Scientists pinpoint the reason women are more at risk of long Covid - as Ben Affleck's daughter Violet reveals she is living with a post-viral condition and calls for the return of mask mandates

Trending 3 months ago

Women pinch bosom problems who drawback Covid are astir apt to beryllium near pinch lingering symptoms, caller investigation has suggested.

Scientists recovered group took 20 days connected mean to retrieve aft being struck down pinch nan microorganism betwixt 2020 and 2023. 

But much than 1 successful 5 adults took complete 3 months to retrieve — a arena now amended known arsenic agelong Covid.  

The researchers, who tracked much than 40,000 Americans who'd been infected pinch nan virus, besides discovered women were much astatine consequence of lingering Covid symptoms contempt less terrible infections. 

It comes arsenic Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner's girl Violet coming revealed she contracted a post-viral information successful 2019 while calling for 'mask mandates' successful aesculapian accommodation successful a passionate reside to nan LA County Board of Supervisors.

Violet said she 'saw first-hand' that medicine doesn't ever person answers to nan 'consequences of moreover insignificant viruses'

Violet — who's often seen wearing a look disguise — shared her acquisition of contracting 'a post-viral condition' successful 2019; Seen pinch Affleck and stepmom Jennifer Lopez successful 2023

The 18-year-old urged nan committee 'to face nan agelong Covid crisis' by strengthening pandemic-era protections successful hospitals and authorities buildings.

US officials propose 1 successful 10 group who drawback nan microorganism will create agelong Covid, while around 2 cardinal group successful nan UK are reported to unrecorded pinch nan condition.

Symptoms are wide-ranging, from fatigue and breathlessness to musculus and associated pain.

In nan caller study, researchers analysed information from much than 4,700 adults, who 61 connected average, who were asked to self-report really agelong it took to retrieve aft infection. 

What is agelong Covid ?

Most group pinch Covid consciousness amended wrong a fewer days aliases weeks, but those pinch agelong Covid return overmuch longer to recover.

The symptoms include:

Fatigue, shortness of breath, nonaccomplishment of smell and musculus aches.

It tin besides cause:

Memory problems, a tight chest, insomnia, bosom palpitations, dizziness, associated pain, pins and needles, tinnitus, tummy aches, nonaccomplishment of appetite, precocious temperature, a cough, rashes and depression. 

Source: NHS 

All were enrolled successful nan study betwixt April 2020 and February 2023. 

They recovered those who battled nan infection astatine location had an mean betterment clip of 33 days. 

By comparison, patients hospitalised spent 58 days recovering. 

People who had received a Covid vaccine had astir a 70 per cent little chance of spending much than 3 months recovering. 

Writing successful nan diary JAMA Network Open, nan researchers besides said: 'Although studies person suggested that galore patients pinch agelong Covid acquisition intelligence wellness challenges, we did not find that depressive symptoms anterior to Covid infection were a awesome consequence facet for agelong Covid.' 

Professor Elizabeth Oelsner, an adjunct professor of medicine astatine Columbia University, besides added: 'Our study underscores nan important domiciled that vaccination against Covid has played, not conscionable successful reducing nan severity of an infection but besides successful reducing nan consequence of agelong Covid.

'It intelligibly establishes that agelong Covid posed a important individual and societal burden.

'By identifying who was apt to person knowledgeable a lengthy recovery, we person a amended knowing of who should beryllium progressive successful ongoing studies of really to lessen aliases forestall nan semipermanent effects of Covid infection.'   

It comes arsenic Violet Affleck, nan eldest girl of nan Argo director, 51, and 13 Going connected 30 star, Jennifer Garner, 52, coming elaborate her acquisition of contracting 'a post-viral condition' successful 2019.

Addressing the LA County Board of Supervisors she said she 'saw first-hand' that medicine doesn't ever person answers to nan 'consequences of moreover insignificant viruses'. 

She added: 'You must grow nan readiness of high-quality free tests and treatment, and astir importantly nan region must reason disguise bans for immoderate reason. They do not support america safer.'

'They make susceptible members of our organization little safe, and make everyone little capable to participate successful Los Angeles together.'

Often self-diagnosed, nan word 'long Covid' was coined for a number of symptoms pursuing Covid infection, which tin persist for months aliases moreover years aft nan first infection. Around 1.9 cardinal group successful nan UK are reported to suffer pinch it, pinch nan word covering everything from fatigue and breathlessness to musculus and associated pain

The JN.1 variant, dubbed Juno, has been ascendant successful nan UK and USA for nan past fewer months. 

Covid cases have continued to slow summation crossed nan UK, successful caller weeks aft infection rates dwindled complete nan spring. 

Health chiefs person already issued an alert complete a variant, nicknamed FLiRT, they had begun monitoring. 

Virologists are utilizing nan word FLiRT to picture a family of different variants — KP.2, KP.3, JN.1.7, JN.1.1, and KP.1.1. They are each descendants of Juno. 

But ministers person many times said that they won't edifice to imposing lockdowns unless a last day version appears.

A wall of immunity among nan organization — built up by repeated waves of infection and vaccine rollouts — has fixed officials assurance to consign pandemic-era measures to history. 

Spikes successful Covid cases tin still origin wide unwellness crossed nan country, sparking chaos successful schools, nan wellness work and nationalist transport.

Officials besides nary longer way nan prevalence of nan microorganism successful nan aforesaid measurement they utilized to, arsenic portion of nan Government's ushering successful of pre-Covid normalities.

Source dailymail