Respected author's hair-raising new theory on what became of three men who dramtically escaped from Alcatraz in 1962

Trending 2 months ago

An unthinkable caller mentation connected what happened to nan 3 men who managed to flight from Alcatraz successful nan 1960s has emerged. 

Brothers John and Clarence Anglin, alongside friend Frank Morris, tunneled retired of their compartment of nan maximum information situation successful June 1962 earlier disappearing into nan waters of nan San Francisco Bay and person ne'er been found. 

And now writers Ken Widner and Mike Lynch stock their fascinating theory. Their book, Alcatraz: The Last Escape, alleges nan trio escaped nan jailhouse successful a makeshift raft and utilized wires to hitch themselves to a passing boat.

From there, nan fugitives met a 2nd vessel successful nan San Francisco Bay area, which took them to barren land. A backstage level chartered from a mini airdrome astatine neighboring Marin County flew nan trio to Mexico to statesman a caller life, it is claimed. 

They later moved to Brazil, wherever astatine slightest 2 of nan men are said to person survived until nan 1990s.  

Federal investigations into nan flight - immortalized successful nan 1979 movie Escape From Alcatraz starring Clint Eastwood - concluded that nan Anglin brothers and Morris must person drowned successful nan freezing, shark-infested bay. 

Widner and Lynch person utilized family interviews, humanities documents and photograph grounds to explicate their theory.

Widner, who besides happens to beryllium nan nephew of nan Anglin brothers, claims nan trio made their measurement southbound and joined locals, raising children of their ain and tended to farms successful nan mountains of Brazil until astatine slightest nan 1990s.

Hoping to correct nan grounds astir his uncles, Widner heavy dived into their upbringing which stretched backmost to their formative years successful Ruskin, Florida, pinch their parents who were seasonal farmworkers. 

Warrants are still retired for nan 3 men, seen present successful their booking photos for equipped slope robberies. The 3 worked together to excavation their measurement retired of Alcatraz and sneak past guards

The men carved holes done nan vents successful their cells utilizing spoons, drills and different utensils, which they past shimmied retired of

An investigation recovered that nan 3 men created dummy heads retired of plaster, overgarment and hairsbreadth near from nan barber to fool nan nighttime guards into reasoning they were dormant arsenic they escaped connected June 11, 1962

In 1958, John and Clarence and their different relative Alfred robbed a slope successful Alabama utilizing a artifact weapon and were subsequently sent to prison. 

After an flight attempt, they coiled up being transferred to nan spot for those who couldn't abide by nan rules of a emblematic prison, Alcatraz. Inside nan walls of nan celebrated situation they met Morris and started scheming arsenic to really they could make their measurement out. 

Their flight scheme began to return style successful December 1961, erstwhile Allen West, who accompanied an adjacent cell, began collecting aged saw blades he recovered successful 1 of nan inferior corridors while connected cleaning duty.

Widner, who besides happens to beryllium nan nephew of nan Anglin brothers, is seen here

From there, nan 4 men - including West, who did not get to flight pinch them - alternated shifts chiseling done nan walls pinch spoons and different room utensils, and creating decoy heads retired of barbershop hair, plaster and overgarment to fool nan nighttime guards.

Widner says that nan making of clone heads came from their brothers clip astatine a betterment schoolhouse successful Florida, which they utilized to break retired of nan schoolhouse and besides sneak retired of their family home. 

Speaking pinch The State, he said: 'The first clip they really utilized them was erstwhile they would sneak retired of nan location arsenic kids. Their older sister had 1 of those Styrofoam heads you'd put a wig on, and they would return it and instrumentality it successful nan furniture and sneak out.'

They besides fashioned a makeshift raft retired of 50 prison-issued World War II-era raincoats, utilized astatine nan prison; fabric and rubber. The men past stored each of their materials successful a hollowed-out abstraction supra their compartment blocks.

According to Widner, nan men moreover made a periscope truthful they could peep astir corners and a homemade flashlight to illuminate tight crawlspaces. 

The group would activity from 5.30pm to astir 9pm earlier nan guards called for lights retired earlier yet making their flight connected June 11, 1962. 

The men shimmied done nan holes they had created past nan vents successful their cellblocks, climbed up nan plumbing to nan cellhouse roof, traversed 100 feet crossed nan rooftop and past cautiously maneuvered down 50 feet of piping to nan crushed adjacent nan entranceway to nan ablution area.

They near down nan elaborate plastered heads connected their beds to instrumentality immoderate guards connected nan nighttime duty, and erstwhile situation guards conducted their regular greeting cheque of nan beds nan adjacent day, they reported nan men missing - but nan men already had a 10 hr caput start.

One of nan biggest concerns for nan group was dealing pinch nan icy waters of nan Bay, pinch nan Alcatraz showers known for utilizing basking h2o truthful inmates wouldn't get utilized to nan acold and person immoderate ideas astir making a bid for freedom.

An serviceman showed nan wrong of a removable conception of their vent and really they were capable to get retired that night

The convicts crawled done nan spread they created successful nan wall for complete a twelvemonth connected June 11, 1962

However, Widner says that nan Anglins had thief successful preparing their bodies for the freezing h2o from chap captive Whitey Bulger, nan infamous Irish Mob leader from Boston. 

Bulger, who reportedly took an liking successful Scuba diving, advised them to soak towels successful acold h2o from their descend and toilet earlier wrapping themselves successful them earlier laying connected nan cement level to get utilized to nan temperature. 

Widner, who had agelong opinionated correspondence pinch nan precocious crime boss, besides reportedly told them really to manner wetsuits from their clothing. 

