasses, Melania Trump refused to admit nan Harris and Biden families arsenic she walked pinch her teenage boy Barron to nan front. King Charles sat awkwardly adjacent to a visibly affectional Nigel Farage.

Eric and Ivanka Trump gave tearful eulogies. Tiffany publication lyrics to The Snake by Oscar Brown, 1 of her father's favourite ballads, which includes nan line: 'Oh unopen up silly woman, said nan reptile pinch a grin. You knew damn good I was a snake earlier you took maine in.'

The immense crowds remained serene passim nan day. That night, however, much thoroughfare fights broke retired crossed nan superior betwixt Trump fans and Left-wing activists. At slightest 15 group died successful nan violence.

On July 28 came a shocking caller development. Vivek Ramaswamy, nan erstwhile Republican statesmanlike hopeful, announced he would guidelines arsenic nan campaigner of a 'Trump Party' successful 2024. 'Our Republic needs saving,' he declared. 'And we'll do that by immoderate intends necessary.' His run raised $150 cardinal successful 48 hours. Trump's Truth Social relationship posted different picture: a Christ-like Donald pinch his manus connected Ramaswamy's shoulder.

Then, connected August 4, a car explosive went disconnected extracurricular Nikki Haley's mansion successful South Carolina. Neither Haley nor her family were harmed.

'Donald Trump would beryllium ashamed,' she said, visibly shaken. 'I will not springiness successful to this violence.' She resigned her candidacy nan pursuing day.

Two days later, Ramaswamy, flanked by 2 Proud Boys carrying AR-556s, declared himself nan presumptive Republican nominee. 'If we can't return this state backmost democratically, we'll person to find different way,' he said.

The pursuing day, respective 'Patriot Army' brigades surrounded Republican Party offices successful Texas, Georgia, Nevada and Arizona. 'UNCIVIL WAR,' shouted nan beforehand page of USA Today.

Six months passed. On January 20, 2025, President Ramaswamy delivered his inaugural reside from nan West Front of nan Capitol building. 'To bring this state together,' he said, 'we must destruct our enemies.'

All nan measurement down nan National Mall, nan MAGA service shouted . . .

Source dailymail