Trump plans to change Air Force One to new patriotic color....but engineers warn it could lead to a dangerous side effect

Trending 2 months ago

Donald Trump would 'absolutely' alteration Air Force One's colors to his preferred acheronian bluish and reddish scheme, according to a caller study connected Tuesday, moreover if it would person a vulnerable broadside effect connected nan statesmanlike plane. 

A erstwhile White House official told Politico that 'absolutely; 100 percent' that Trump would alteration nan plane's ray bluish and achromatic colour creation to nan 1 that mimics his backstage level Trump Force One. 

Trump made overmuch fanfare of his scheme to alteration nan colors of nan iconic statesmanlike level to ones that he preferred. 

The government, during his administration, contracted pinch Boeing for two caller 747-8s to switch nan existing statesmanlike aircraft. Then-President Trump bragged astir his negotiating skills pinch company, saying that he said saved taxpayers money. 

And he was truthful proud of his scheme he kept a exemplary of nan caller Air Force One - painted acheronian blue, heavy red, and axenic achromatic - connected nan java array successful nan Oval Office wherever it popped up successful galore photographs during his administration. 

He later took it pinch him erstwhile he near nan White House and displayed it astatine his Palm Beach home, Mar-a-Lago.

Then-President Trump with Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau seen pinch Trump's creation for Air Force One - successful nan Oval Office successful June 2019

But erstwhile Joe Biden became president, he reversed Trump's plans for nan level and reverted it to its classical ray bluish and achromatic scheme, colors primitively picked by Jackie Kennedy.  

Boeing, however, is still moving connected nan 2 caller aircraft, which are connected way to beryllium delivered successful 2026 and 2027, years precocious and overmuch complete budget.

But nan hold intends location is clip for Trump, if he wins nan White House successful November, to alteration nan colors connected nan craft backmost to his preference. 

Trump's original scheme for nan 2 planes called for nan underside of nan level and its motor area to beryllium painted acheronian blue.  

But that would lend to excessive temperatures connected nan plane, which would require nan level to incorporated immoderate modifications to cool immoderate of its components.

And Boeing would person to salary out-of-pocket to make nan fix.

The Biden management said it changed nan colors backmost to nan original successful bid to debar nan problem.

The erstwhile charismatic said he expects Trump to alteration nan colors backmost because of really proud nan erstwhile president was of nan creation change.

'The exemplary was connected nan java array successful nan Oval Office and he pointed it retired galore times to overseas and home visitors,' nan personification told Politico. 'He thought it represented America much and represented strength, nan red, achromatic and blue.'

The exemplary of Donald Trump's projected revision of nan colour strategy of Air Force One that was erstwhile successful nan Oval Office connected show connected a java array successful nan lobby of Mar-A-Lago 

Trump revealed his redesign successful 2019.

The caller colour strategy resembled nan colour strategy of Trump's individual Boeing 757, which was dubbed 'Trump Force One.'  

The statesmanlike level is fundamentally a flying White House.

It contains classified connection cogwheel to let nan president to beryllium successful changeless connection pinch nan extracurricular world and features typical items for illustration a room suite.

Unlike a normal 747, nan level has its ain retractable stairways, for nan rear entranceway and nan beforehand entrance. And its ain baggage loader truthful it tin beryllium wholly aforesaid serviceable if it needs to be.

It besides has an in-flight refueling strategy that gives it nan expertise to enactment up successful nan aerial indefinitely.

President Joe Biden changed Trump's colour strategy backmost to nan classical bluish and white

Jackie Kennnedy, nan first woman astatine nan time, worked pinch an business designer connected nan look and consciousness of nan jets that nan past 11 presidents person flown on

Trump's individual Boeing 757, dubbed 'Trump Force One' has a akin colour strategy to what he wants for nan caller Air Force One

The craft hadn't been upgraded successful years, which is what led to nan statement pinch Boeing. 

Trump's woody progressive a fixed value of $3.9 billion, leaving Boeing to ft nan measure for immoderate creation changes aliases ballooning costs.

Now nan programme is already much than $2 cardinal complete budget. 

Boeing blamed nan COVID pandemic and supply-chain issues for nan delays on pinch issues pinch contractors. 

Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun said successful 2022 nan institution should person refused Trump's position for building the  planes. 

Source dailymail