Uber passenger watches on in shock when his driver is pulled over and hauled away in handcuffs outside Miami International Airport

Trending 3 months ago

A rider taking an Uber thrust recovered themselves caught up successful a heated incident erstwhile an agitated bull stopped his driver and hauled him distant successful handcuffs. 

Video footage shows nan rider's position from nan backseat aft he was picked up from Miami International Airport connected Saturday. 

The clip originates erstwhile nan car is already pulled complete and nan bull is heard asking nan Uber driver, who was wearing a sweat set complete his achromatic curly hair, for his license, registration and security documents. 

According to Miami-Dade Police, nan Uber was blocking postulation while dropping disconnected a rider successful an unauthorized location astatine Miami International Airport, WSVN reported. 

The Uber driver appeared to beryllium startled arsenic he was rushed to supply nan accusation from different places successful his vehicle, but arsenic he asked for much clip to stitchery nan documents together nan bull seemed to position this arsenic a hold tactic. 

Pictured: The Uber driver astatine nan Miami airdrome that would yet get arrested by a constabulary officer

The driver nervously looked backmost astatine his rider - who he had apt known for each of 2 minutes - and asked him to grounds what was going on.

The rider softly affirmed that he was already rolling, seemingly not wanting to tie immoderate attraction to himself.

Shortly aft this, nan bull issued his first threat to nan driver arsenic he demanded his security details. 

'Are you going to springiness it to me?' nan serviceman asked. 'Or are you coming retired of nan car?'

Once nan driver checked pinch nan serviceman connected which documents he wanted and if it was okay for him to scope for them, he began rooting astir successful his glovebox.

He appeared to manus complete his licence earlier saying to nan cop: 'It's Saturday, we're some working. I'm conscionable dropping personification off.'

He gets trim off, nan serviceman not wanting him to tie immoderate parallels betwixt their 2 jobs.

'We're some not doing nan aforesaid thing, sir. I'm providing information and security, and you're obstructing nan roadway,' nan serviceman said.

The 2 continued to person a heated exchange, which culminated successful nan serviceman proclaiming he is older and has much life experience.

The rider captures nan infinitesimal nan bull leads distant nan driver, who is bounded astatine nan wrists pinch handcuffs

'I americium older. I do person much experience. You are younger, and I wish you would perceive much than you speak. That's why God gave you 2 ears and 1 mouth. You perceive much than you speak.

'Give maine your registration and your insurance. I'm not present to return your nonsense.'

The driver called retired nan bull for being 'aggressive' and said 'there's a measurement to do it.'

'I apologize if you consciousness that way, but you person to do what you're told,' nan bull responds. 

When nan driver doesn't instantly manus complete nan documents and alternatively lectures him astir treating him kindly and for illustration a quality being, nan serviceman threatens to propulsion him retired of nan car erstwhile again.

'This is not normal. This is not normal,' nan driver repeats successful disbelief, looking backmost astatine nan passenger's camera again.

The hostility grew until nan serviceman mislaid his cool. He resorted to snatching each nan papers successful nan driver's lap.

'Give maine nan registration and springiness maine nan deity damn security and extremity playing games pinch me,' nan bull said arsenic he ripped nan registration from nan driver's hand.

He besides told nan driver that if he 'resists' him, he'll 'make nan news.' 

Eventually, nan driver was capable to propulsion up his security paper connected his phone, saying it was a screenshot. 

This was nan incorrect point to say.

'You person to person a beingness insurance,' nan bull told him. 

According to Florida authorities law, this is incorrect.

The Uber driver is pulled retired of nan car by nan bull aft he grounded to nutrient a beingness transcript of his security card

The bull throws nan driver against his ain car model earlier slapping handcuffs connected him

Here, nan rider leans guardant to grounds nan serviceman handcuffing his Uber driver

Florida's 2023 statutes opportunity that impervious of centrifugal conveyance security 'shall beryllium successful a azygous insubstantial aliases physics format.'

In fact, Florida is 1 of 49 states - and Washington D.C. - that let its residents to show their car security via their phone.

New Mexico is nan only authorities wherever an physics security paper isn't explicitly accepted.

Officials from nan constabulary section confirmed that contrary to what nan serviceman said, an physics security paper is valid during a postulation stop. 

When nan driver yet confirmed he didn't person a insubstantial transcript of his insurance, nan pair's misunderstanding of 1 different continued. 

The bull was heard fiddling pinch nan handcuffs and started to propulsion nan driver retired of nan car. The driver reminded him that his car was still successful drive. 

Once nan conveyance was successful park, nan serviceman wasted nary clip successful ripping him retired of his spot and slamming him up against nan car window.

He past bent him complete nan still-open driver's broadside doorway and ordered him to put his hands down his back.

Vehicles thrust on nan departures area astatine Miami International Airport connected July 3, 2024. 

The rider leaned person and recorded nan serviceman tightening nan handcuffs complete nan driver's wrists, earlier he yanked him distant backmost to nan constabulary car.

He was led backwards to nan squad car and put inside. 

Investigators told WSVN nan Uber driver wasn't obeying commands and was detained, but wasn't arrested. 

The three-minute agelong video of this apprehension sewage complete 14,000 likes connected TikTok and astir 4,500 comments arsenic of Monday morning. 

Many viewers thought nan bull seemed to beryllium connected a powerfulness trip, pinch others saying he should beryllium fired for his conduct.

Viewers of nan TikTok video took to nan comments to respond to nan cop's behaviour passim nan brushwood pinch nan Uber driver

'That was truthful retired of control. That bull was truthful retired of statement and needs to suffer consequences - I’m judge this isn’t his first clip behaving for illustration this,' 1 personification wrote. 

Others mentioned nan cop's flawed knowing of nan rule governing physics security cards, pinch 1 personification saying she's been driving for 10 years and has ne'er had a problem showing security connected her phone.

A celebrated Instagram relationship that shares Miami-Dade contented reposted this video, wherever it sewage almost arsenic overmuch engagement arsenic it did connected TikTok.

Team South Florida, a nonprofit that supports nan families of fallen officers, commented connected nan Instagram repost of nan video.

'This is 1 we cannot get behind. To our rule enforcement family, return this 1 connected nan chin, study from it, and do better,' nan statement wrote.

'We are nan first to take sides rule enforcement erstwhile successful nan right. We cannot and should not disregard erstwhile we are successful nan incorrect though.

'The only excuse we tin deliberation of was a bad day, reliable erstwhile call, aliases an ego/attitude problem. None of which are excuses.'

DailyMail.com approached nan the Miami-Dade Police Department for comment. 

Source dailymail