Truth about the female viagra 'golden pill': The women who say it revolutionised their sex life... as doctors reveal how to get libido medications that really work

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Not each is cleanable successful nan world of exemplary and TV presenter Abbey Clancy, it seems. Last week, nan erstwhile Strictly winner, mother of 4 and woman of erstwhile footballer Peter Crouch, revealed that her libido, astatine conscionable 38, had suffered astatine times.

Speaking connected nan latest section of The Therapy Crouch podcast — which she co‑presents pinch her hubby — Abbey explained that a expert had told her 'health anxiety' (which is wherever personification worries excessively astir becoming ill) could impact her activity drive.

'I'm fighting battles each nan time, truthful I'm not relaxed,' she said. 'I was talking to immoderate of nan girls and we're each getting to a definite age, our hormones are each complete nan place. [They told maine about] an all-natural supplement for women which helps pinch an array of things.

'And, apparently, for 1 of our mates friends, it's moving truthful good nan husband's like: 'Ah, not coming babe, I'm exhausted.' It's been hailed arsenic nan female Viagra.'

Abbey didn't uncover if she had tried nan supplement, nor which it was — but The Golden Pill by Elle Sera fits nan bill.

Model and TV presenter Abbey Clancy, woman of erstwhile footballer Peter Crouch, revealed that her libido, astatine conscionable 38, had suffered astatine times

Business improvement head and voiceover creator Estelle Ellis, 46, told Good Health that her activity thrust dramatically dropped 3 years ago

This is marketed arsenic a 'hormone-balancing supplement for women' and contains maca (which comes from nan guidelines of a works that grows successful nan Andes mountains), tribulus terrestris (a small, leafy works recovered successful parts of Greece, China and India and utilized successful accepted Chinese medicine) and Siberian ginseng.

Despite nan eye-watering value — it costs £175 for a 90-day supply, and nan recommended dose is 2 tablets a time — women are prepared to salary this for a 'natural' approach.

Business improvement head and voiceover creator Estelle Ellis, 46, told Good Health that erstwhile her activity thrust dramatically dropped 3 years ago, her GP suggested she effort HRT but she baulked astatine it.

'I'd been connected nan Pill for years connected and disconnected and much artificial hormone involution was not an option, arsenic acold arsenic I was concerned,' she said. 'Also, I person ever preferred replacement medicines.'

But she did want a solution — 'You person nary thought really overmuch losing your libido matters until it happens.'

'I'd ever been a very sensual, sexually-empowered woman, but virtually overnight I wasn't arsenic unfastened to nan thought of being friendly immoderate more,' says Estelle, a mother of two, who lives successful nan Midlands pinch her partner.

'If I tried, I didn't consciousness attractive; and vaginal dryness became a problem. Sex wasn't a dainty aliases thing to make clip for immoderate more.'

After months of emotion this measurement she 'was getting really down. Then I heard astir Elle Sera connected a women's treatment retreat. I started taking it successful November 2021 — and wrong 2 weeks my temper swings had gone and I felt successful nan temper for sex.

'Once, I went connected vacation and forgot to return my pills for a week — wrong days nan temper swings came backmost and my libido vanished again.'

Low libido successful women is common, suggests research. One 2020 study by nan University of Glasgow recovered that much than a 3rd of women surveyed (aged 16 to 74) were not willing successful having sex.

Yet galore are hesitant astir seeking help. Doctors opportunity that talking astir their libido, aliases alternatively their deficiency of it, is 1 of nan fewer areas women struggle to speak openly about, including successful a aesculapian setting.

In a 2019 study by nan British Menopause Society, 37 per cent of nan women interviewed reported a nonaccomplishment of activity drive, but less than a 3rd sought help.

Low libido successful women now has a aesculapian name, hypoactive intersexual desire upset (HSDD), first identified successful nan 1980 version of nan Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders published by nan American Psychiatric Association.

But while statement rages complete whether debased libido is so a aesculapian problem (more connected that later), nan spread successful nan marketplace is now being filled by supplements — pinch nan further entreaty that you don't really person to speak openly astir nan problem. 

These incorporate 'natural' ingredients specified arsenic horny goat weed, a large, leafy works that has been utilized for hundreds of years — nan proposal is that it contains chemicals that thief summation humor travel and amended intersexual function, and phytoestrogens (chemicals that enactment for illustration nan hormone oestrogen).

But investigation published successful nan Journal of Sexual Medicine successful 2015, which examined nan technological grounds for immoderate of nan astir communal ingredients specified arsenic maca, ginseng and horny goat weed successful over-the-counter products marketed for men's intersexual health, recovered small aliases nary grounds to support they were of immoderate use for a flagging libido.

Dr Demetri Panayi, a advisor gynaecologist and urogynaecologist astatine Epsom and St Helier NHS Trust, says that over-the-counter supplements don't spell done nan aforesaid rigorous process arsenic pharmaceutical products do successful bid to beryllium licensed.

