The SHOCKING amount of money taxpayers are spending to keep 9/11 masterminds behind bars

Trending 2 months ago

The 9/11 terrorist masterminds person not only costs nan U.S. thousands of lives, but besides hundreds of millions of dollars to support them successful prison. 

A plea woody reached this would person kept them successful situation for life pinch nary chance of nan decease penalty. But Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin stepped successful and took that woody disconnected nan array connected Friday evening aft wide ridicule. 

The man accused of coming up pinch nan thought for nan September 11, 2001 attacks and 2 of his co-conspirators agreed to plead blameworthy to conspiracy and execution charges successful speech for a life condemnation alternatively than a decease punishment trial, prosecutors said this week. 

After complete 2 years of negotiations and complete 2 decades of imprisonment, defendants Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, Walid bin Attash and Mustafa al-Hawsawi agreed to nan woody and it was approved by a elder Pentagon official overseeing nan warfare court. 

In a daze move Austin not only took distant nan woody but besides removed the head of nan U.S. subject commissions who approved nan settlements from nan 9/11 lawsuit entirely.  The lawsuit now returns to a authorities of ineligible limbo.

Saturday March 1, 2003, photograph obtained by The Associated Press shows Khalid Shaikh Mohammad, nan alleged Sept. 11 mastermind, soon aft his seizure successful Pakistan 

The mastersminds person been housed successful Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, and it's unclear whether they will move to nan notorious 'supermax' installation ADX Florence successful Colorado if they are convicted.

Regardless, their imprisonment estimate until they dice is estimated astatine astir $1 cardinal payer dollars total.

The Guantanamo Bay situation has go much and much secretive complete its 20 years of operation, moreover arsenic it costs taxpayers millions of dollars per year.

The Biden management had signaled it intends to adjacent nan subject situation successful Cuba earlier leaving office, reviving an Obama-era promise. Biden said this week he is 'determined' to adjacent Guantanamo earlier he leaves agency successful January. 

Congress stood successful nan measurement of Obama's effort by forbidding immoderate detainee from stepping ft connected nan US mainland.

Guantanamo has reportedly costs U.S. taxpayers complete $7 cardinal since its inception.

American taxpayers walk astir $13 cardinal connected each prisoner, per year, according to a New York Times estimate in a 2021 report. The situation presently has 39 inmates. 

That's compared to $78,000 spent per inmate astatine nan 'supermax' situation successful Florence, Colo., location to immoderate of nan highest-risk prisoners successful nan U.S.

The U.S. authorities has not been forthright astir tallying up nan full costs spent imprisoning these alleged killers - but a estimate of really overmuch imprisonment of them complete their life will costs puts nan fig astatine complete $750 million. 

The man accused of coming up pinch nan thought for nan September 11, 2001 attacks and 2 of his co-conspirators agreed to plead blameworthy to conspiracy and execution charges successful speech for a life condemnation alternatively than a decease punishment trial, prosecutors astatine Guantanamo Bay said this week.

Assuming that $13 cardinal costs held done to today, nan 5 men who planned and helped carried retired nan onslaught person costs U.S. taxpayers $260 cardinal conscionable successful unclassified situation costs from 2021 to 2024. They'll apt enactment successful Guantanamo done 2025 since their sentencing proceeding isn't until astatine slightest adjacent summer, different $65 million.

Classified costs are judge to adhd to that, specified arsenic a CIA presence. 

The per-prisoner costs has soared arsenic clip went on, and arsenic less and less inmates are housed astatine nan complex. In 2013 nan operating costs was conscionable astir $2.7 cardinal per captive meaning from 2006, erstwhile nan 9/11 masterminds were transferred to Guantanamo, to 2013 they costs taxpayers astir $108 million. 

Assuming costs were halfway betwixt nan $2.7 cardinal fig and nan $13 cardinal fig betwixt 2013 and 2021, nan prisoners costs $320 million. 

But from erstwhile they were captured successful 2003 to erstwhile they arrived astatine Guantanamo successful 2006 they were successful U.S. custody abroad, seemingly costing millions location too. 

For years nan U.S. has been trying to adjacent Guantanamo - erstwhile deemed 'America's tiniest boutique prison, reserved exclusively for alleged geriatric jihadists.' The installation costs complete $500 cardinal per twelvemonth to operate. 

For years nan U.S. has been trying to adjacent Guantanamo - erstwhile deemed 'America's tiniest boutique prison, reserved exclusively for alleged geriatric jihadists.' The installation costs complete $500 cardinal per twelvemonth to operate

Even immoderate Democrats were dissatisfied pinch nan disposable specifications of nan now-defunct deal.

 'I americium very concerned astir this plea deal,' Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., a erstwhile proceedings lawyer, told Thursday. 'I deliberation we ought to scrutinize it very carefully.'

'I deliberation location are interests present that whitethorn not person been represented arsenic reasonably and aggressively arsenic they should person been.'

Over 150 of nan astir 3,000 victims of nan dreadful 9/11 crippled were Connecticut residents, according to section outlets. And Blumenthal joined them successful their calls for nan specifications of Saudi Arabia's engagement to beryllium released. 

'I championed nan 9/11 families and their ineligible action against Saudi Arabia,' Blumenthal continued. 'There is truthful overmuch present that we don't know, and we person an responsibility to show nan American group astir nan imaginable complicity, not only of these defendants, but of Saudi Arabia and different countries.'

The Democrat demanded nan White House explicate their reasoning for nan deal.

'No mentation whatsoever. And they beryllium maine and Congress an explanation. But much importantly, nan 9/11 families and nan American people.'

It is yet unclear wherever nan terrorists will service their sentences. Joe Biden has been wanting to adjacent Guantanamo Bay, wherever they are detained, since he came into office.

If nan detention installation connected nan subject base, known arsenic Camp Delta, is unopen down, nan detainees could beryllium moved to ADX Florence successful Colorado, nan only supermax situation successful nan U.S. that already houses 9/11 terrorists.

That situation had an operating costs of $78,000 per captive successful 2018. Assuming that kept up pinch inflation, that would mean each inmate would costs astir $107,000 to house. 

Two of nan 5 defendants were not included successful nan deal. One, Ramzi bin al-Shibh, was deemed not fresh for proceedings owed to intelligence illness. Another, Ammar al-Baluchi, could guidelines proceedings alone. 

If nan 3 men progressive successful nan plea woody were transferred location upon condemnation and lived different 20 years, they'd costs different $6.4 million. How agelong nan different 2 would stay astatine Guantanamo is unknown. 

All of these situation costs do not relationship for nan costs of bringing a lawsuit against terrorists aliases nan tens of billions nan authorities pays retired done a victims' compensation fund. 

In 2023 alone, nan money awarded $12.8 cardinal to complete 56,000 claimants - nan families of those who mislaid their lives connected that time and to those who developed crab years later allegedly from being exposed to toxins connected nan time of nan attack. 

Source dailymail