‘Throwaway cost’: Doug Ford ordered Highway 413 signs, then replaced them weeks later 

Trending 3 months ago

The elephantine bluish signs are designed to beryllium intolerable for drivers to miss.

Commuters chugging on nan Greater Toronto Area’s immense road web complete nan past fewer months person been confronted pinch promotional signs touting nan building of Highway 413 and nan Bradford Bypass – 2 signature projects that Premier Doug Ford views arsenic cardinal to helping him triumph complete voters.

The first of these roadside authorities promotions appeared connected a acold December nighttime successful 2023 erstwhile contractors for nan provincial authorities drove stakes into nan crushed to instal an imposing caller sign.

Over respective nights that month, roadworthy closures were brought successful to let workers to instal a full of 5 signs promoting nan 2 routes.

“Highway 413: Part of our $28 cardinal scheme to build roads and highways,” 1 of nan Tory-blue advertisements read.

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But conscionable weeks aft they thought they were finished, nan contractors were back

In January, workers returned to region nan signs they had installed and replaced them pinch a new, scaled-up type boasting a larger font — each astatine nan behest of Ontario Premier Doug Ford’s office.

Through a bid of emails obtained done state of accusation laws, Global News has learned nan signs were initially rushed, past re-designed and re-printed because nan premier’s agency felt nan visuals needed to beryllium larger — each clip costing taxpayers further money connected authorities promotion.

The emails propose nan full process — pinch each motion replacement costing astir $16,000 — was guided, and reversed, by governmental unit astir Premier Ford.

The “visual identity” of nan signs promoting nan 2 road projects was a cardinal fixation for Ford’s office, which demanded 5 signs that had already been group up beryllium reprinted to summation nan font size and trim nan magnitude of bluish abstraction connected them

“Understanding that will travel pinch a cost,” an charismatic relayed successful an email.

Ontario Green Party Leader Mike Schreiner said nan authorities was “wasting payer dollars connected Tory propaganda” by installing nan signs.

“It conscionable shows you that Doug Ford is much willing successful Doug Ford than what is bully for nan group of Ontario,” he told Global News.

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A spokesperson for nan premier’s agency said nan signs “follow modular signage protocols accordant pinch awesome infrastructure projects crossed each ministries.”

The communications obtained by Global News show that, from nan very beginning, location was an urgency to get signs promoting nan 2 highways installed arsenic quickly arsenic possible.

When unit began to see nan scheme successful October, they already knew that smaller signs would beryllium installed instantly and past ripped retired of nan crushed successful nan weeks that followed.

Officials pinch nan Ministry of Transportation agreed to instal smaller signs “ASAP” to appease nan premier’s office, praying governmental leaders would consciousness they were ample capable erstwhile they saw them by nan broadside of nan road.

“They will beryllium rather ample signs and erstwhile they are constructed, hopefully decision-makers would besides consciousness that nan signs are ample enough,” 1 email said, outlining really they could beryllium replaced if they had to be.

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A consequence sent connected behalf of Ford’s agency said his agency — known arsenic “PO” for short — was connected committee pinch nan thought of buying and installing impermanent signs, repeating nan desire to spot bigger signs up arsenic soon arsenic possible.

“So yes, 22 x 12 arsenic a stop-gap until nan larger versions tin beryllium developed,” nan staffer wrote. “PO has once-again reiterated that they would for illustration nan 26 x 13 up ASAP – they are hoping MTO tin person these up sooner than precocious winter/early Spring.”

A full of 10 signs were ordered to beforehand Highway 413 and nan Bradford Bypass, to beryllium installed on Highway 400, 401, 404 and 10. Installation of nan first group of signs — which would beryllium ripped retired of nan crushed hardly a period later — began connected nan evening of Dec. 11, nan communications show.

The Ministry of Transportation confirmed to Global News nan signs resulted successful lane closures, which were scheduled overnight to trim their impacts.

“The authorities is responsible for making nan nationalist and stakeholders alert of its projects, programs, and their benefits,” they said successful a statement.

“We pass this done various avenues including media, organization engagement sessions, nationalist acquisition materials, news releases, and signage.”

Despite an first unreserved to get nan signs installed, Ford’s agency ordered an unexpected region successful December. Officials were told not to instal immoderate signs until a photograph opportunity could beryllium arranged.

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“The guidance received by america is that nary signs are to beryllium installed successful nan section until aft nan communications arena astatine nan Sign Shop,” 1 email said.

The tight power that Ford’s agency kept complete really nan signs would beryllium designed and developed is clear passim nan communications.

At nan opening of nan process, nan premier’s agency told nan Ministry of Transportation it wanted nan signs to see a statement highlighting really overmuch nan Ford authorities had committed to walk connected nationalist infrastructure.

“The connection guidance from PO has been to see ‘Part of our $30 cardinal scheme to build roads and highways,’” 1 email said.

After nan first 5 signs were installed, nan aforesaid staffer followed up pinch nan Ministry of Transportation to opportunity nan signs had to beryllium changed to bespeak a “new ocular identity” cooked up successful nan premier’s office.

They besides said nan signs — which had antecedently been bilingual — should beryllium English only.

When nan signs were yet successful place, Ford’s agency requested pictures.

“If there’s immoderate expertise to seizure immoderate of nan beneath erstwhile up, in-situ, PO would greatly admit you sharing,” nan email said. “Nothing professional, not for each instances, conscionable a fewer speedy snaps to stock would beryllium great.”

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‘Replace each signs pinch caller signs’

The determination to bid caller lettering for nan road promotion signs did not travel cheap, nan emails show.

Two options were considered to fulfil nan premier’s office’s wishes — buying and installing caller signs aliases replacing nan ones that were already successful place.

The authorities yet decided to rip retired nan signs it had already installed and replaced them pinch caller versions. Removing and replacing nan signs was marginally cheaper than covering them pinch a caller image, pinch officials estimating nan erstwhile action costs $193,000 compared to $272,000 to instal covers.

The replacement scheme nan state opted for was pegged by unit astatine $16,000 per motion — $10,000 to people nan caller materials and $6,000 to instal it.

Five signs had been installed and 5 were placed connected clasp successful January arsenic caller trading ideas were dictated by Ford’s office.

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The Ford authorities would not corroborate nan last costs of nan signs to Global News.

Source globalnews