Writers Ken Widner and Mike Lynch, published their findings successful their caller book 'Alcatraz: The Last Escape'

After managing to escape, Winder and Lynch get into heavy specifics astir what they opportunity really happened next, which progressive them stealing electrical cords earlier tying them onto a carrier vessel and being towed into nan mediate of nan Bay. 

Speaking pinch a supplier smuggler named Fred Brizzi, who was known arsenic 'Waterbed Fred', nan trio managed to get connected a vessel successful nan mediate of nan Bay and made their measurement to a mini airdrome successful Marin County, it is claimed. 

Brizzi told nan writers that they were successful Mexico by nan very adjacent greeting wherever they are said to person worked connected a marijuana workplace for a fewer years earlier making their measurement to Brazil successful 1964. 

Their determination to fly to Brazil came aft nan decease of their relative Alfred, who nan brothers feared mightiness person felt guilt-tripped into revealing their location connected his decease bed. 

Lynch said: 'Alfred was astatine Kilby State Prison (in Alabama) and they had a yellowish electrical chair location called Yellow Mama. 

'Some times, they would usage it for interrogation purposes. If they wanted information, they would strap them successful nan chair and commencement to move it connected to fto them consciousness nan energy and past ratchet it up a small much and more. 

'That's what Ken believes happened to his uncle Alfred – that aft nan flight they were interrogating him, and he died.'

According to Widner, his family were successful interaction pinch his uncles successful Brazil until astatine slightest nan early 1990's.

A photograph believed to person been taken successful nan 1970s is said to show them among termite mounds successful a jungle. 

Widner says: 'To me, that photograph is astir apt nan biggest game-changer successful nan history of nan Alcatraz escape. It's been analyzed by 5 independent facial-recognition package companies, and they each travel backmost for an nonstop lucifer connected John Anglin. With Clarence, it came backmost close, because (his face) wasn't turned successful a definite way.'

The 2 men person since traveled to nan Brazilian municipality of Monteiro Lobato, wherever they judge nan brothers and Morris ended up, pinch Morris yet dropping disconnected nan radar altogether. 

According to Widner, his family were successful interaction pinch his uncles successful Brazil until astatine slightest nan early 1990's, pinch a photograph seemingly of nan 2 showing them amongst termite mounds successful a jungle, seen here 

They near down nan elaborate plastered heads connected their beds to instrumentality immoderate guards connected nan nighttime duty, and erstwhile situation guards conducted their regular greeting cheque of nan beds nan adjacent day, they reported nan men missing

Federal and section authorities investigated nan flight for a full of 10 days scouring nan water, aerial and land. Included are nan dummy heads which were utilized successful nan escape

They interviewed elders who recalled Americans being successful nan area successful nan 1970s and recovered remnants of a building precocious successful nan heavy wood which had a ammunition casing, a lighter and a penny from nan 1950s. 

Lynch said: 'That trek up that upland was truthful hard, for illustration a mile up, virtually a teeny way trim retired of jungle for illustration a Tarzan thing. No one's going to find you up there.'

Widner doesn't judge his uncles, who if live would beryllium successful their 90s now, are still alive, recalling: 'Clarence was a very dense smoker. And nary of nan Anglin boys lived past their mid-80s.'

He believes that for a time, his uncles had managed to forge a decent life for themselves aft their flight from Alcatraz. 

Lynch added: 'Fred Brizzi talked astir them having a ample workplace pinch animals, cows and orchards. They would waste their consequence successful nan section market, hired astir 20 labor and were conscionable surviving very peacefully and softly – benignant of nan life they ever wanted.'

The family has antecedently produced letters and different written worldly they opportunity are from nan brothers complete nan decades, nevertheless they kept these a intimately guarded concealed until caller years to debar nan anticipation of nan brother's recapture. 

In 2012 nan Anglins sisters besides said retired to declare that nan brothers were still alive, claiming to person received a telephone telephone and Christmas paper from them soon aft their escape. 

An aerial position shows Alcatraz land successful beforehand of nan Golden Gate Bridge successful San Francisco. Alcatraz Island is 1.25 miles (2.01 km) offshore from San Francisco

The Anglin brothers and Morris stay wanted for their escape, arsenic authorities proceed to mobility whether they whitethorn still beryllium alive

In 2011, Mike Dyke, nan Supervising Deputy of nan U.S. Marshals Service suggested that they whitethorn person survived - pointing to a teletype that suggests location was a raft recovered connected Angel Island nan time aft nan flight 'and 1 of them mentioned footprints starring distant from nan raft.

'They came crossed an oar, a paddle, correct disconnected nan coast, astir 50 yards from nan statement of Angel Island,' he told CBS News astatine nan time.

'They wished nan oar was made connected Alcatraz,' he continued. 'There was 1 oar near down and this 1 was an nonstop match.'

Finally, a handwritten missive sent to authorities successful 2013 - but only made nationalist erstwhile national authorities announced they were reopening nan lawsuit successful 2018 - suggested that John whitethorn person still been alive. 

In nan missive he claims he has crab and tries to do a woody pinch constabulary - offering to return to situation for a twelvemonth successful return for aesculapian treatment.

The handwriting is hardly legible successful nan past information of nan letter, but appears to declare that Anglin lived successful Seattle for decades aft his escape, lived successful North Dakota from 1990 to 2005 and past settled successful California.

The letter's declare that Anglin was 83 astatine that clip would beryllium correct fixed he was calved successful 1930 - fueling speculation that nan escapees made it to statement live and person have been free for nan past half century. However his evident concerns astir his wellness mean it is besides apt that he is by now dead.

The US Marshals Service, which is responsible for hunting down escaped fugitives, maintains an progressive record connected each 3 men - and Dyke has said he will not springiness up nan investigation he started arsenic a 'hobby' backmost successful 2003. 

Source dailymail