'So nan magnitude of progressive ingredients — if they do activity — will beryllium comparatively low,' he adds.

'Perhaps location is simply a placebo effect, truthful they amended temper and this has a knock-on effect connected activity drive. As agelong arsenic they don't do immoderate harm and women are alert location is constricted grounds that proves they help, I wouldn't needfully dissuade them from utilizing them.'

But different experts are much emphatic. 'Female intersexual usability is very analyzable — it's driven by galore factors — and I'm not alert of immoderate supplements that will conscionable resoluteness nan issue,' says Dr Heather Currie, a gynaecologist and obstetrician astatine Dumfries & Galloway Royal Infirmary.

It seems, however, that mainstream medicine has small to connection — surely to premenopausal women successful nan UK, astatine least.

Last year, Good Health reported connected activity astatine Imperial College London looking astatine a hormone called kisspeptin for its libido-boosting potential. Our bodies nutrient kisspeptin naturally.

Two caller studies, some published successful nan diary JAMA Network Open past year, recovered that erstwhile men and women pinch debased desire were fixed nan hormone, it boosted their intersexual responses.

Kisspeptin is thought to activity by deactivating nan areas of nan encephalon related to excessive self-monitoring and introspection, while astatine nan aforesaid clip activating nan intersexual arousal centres.

Larger studies of kisspeptin's effects connected intersexual desire are now planned by nan Imperial squad — including connected postmenopausal women.

But successful nan UK, nan options for premenopausal women are presently constricted — dissimilar successful nan U.S. wherever nan supplier flibanserin (brand sanction Addyi), fixed arsenic a pill, is utilized to dainty HSDD.

Addyi — different 'female Viagra' — is said to activity by balancing nan encephalon chemicals specified arsenic dopamine and norepinephrine that whitethorn lead to lowered activity thrust successful immoderate women.

Women successful nan U.S. tin besides person an injectable medicine called bremelanotide (Vyleesi), which is jabbed into nan tummy aliases thigh earlier activity and which acts successful nan encephalon connected nan melanocortin receptors, which is besides said to thief amended intersexual desire.

However, imaginable side-effects see nausea and dizziness. And neither supplier is approved for usage successful nan UK.

Yet moreover offering aesculapian treatments for an rumor that until precocious wasn't viewed a aesculapian problem is controversial. While immoderate constituent to nan knock-on effects that a deficiency of libido tin person connected a woman's beingness and intelligence wellbeing and reason that it needs aesculapian treatment, others propose this is simply over-medicalising a communal life issue.

And moreover pinch nan 1980 meaning of HSDD — a deficiency of libido which lasts for six months aliases much and which has nary underlying aesculapian origin — measuring a woman's libido is acold from simple.

'Loss of activity thrust is truthful subjective — peculiarly for women,' says Dr Jenni Byrom, a advisor gynaecologist astatine Birmingham Women's Hospital.

'Whereas pinch men, nan effect is clear arsenic location is simply a beingness parameter — i.e. they can, aliases cannot, execute an erection — there's often nary evident parameter successful women.'

There are galore factors that tin origin debased libido successful women some successful nan short and semipermanent — including narration issues, accent and depression, hormonal imbalances aliases side-effects of medication. And, not surprisingly, nan menopause.

Postmenopausal women commonly acquisition a dip successful their libido for a assortment of reasons, including vaginal dryness, which tin make activity painful. In fact, vaginal dryness tin impact women of immoderate age, for illustration those who are breastfeeding (because of hormonal changes) aliases arsenic a side-effect of immoderate medications, but it becomes much communal aft nan menopause.

Other factors affecting a woman's intersexual desire see conditions specified arsenic glucosuria and definite medications

Despite nan eye-watering value and nan recommended dose of 2 tablets a time - women are prepared to salary this for a 'natural' approach

While complete half of postmenopausal women aged betwixt 51 and 60 are affected, only a 4th activity treatment.

Women going done nan menopause besides acquisition a driblet successful their testosterone levels, and this tin impact activity drive, too.

But nan very quality of communal menopause symptoms tin effect intersexual desire.

'If you're not sleeping well, suffering debased mood, having basking flushes aliases possibly person gained weight past that affects really a female tin consciousness — particularly successful position of her libido,' says Dr Currie, who founded nan Menopause Matters website.

However, moreover pinch nan menopause, it's not that simple, arsenic Dr Byrom explains: 'Libido is conscionable truthful analyzable and imaginable causes don't needfully impact each women successful nan aforesaid measurement — biologically, for example, hormone levels driblet arsenic we attack nan menopause.

'Yet while immoderate women will suffer, others mightiness consciousness good, energised and won't consciousness for illustration their activity thrust is impacted.'

