Trucking's youth movement lagging, but no retirement in sight for most drivers

Trending 3 months ago

What do drivers want? Find retired successful this webinar.

What do motortruck drivers want? That's nan cardinal dollar question; a codification that only a fewer carriers person managed to ace consistently.

In business pinch Lytx, CCJ this outpouring surveyed its institution driver and leased proprietor usability audiences to find retired what makes them tick (and what ticks them off).

Join america for a unrecorded webinar Aug. 1 astatine 1 p.m. CT and perceive from 2 successful fleets – Garner Trucking (a perennial CarriersEdge Best Fleet to Drive For) and Crawford Trucking (a caller bearer to ace nan Best Fleets list) – arsenic we talk really they equilibrium nan wants and needs of caller and existing drivers wrong their operations. Joining nan chat will beryllium Elroy Whyte, himself a master driver.

Transportation's younker activity has been slow to get disconnected nan ground, arsenic evidenced by responses to CCJ's What Drivers Want survey, conducted successful business pinch Lytx. Exactly zero percent of queried institution drivers and leased proprietor operators were 34 years of property aliases younger. 

Nearly three-quarters (74%) of each respondents were aged 55 aliases older, an property bracket that was accordant among institution drivers (73%) and leased operators (75%). The equilibrium fell successful an property scope of 35 to 54 years old. The mean property of each respondents was 59.5 years – 59.2 years for institution drivers and 60.2 years for leased owner-operators – much than a decade older nan manufacture mean property of 47 years, according to American Trucking Associations. 

Regardless of what fig you usage – 60 years aliases 47 years – motortruck drivers are among nan oldest group of professionals successful nan U.S. According to nan Bureau of Labor Statistics, nan median property of nan U.S. antheral labour unit was 42 years aged successful 2022. Women skewed somewhat younger astatine 41.6 years. According to data compiled by nan University of Nebraska Omaha, astir a 4th (23.87%) of each proscription and warehousing labor are aged 55 and over. 

Texas-based, 70 twelvemonth aged institution driver Kelly Mack McCoy noted he was ever drawn to nan unfastened roadworthy and chose a profession successful trucking much than 20 years ago. A deficiency of young drivers successful proscription is besides reflected successful really agelong study respondents person made a profession retired of driving arsenic 71%, for illustration McCoy, person been successful nan business for much than 20 years.

Leased drivers (76%) clasp a flimsy separator complete institution drivers (69%) astatine nan apical extremity of nan longevity mark, but institution drivers are starring nan measurement astatine nan other extremity – 14% of institution drivers person been successful nan business 10 aliases less years, compared to 7% of leased drivers. 

"I ever wanted to beryllium either a expert aliases trucker. I know, large differences right? But those were ever my 2 heroes," said 64 twelvemonth aged institution driver Tim Hay, who's been down nan instrumentality for 20-plus years. "Being a expert required a batch much schooling, meaning a batch much money that I didn't have, truthful I chose nan trucking life."

[Want to spot nan full What Drivers Want study results? Sign up for nan webinar (even if you can't make it) and we'll nonstop it to you!]

Hay noted some his begetter and older relative were truckers – not an uncommon pathway successful nan industry, arsenic 21% of our study respondents said they sewage intro trucking because their family was successful nan business. 

"I utilized to walk my summers connected nan roadworthy pinch my brother. He's nan 1 that taught maine to thrust earlier I ever moreover had a licence to thrust a car," he recalled. "At 15 years old, I was peddling an 18 wheeler down nan interstate and conscionable having a ball."

Despite an mean property little than a decade distant from status age, redeeming for status isn't nan apical interest among nan driver pool. That lies pinch simply paying nan monthly bills (29%). The No. 2 interest was respondents' beingness wellness (19%), past redeeming for status (15%). Retirement savings was a higher privilege for nan leased owner-operator group, arsenic it landed successful nan No. 2 spot, up of beingness health. 

"As you get older," noted Hay, who classed information connected and disconnected nan occupation arsenic his apical concern, "the realization starts to group successful that you can't return each time for granted. Today could very good beryllium your past day. There's nary guarantees successful life."

Only 27% of drivers (36% of leased proprietor operators) said they're not redeeming for retirement, but nan superior logic status backing wasn't a apical privilege for a group that is, connected average, 7 years from qualifying for it, is that nan mostly of study respondents don't look to cognize erstwhile they'll measurement retired of nan tractor for nan last time. A whopping 58% opportunity they either haven't decided erstwhile they will retire, aliases scheme to thrust arsenic agelong arsenic their wellness allows.

"I will slow down but ne'er really quit," said leased proprietor usability Bob Whennen.

Jason Cannon has written astir trucking and proscription for much than a decade and serves arsenic Chief Editor of Commercial Carrier Journal. A Class A CDL holder, Jason is simply a postgraduate of nan Porsche Sport Driving School, an honorary Duckmaster astatine The Peabody successful Memphis, Tennessee, and a purple loop successful Brazilian jiu jitsu. Reach him astatine [email protected]. 

Source ccjdigital