TikTok couple's disturbing 'relationship' videos go viral after boyfriend is arrested for shooting girlfriend in the face

Trending 3 months ago

 A Texas couple's disturbing narration TikTok videos person gone viral aft nan influencer fellow was arrested for shooting his woman successful nan face.

Ladarius Morshun Brownlee, 28, was taken into custody successful nan early greeting hours of July 5, aft he allegedly confessed to shooting his woman Seyeddah 'Zahra' Hashemi, 28, who constabulary recovered lying successful nan roadworthy pinch life-threatening injuries.

Brownlee is now facing 1 complaint of aggravated battle pinch a deadly limb and thee counts of deadly conduct, according to nan Dallas Morning News.

He is being held connected a enslaved of $900,000 - arsenic TikTok users comb done their videos connected nan celebrated @denoandzahra page, pointing retired signs it whitethorn person been an abusive relationship.

In 1 video that is now circulating connected X, Brownlee could beryllium seen apparently putting Hashemi successful a chokehold arsenic she tells him to 'get retired of my video.

Ladarius Morshun Brownlee, 28, was arrested for allegedly shooting his woman Seyeddah 'Zahra' Hashemi, 28, successful nan face

'I do not for illustration you,' she says.

'Go to sleep,' Brownlee says arsenic he continues to clasp his arms astir her neck.

'No, you spell to sleep,' she replies arsenic she starts hitting him. 

Brownlee past appears to locomotion away, but erstwhile he comes backmost successful nan frame, Hashemi tells him: 'Deno, I will virtually whoop your a**.'

At that point, Brownlee puts her backmost successful a chokehold, saying, 'Go to sleep, spell to sleep.'

In an evident effort to get retired of his grip, she starts punching him.

Then aft she apparently injures her hand, Hashemi bites him.

'Aiight, aiight,' he says, and pushes her away.

'That's what I thought,' Hashemi replies, arsenic he walks away.

Another video posted connected May 30 shows nan mates apparently arguing astir their narration status, pinch Hashemi visibly irritated earlier she tells Brownlee, 'I'm successful emotion pinch you.'

And successful a 3rd video, posted connected May 27, Hashemi claimed her fellow 'wanted to aftermath up grumpy.' 

TikTok users are now combing done his videos pinch Hashemi, pointing retired signs that they whitethorn person had an abusive relationship

'I don't cognize why you want to aftermath up pinch a bad attitude,' she tells him.

He tells her to 'stop talking to me' and leans successful adjacent to her, still successful bed, which she said gave her an attitude.

'Who cares?' Brownlee asked.

'Me, I care,' she replies.

He past asks why him having a bad cognition caused her to person a bad attitude.

'Because you person an attitude, truthful it's truthful freaking annoying because erstwhile I enactment calm and I'm bully to you and I'm benignant to you, you conscionable want to get meaner and meaner.'

At first, he denies that he gets progressively angrier, but arsenic she keeps saying he is getting 'meaner,' he tells her to 'get nan f*** out.'

'Don't show maine what to do,' Hashemi snaps back.

'I show whoever nan f*** I want to to do immoderate nan f*** I want to,' he replies.

Hashemi past pleads for him to 'lose your attitude,' claiming, 'you're grumpy for nary reason.'

But Brownlee, instead, claims that she is nan 1 who is being grumpy.

'No, I'm not grumpy, you're annoying,' Hashemi retorts.

That seemed to only infuriate Brownlee further, saying: 'I see, get retired of my house!'

'No, get retired of my room,' she replies.

'I'm sick of this s***,' Brownlee says arsenic nan video comes to an end.

'Sick of what?' Hashemi asks.

'I'm sick of you and I... each damn day,' he says, earlier claiming he conscionable needs a vacation. 

In 1 video successful May, Brownlee could beryllium seen yelling astatine Hashemi to 'get nan f*** out'

Witnesses now opportunity nan couple's narration was tumultuous and physically violent.

Those who were pinch Hashemi and Brownlee connected nan Fourth of July said they sewage into an statement arsenic they were leaving a fireworks show that night.

At immoderate point, nan conflict turned beingness and Brownlee ordered Hashemi to get into nan backmost of his 2024 Chevrolet Blazer SUV, WFAA reports. 

'The occupants of nan conveyance relayed to officers that while driving distant from nan location, Hashemi and Brownlee continued arguing,' an affidavit obtained by nan section news position said. 

He past allegedly drove little than 3 miles from nan parkland earlier stopping nan car.

At that point, constabulary declare he brandished a weapon astatine nan passengers successful nan rear of nan conveyance and changeable Hashemi correct supra her correct eye.

Brownlee past allegedly confessed to shooting his woman successful a 911 call, and confessed again during a constabulary interrogation. 

When constabulary arrived connected nan scene, they recovered Hashemi lying successful nan roadworthy extracurricular of nan conveyance pinch life-threatening injuries, and she was transported to a section hospital.

In an update connected Tuesday, Hashemi's sister wrote that she is 'awake and stable'

In an update connected Tuesday, Hashemi's sister wrote that she is 'awake and stable' - though she noted location will beryllium 'a agelong betterment ahead.'

'It has been tough, but pinch everyone's prayer, she is genuinely a miracle,' her sister, Sara, wrote connected Instagram.

'A week and a half ago, nan doctors and detectives told america to opportunity goodbye, and today, she is awake, sitting up and took her first steps.'

Sara noted that nan family does not want to 'release immoderate accusation astir what happened successful my sister's narration without her definitive approval.'

'We understand everyone is curious, but we person not released immoderate accusation and would for illustration to support it backstage and limit immoderate connection to nan news outlet[s] aliases group extracurricular nan family,' she wrote.

'Thank you for everyone reaching retired and praying for my sister and our family. We admit everyone understanding.' 

Source dailymail