Robert F. Kennedy Jr. poses with his hand in dead bear's mouth before dumping it in Central Park... as link to reporter who broke the bizarre story emerges

Trending 2 months ago
  • A grisly photograph has emerged of RFK Jr. and nan dormant carnivore cub 
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By Nikki Schwab, Chief Campaign Correspondent and Sarah Ewall-Wice, Senior U.S. Political Reporter For In Washington, DC

Published: 13:35 EDT, 5 August 2024 | Updated: 13:35 EDT, 5 August 2024

A grisly photograph has emerged of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. pinch his manus successful nan rima of nan dormant carnivore cub that he later near successful New York's Central Park. 

The New Yorker shared nan ocular successful a floor plan communicative connected nan independent statesmanlike campaigner connected Monday - nan latest twist coming retired of an already bizarre statesmanlike campaign. 

Kennedy had tried to preempt nan magazine's sum by releasing a video of him Sunday talking astir nan carnivore incident pinch comedian Roseanne Barr. 

When discussing it pinch The New Yorker he joked, 'Maybe that's wherever I sewage my encephalon worm,' nan mag revealed. 

To make nan communicative moreover weirder, nan first newsman to constitute astir nan dormant carnivore recovered successful Central Park for The New York Times was nary different than Kennedy's cousin, Tatiana Schlossberg. 

She told The Times for nan newspaper's sum Sunday that she had nary thought a family personnel was astatine fault. 

A grisly photograph was released by The New Yorker Monday that showed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. pinch his manus successful nan rima of nan dormant carnivore cub he later near successful New York's Central Park 

'Like rule enforcement, I had nary thought who was responsible for this erstwhile I wrote nan story,' Schlossberg said. 

Kennedy said successful nan video that he had taken a group of group falconing successful nan Hudson Valley erstwhile he came upon nan dormant bear. 

'A female successful nan van successful beforehand of maine deed a carnivore and killed it, a young bear,' he recalled. 'So I pulled over, and I picked up nan carnivore and put him successful nan backmost of my van because I was going to tegument nan bear, and it was successful very bully condition, and I was going to put nan nutrient successful my refrigerator.

'You tin do that successful New York state. You tin get a carnivore tag for roadkill bear,' he said.

The 70-year-old statesmanlike campaigner said he past proceeded to spell hawking pinch nan dormant carnivore successful his car.

He said they were catching a batch of crippled and stayed late, truthful alternatively of heading location to Westchester, NY he had to spell consecutive to New York City for a dinner.

But past nan meal besides went late, and according to Kennedy, he needed to spell to nan airdrome alternatively of his home.

Kennedy (right) released a video Sunday of him telling nan communicative astir nan dormant carnivore cub to comedian Roseanne Barr (left) 

Kennedy said he wasn't drinking but others successful his statement were erstwhile they made nan determination to ditch nan dormant carnivore cub successful Central Park. His relative was nan original New York Times newsman connected nan story 

'The carnivore was successful my car, and I didn't want to time off nan carnivore successful nan car because that would person been bad,' Kennedy said.

Kennedy said location was 'a small spot of nan redneck successful me' erstwhile he explained location had been a bid of bicycle accidents successful nan metropolis and aggregate group had gotten killed aliases severely injured.

Kennedy recalled it was successful nan property each time and that he besides had an aged motorcycle successful his car personification asked him to get free of.

'I said let's spell put nan carnivore successful Central Park, and we'll make it look for illustration it sewage deed by a bike,' Kennedy said arsenic he and Barr laughed. 'So everybody thought that's a awesome idea.'

Kennedy said he had not been drinking erstwhile nan determination was made but others had been.   

The campaigner said successful his video that nan adjacent time aft leaving nan dormant carnivore successful nan park, it was connected each tv position and successful each paper.

'I turned connected nan TV and it was like, mile of yellowish tape, and location were 20 bull cars. There were helicopters flying complete it,' Kennedy said. 'I was for illustration "oh my god. What did I do?"'

Kennedy said he was worried because his prints were each complete nan bike. But Kennedy said nan communicative died aft a while and 'it stayed dormant for a decade.'

He said nan New Yorker someway recovered retired astir it and were going to do a large article connected him.

'It's going to beryllium a bad article,' Kennedy said.

Source dailymail