Travel experts reveal why you should NEVER 'rawdog' a flight - after plane passengers gushed over the viral trend

Trending 3 months ago
  • Travel experts from nan tract Netflights person warned that nan believe tin beryllium bad 
  • It mightiness summation nan symptoms of jetlag, arsenic travelers neglect to remainder properly
  • Not eating for hours could besides origin 'fatigue and utmost tiredness'

By Sadie Whitelocks For

Published: 10:24 EDT, 11 July 2024 | Updated: 10:24 EDT, 11 July 2024

A caller recreation arena has swept TikTok successful nan form of 'rawdogging,' which intends consuming nary shape of intermezo during a formation - isolated from for nan basal maps aliases information shown connected nan seatback screen.

Taking it to greater extremes, immoderate will besides declare to forgo nutrient and portion for nan long of nan journey.

Many videos show travelers pinch blank expressions arsenic they look into space, while overlaid captions brag astir them completing nan challenge. 

However, a squad of recreation experts from nan tract Netflights person now warned that nan believe tin person galore antagonistic impacts. 

Take a formation down to spot immoderate of nan reasons why you shouldn't effort 'rawdogging' connected your adjacent short- aliases long-haul flight.

Worse jetlag connected vacation 

A caller recreation arena has swept TikTok successful nan shape of 'rawdogging,' which intends consuming nary shape of intermezo during a formation (stock i

'Rawdogging' connected a long-haul formation whitethorn beryllium awesome for building your intelligence strength, however, nan experts opportunity that relaxation and slumber thief curb jetlag.

Therefore, passengers 'may consciousness worse' aft disembarking nan formation if they person been sat for hours forcing themselves to enactment awake. 

They add: 'Relaxing and sleeping connected a formation tin let your assemblage to remainder and recover, minimizing nan imaginable effects of jetlag.'

Increased fatigue 

Passengers who are 'rawdogging purests' during their formation will person to opportunity nary to nan snacks and meals.

In long-haul flights, meals are included arsenic portion of nan fare and 1 of nan perks.

Along pinch not getting your money's worth, nan experts opportunity not eating tin cause 'fatigue and utmost tiredness.'

They urge eating nan meals aliases astatine slightest snacking connected long-haul flights truthful 'passengers consciousness energized when arriving astatine their destination.'

Danger of dehydration   

Passengers who determine to 'rawdog' connected their flights thin to debar drinking completely. 

However, nan recreation pros pass that 'flying tin beryllium dehydrating, which tin consequence successful headaches, dizziness and fatigue.' 

Continuing connected nan topic, they say: 'With debased oxygen unit connected flights and a alteration successful humidity levels, an accrued magnitude of h2o evaporates from our tegument and lungs erstwhile flying, truthful it becomes progressively important to enactment hydrated and devour liquids erstwhile flying.'

Drinking intoxicant connected flights besides contributes to symptoms of dehydration, truthful experts counsel opting for soft drinks complete alcoholic beverages erstwhile flying.

Increased stress

'Rawdogging' connected a long-haul formation whitethorn beryllium awesome for building your intelligence strength, however, nan experts opportunity that relaxation and slumber thief curb jetlag (stock image)

Some rawdoggers person said that doing thing during their formation has benefitted them owed to nan 'dopamine detox.'

However, nan experts pass that it 'actually has nan other effect and poses nan consequence of expanding accent instead.' 

Explaining why doing thing could raise accent levels, they say: 'Passengers who determine to look into abstraction connected a long-haul formation whitethorn acquisition accrued accent because pinch thing to do, they could commencement overthinking and this could spiral retired of control.'

Less enjoyable formation experience 

If you're headed connected picnic why not relax alternatively of subjecting yourself to specified a grueling practice? 

The experts opportunity that nan onboard intermezo is location to beryllium enjoyed and it's a awesome measurement of getting you into 'vacation mode.'

They note: 'For astir passengers who are disconnected connected their holidays, enjoying nan formation is nan opening of nan holiday, truthful it's nan cleanable clip to relax and bask nan journey. 

'We counsel enjoying nan formation and for eventual happiness, research nan in-flight intermezo aliases return activities truthful you tin move disconnected and return a well-deserved rest!'

Source dailymail