Trump shooting victim's final words before he was shot and killed heroically shielding his family from gunman - as distraught wife reveals why she won't take Biden's phone call

Trending 3 months ago

The last words spoken by a father-of-two who was gunned down astatine a Trump rally successful Pennsylvania person been revealed, arsenic his woman says she will not return President Joe Biden's telephone telephone because nan unfortunate was a 'devout Republican.'

Corey Comperatore, 50, was killed Saturday nighttime while trying to protect his woman and daughter successful nan moments aft 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire.

'He's my hero,' his wife, Helen Comperatore, told nan New York Post. 'He conscionable said "Get down!" That was nan past point he said.'

President Biden has since tried to connection nan Comperatore family his sympathies, but Helen said she did not want to perceive from him.

'I don't talk to Biden,' she said. 'I didn't want to talk to him. My hubby was a devout Republican and he would not person wanted maine to talk to him,' she explained.

Corey Comperatore (pictured right) was killed while trying to protect his woman (left)  and girl aft 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire  

Corey Comperatore served arsenic main of nan Buffalo Township unpaid occurrence institution for astir 3 years but was besides a life member, meaning he had served for much than 20 years 

Helen added that she has nary 'ill-will' towards nan president.

'I'm not 1 of those group that gets progressive successful politics,' she told nan Post.

'I support Trump, that's who I'm voting for, but I don't person immoderate ill-will towards Biden.

'He didn't do thing to my husband, a 20-year-old bad kid did.' 

Helen said she and her husband, who were precocious schoolhouse sweethearts were connected nan verge of celebrating their 29th wedding day erstwhile they headed to nan rally successful Butler, Pennsylvania to support nan erstwhile president.

'Me and nan kids were each location arsenic a family,' she said. 'He was conscionable excited. It was going to beryllium a bully time pinch nan family.'

Comperatore eagerly shared his plans connected X.

Trump supporters are seen covered pinch humor successful nan stands aft guns were fired astatine Republican campaigner Donald Trump astatine nan run event

Trump was besides changeable successful nan correct receptor by Crooks, who opened occurrence pinch an AR-style firearm from a tile 130 yards from nan MAGA event

But nan rally turned into a calamity erstwhile Crooks opened occurrence from a rooftop just 130 yards distant from wherever Trump was standing.

As he tried to protect his woman and daughter, Comperatore - a erstwhile unpaid firefighter - was changeable successful nan head.

An emergency room expert astatine Donald Trump's rally revealed really he performed CPR connected Comperatore aft he was hit by a slug intended for nan erstwhile president.

'I heard nan shots. I thought it was firecrackers statesman with. Somebody complete location was screaming 'he's been changeable he's been shot,'' said nan man who had humor splattered each complete his achromatic USA shirt. 'So I made my measurement over. I said I'm an emergency section physician. Let maine thief you.'

'The feline had spun astir was jammed betwixt nan benches and a caput changeable here,' he told CBS News.

'So I sewage him together truthful I sewage group location really helpful. I did CPR thorax compressions arsenic well.' 

But nan 50-year-old was later pronounced dead. 

Helen said she now wants America to retrieve Corey arsenic a 'very loving husband.'

'He was a elemental man, but he put his woman and kids first each nan time,' she said.

'I did thing here. I didn't assistance a finger. He did everything.'

Helen said she now wants America to retrieve Corey arsenic a 'very loving husband'

An online fundraiser set up to thief nan Comperatore family successful nan aftermath of nan calamity has now raised complete $1million.

Donald Trump's run has also raised much than $4million for nan families of nan 3 men either killed and wounded during Saturday's assassination attempt.

As of writing, nan number connected nan Trump-sanctioned GoFundMe was astatine $4,328,763 - much than 4 times its first $1million goal.

All donations will beryllium divvied up by Comperatore's relatives, arsenic good arsenic those of David Dutch, 57; and James Copenhaver, 74, who were injured successful nan attack.

The Trump squad confirmed nan GoFundMe's authenticity to The Hill, arsenic nan 2 surviving victims are said to beryllium astatine hospitals successful unchangeable condition.

'President Donald Trump has authorized this relationship arsenic a spot for donations to nan supporters and families wounded aliases killed successful today’s sadistic and horrific assassination attempt,' a explanation connected nan highly trafficked webpage reads.

'All donations will beryllium directed to these proud Americans arsenic they grieve and recover. 

'May God bless and merge our nation,' it concludes.

More than 358 group proceeded to remark to show their support - arsenic an astronomical 56,5000 group opened up their figurative wallets.

The apical aid appeared to beryllium from erstwhile Trump philanthropist Steve Wynn, a billionaire erstwhile casino usability who has lobbied for nan GOP frontrunner relentlessly.

Secret Service agents rushed to support nan erstwhile president down arsenic nan shots rang out

Corey was described Sunday arsenic a 'girl-dad' who had conscionable turned 50 years old

That gift clocked successful astatine an eye-watering $50,000, from a man handpicked by Trump to beryllium finance chair of nan Republican National Committee successful 2017.

'The donations that are coming successful crossed nan organization and crossed nan country, it's much than I tin moreover imagine,' Helen told nan Post of nan fundraisers.

'It's much than I tin fathom, but he deserves it all. He deserves everything,' she said of her precocious husband. 

Trump was besides shot successful nan correct receptor by Crooks, who opened occurrence pinch an AR-style firearm from a tile 130 yards from nan MAGA event.

The erstwhile president was seen grabbing astatine his caput and ducked arsenic screams beforehand terrified onlookers ran out.  

He past stood, pumped his fist and chanted 'fight, fight, fight' arsenic Secret Service rushed him disconnected shape and into a motorcade.

An investigation into nan shooting is now underway, arsenic officials mobility really nan gunman was capable to group up his AR-style firearm conscionable complete 100 yards from nan erstwhile president. 

Source dailymail