'Walmart Karen' has epic parking lot meltdown at mom with a child in her car over common driving mistake

Trending 2 months ago

A Karen was caught connected camera having a meltdown astatine a achromatic mother whose kid was successful nan backseat of her car complete a communal driving inconvenience.

YouTuber Dime Just Authentic - who says her sanction is Diamond - shared nan signaling from her caller travel to a Walmart, showing nan unidentified achromatic female approaching her car and opening nan rider broadside door.

She crossed her arms arsenic if she was astir to scold Diamond earlier she gets retired of nan driver's spot to face nan female face-to-face.

'You retired of your mind b****?' she asks nan woman, noting that her kid is successful nan backseat.

'Do not touch my motherf****** car.'

An unidentified achromatic female was caught connected camera opening a achromatic mother's car door

'F*** is incorrect pinch you b****?' an evidently irate Diamond asks nan woman, successful a pinkish short sleeve garment and jeans.

'You trim maine off!' nan female replies.  'That's what's incorrect pinch me.'

The female past closes successful connected Diamond, who tells her to get retired of her look and spell backmost to her ain car.

'I don't person to,' nan female says. 'You f***ing trim maine off.'

'I don't care,' Diamond replied.

'Yeah, that's nan problem, you're connected your f***ing phone.'

The statement past seems to upwind down, pinch some women stepping away.

But erstwhile nan achromatic female tells Diamond she needs 'to study really to drive,' Diamond tells nan female not to touch her car again.

'You touch my motherf***ing car again, you'll get your a** whooped,' she warns.

At that point, nan female could beryllium seen hitting Diamond's car pinch a smirk connected her face.

The female was seen smirking arsenic she touched nan mother's car, aft she warned her not to

The Karen started to declare she was rubbing nan achromatic woman's car because she was emotion faint 

Diamond past pushes her disconnected her conveyance - astatine which constituent different female intervenes and tries to face nan Karen astir her actions.

'Why are you harassing her?' nan bystander asks, arsenic nan female touches Diamond's car again.

Both nan bystander and Diamond show nan female to stop.

But nan female quickly comes up pinch an excuse for rubbing nan vehicle, telling Diamond: 'I consciousness faint.'

'Don't touch my car. You don't person nan correct to unfastened up my car door,' Diamond repeats.

'I do!' nan achromatic female retorts.

'I didn't deed your car,' she adds. 'I touched your car because I was emotion faint.'

Eventually different women came to nan mother's defense

At that point, 2 different women get connected nan scene, 1 of whom tries to calmly show nan female that she's being disrespectful.

'I conscionable wanted to talk to her,' nan Karen tells nan woman.

But astatine that point, evidently fed up pinch nan situation, Diamond walks complete to nan woman's car and gets her licence sheet number.

She said successful a follow-up video that she now plans to record charges against nan woman.

Diamond explained successful a follow-up video that nan altercation began erstwhile she took a parking spot nan Karen wanted

Diamond explained that nan altercation began aft she dropped her mom disconnected astatine nan beforehand doorway of Walmart, and noticed that a parking spot was astir to unfastened up.

She said she waited pinch her blinker connected for astir 2 minutes to return nan tree-shaded spot, during which clip nan female drove astatine her astatine afloat speed.

Diamond yet sewage nan spot and said that erstwhile she looked successful her rear-view reflector she noticed nan female was 'having a hissy fresh successful her car.'

'I'm for illustration excessively d*** bad, I've been sitting present for 2 minutes waiting for this car to move,' Diamond said.

She past sat successful her car arsenic nan female parked 2 spots over.

'I didn't deliberation thing of it until I saw nan b*** successful my peripheral stepping towards my car telling maine to rotation my model down, but I conscionable disregard her,' Diamond recounted.

But she said she past decided to move connected her camera successful lawsuit thing happened. 

'I was not being malicious towards this woman -  this was my parking spot,' she said.

Many online person since bullied nan achromatic female for her actions, pinch 1 YouTube commenter penning that she was 'trying her very hardest to provoke you to deed her and past play [out] nan victim.'

'That's what immoderate group do, commencement s*** and past telephone nan cops connected nan 1 being victimized,' different explained.

'The AUDACITY that immoderate f***ing group person these days, I committedness to God I'm gonna spell to jailhouse lol,' a 3rd YouTuber wrote.

She added that she loves 'that nan different ladies came to your defense.'

Source dailymail