Other factors affecting a woman's intersexual desire see conditions specified arsenic diabetes (raised humor sweetener tin harm humor vessels and nerves and whitethorn numb sensation) and definite medications.

In May, nan NHS warned that patients taking a people of antidepressants known arsenic selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) specified arsenic citalopram, fluoxetine and sertraline, could acquisition side-effects specified arsenic a nonaccomplishment of libido. Research has recovered that much than half of those taking nan narcotics person reported immoderate grade of intersexual dysfunction.

One study published successful nan diary Mayo Clinic Proceedings successful 2016 recovered that of nan 1 successful six women successful nan U.S. taking antidepressants, a 'substantial proportion' reported immoderate disturbance of intersexual usability while utilizing these medications.

And nan libido-dampening effects tin past moreover aft coming disconnected nan supplier — a information known arsenic post-SSRI intersexual dysfunction (PSSD), arsenic Good Health reported past month.

This variety successful what drives individual women's libido makes technological studies difficult — and effective treatments much elusive. In nan meantime, galore women move to supplements, specified arsenic nan 'golden pills'.

But pinch questions astir nan efficacy of these kinds of remedies, too, nan reply yet whitethorn beryllium arsenic analyzable arsenic nan underlying cause.

A insubstantial published successful nan diary Pharmacology past twelvemonth concluded that a mixed-treatment attack was needed to reside nan complexity of HSDD — arsenic immoderate women whitethorn respond amended to a medication-based attack while others needed thing that related much to their societal business aliases lifestyle.

What was needed, therefore, was nan improvement of devices that could measure nan champion attack for each person.

In nan much contiguous term, Dr Currie says it's important that women pinch a debased libido statesman by looking astatine a basal issue: lifestyle.

'It's important women look aft themselves, their relationships and their lifestyles,' she says.

'That includes getting a bully night's sleep, eating a balanced fare pinch tons of caller consequence and vegetables, nuts and seeds and reducing processed food.'

An intriguing nexus pinch fare was highlighted successful a study successful nan diary Frontiers successful Reproductive Health successful 2022. This recovered that postmenopausal women pinch vaginal dryness and insubstantial thinning thin to deficiency lactobacilli successful nan vagina. These beneficial anti-inflammatory germs are recovered people successful our bodies, but besides successful fermented foods specified arsenic sauerkraut, kimchi and yoghurt. 

A 2015 study astatine nan University of Michigan Sleep and Circadian Research Laboratory, published successful nan Journal of Sexual Medicine, recovered that women who get an other hr of slumber astatine nighttime reported higher levels of intersexual desire and were much apt to person activity pinch their partners.

One mentation is that slumber tin impact hormone levels, which whitethorn origin changes successful desire and arousal.

Exercise is crucial, too, since it releases endorphins, which tin boost temper and summation intersexual arousal, says Dr Elise Dallas, a GP astatine The London General Practice connected Harley Street, who specialises successful women's health.

Dr Dallas besides points retired that for menopausal women pinch debased libido, options see oestrogen patches, pills, sprays and gels (with progesterone for those who person not had their womb removed).

'And you tin adhd successful testosterone successful female doses if oestrogen unsocial is not helping — libido is nan 1 point testosterone is licensed for. Also, vaginal oestrogen is safe for everyone — moreover if you person bosom cancer — truthful should beryllium considered if experiencing barren aliases uncomfortable sex,' she says.

'There is simply a awesome woody we tin do to amended libido and value of life for women,' adds Leila Hanna, a advisor gynaecologist and obstetrician astatine Queen Mary's Hospital, London.

'It's important that nan connection is spreading truthful that they cognize treatments specified arsenic HRT beryllium to execute a result.'

For women, nan important thing, says Dr Panayi, is to commencement pinch a sojourn to your GP if you are troubled by deficiency of desire — truthful they tin look into what whitethorn beryllium down immoderate deficiency of liking successful activity specified arsenic underlying wellness issues aliases psychological factors.

Easier said than done? The truth is, 'open and honorable connection pinch your partner astir desires, preferences, and concerns tin fortify affectional intimacy and heighten intersexual satisfaction', says Dr Dallas.

'Maintain beingness affection moreover if you're tired, tense, aliases upset astir nan problem; engaging successful kissing and cuddling is basal for maintaining an affectional and beingness bond.'

Estelle Ellis says that nan nonaccomplishment of her activity thrust 'made maine consciousness I had mislaid myself and rather quiet — and friends didn't moreover talk astir it truthful I felt alone'.

And now? 'I'm still happily successful a narration pinch my partner who is 13 years younger than maine and having nan champion activity ever. I consciousness much attractive, empowered and acold little self-conscious and conscionable much for illustration nan 'me' I utilized to beryllium but now astatine 46! Too galore women consciousness activity and libido are not for america and we should put up pinch it vanishing on pinch nan menopause. But activity and libido are an important portion of a relationship.'

Case study interview: Julie Cook

Source dailymail