Psychologists unpack Bill Belichick's 50-year age gap with girlfriend Jordon Hudson and reveal why young women choose older men

Trending 3 months ago

It is nan latest high-profile narration to seizure nan attraction of nan American nationalist — and for 1 logic only. 

Former New England Patriots coach Bill Belichick, 72, has precocious stepped retired pinch a caller emotion interest, erstwhile cheerleader Jordon Hudson, who is aged conscionable 23, making their property quality a whopping 48 years. 

The NFL legend's caller woman is acold from nan first young female to return liking successful a overmuch older, successful man. 

The personage world is afloat of examples of alleged golden diggers — from Al Pacino and Noor Alfalla, 53 years his junior, to Anna Nicole Smith, who was 26 erstwhile she joined an 89-year-old lipid tycoon.

But do immoderate young women really do autumn successful emotion pinch seniors? And if so, why? 

Anna Nicole Smith [shown right] joined billionaire lipid tycoon J Howard Marshall successful 1994, contempt a 63-year property difference

Al Pacino, 83, has been dating Noor Alfallah, 30, since April 2022. Their narration blossomed from a relationship during nan pandemic said to psychologists who revealed nan inner-workings of a golden digger's mind, and what makes them prosecute specified unconventional relationships.

Some women really are conscionable willing successful rate — and consciousness entitled to nan lavish manner specified a business affords, experts say.

Israeli scientist Dr Sam Vaknin said: ‘These group consciousness entitled to nan bully life, entitled to luxury, entitled to sparkling company, entitled to not work.

'They deliberation they are entitled to complete and utter independence, entitled to this entitlement, which is simply a hallmark of narcissism, is very communal among golden diggers.

‘And it drives them to behave successful ways which are fundamentally extortionate.’

However, immoderate take overmuch older and often wealthier partners owed to heavy insecurity.   

Dr Catherine Nobile, head of Nobile Psychology successful New York, told ‘From an evolutionary standpoint, women mightiness beryllium inclined to activity partners who tin supply stableness and resources, traits often associated pinch older, wealthier men.

Dr Alexandra Solomon, a licensed objective scientist astatine Northwestern University, added: ‘Somebody who grew up successful a very emotionally unsafe location whitethorn crave personification who feels for illustration a really safe rock, a really safe anchor and security.'

Belichick, 72, has been making love nan cheerleader Jordon Hudson, 24, for complete a year

She added that those who grew up 'deprived of attraction and affection' whitethorn consciousness particularly comforted erstwhile 'lavished' materially and emotionally. 

'It offers a salve to that coiled of emotion unseen aliases unattended to if personification didn't consciousness typical successful their home,' she adds.

This rings existent successful nan lawsuit of tragic exemplary Anna Nicole Smith, who married 89 year-old billionaire lipid tycoon J Howard Marshall successful 1994, contempt a 63-year property difference.

Years earlier she became a Playboy centerfold, nan erstwhile chickenhearted associated worker was exploited by those who said they loved her and was abused arsenic a young adult.

She told Larry King successful 2007: ‘ I couldn't make ends meet. I tried Red Lobster. I tried WalMart. I tried each these places and I couldn't make it. I couldn't. So, I tried this gentlemen's club, and, you know, I worked there, and it was conscionable atrocious successful those places. It was terrible. And he saved maine from that.

‘I saw a very sick man. Someone that was conscionable really, really sick and… physically ailing. And I conscionable wanted to conscionable talk pinch him… location was nary beingness attraction astatine all.’

The narration is transactional, meaning it’s not conscionable nan alleged golden digger who benefits. The older partner besides gets to unrecorded vicariously done nan other’s younker and reap nan benefits of their beauty and beingness attractiveness.

Dr Solomon said: 'In him choosing her he has entree to this benignant of for illustration fountain of youth, aliases this measurement successful which her choosing him, he has his ain worthy affirmed. Not financial worth, but psychological worth.’

Despite Russell Simmons being 35 and Kimora being 17 and a sophomore successful precocious schoolhouse erstwhile they met, nan 2 struck up a romanticist narration and yet married. Kimora ended up taking complete his manner brand, Phat Farm

Some group take older, wealthier, accomplished partners for want of being adjacent to powerfulness and having  power connected that person.

Godfather prima Al Pacino’s 30-year-old woman Noor Alfallah was a movie student earlier becoming a movie and tv shaper whose credits only see a fistful of short films to date, though she was a shaper connected nan forthcoming movie Billy Knight that her fellow Pacino is starring in, according to IMDb.

 While her motives for pursuing a narration whitethorn beryllium afloat honorable, she stands to summation from it.

She told Vogue Arabia: ‘I thought, wow, that’s Al Pacino. I went to movie school, truthful I wasn’t dumb astir who he was…he’s a very talented and unsocial person. But I had nary volition of reasoning like, oh, he is going to beryllium my son’s begetter 1 day.’

The entreaty of a able partner tin besides dishonesty successful nan consciousness of stableness and expertise to spend a lavish manner without having to struggle for it themselves.

Dr Nobile said: ‘Some group mightiness struggle pinch feelings of inadequacy aliases uncertainty their expertise to execute financial stability. 

'For these individuals, a narration pinch a wealthier partner is simply a measurement to unafraid a unchangeable and comfortable lifestyle, particularly if they person knowledgeable financial difficulties aliases deficiency a beardown support system.’

Traditional gender roles reenforce this dynamic, she added, telling that a patriarchal nine ‘casts men arsenic providers’, though caveated that by saying, ‘this partner prime whitethorn beryllium much rooted successful a longing for security, power, and position alternatively than factors related to circumstantial gender roles.’

Women person agelong been taught that their summons to occurrence lies successful marrying a able partner. Men person historically maintained—and proceed to maintain—disproportionate power complete wealth, power, and resources.

Dr Solomon said: ‘It's a reflection of patriarchy, that we will constituent to her arsenic nan golden digger alternatively than pointing to him arsenic someway mooching disconnected of her younker aliases her beauty aliases her vitality.’

Centuries of gender-based favoritism person entrenched these disparities, creating a societal model wherever men clasp positions of privilege and authority.

As a result, women person often had constricted opportunities for economical and societal advancement, pinch marriage, for some, serving arsenic a superior intends of securing financial stableness and societal status. 

A narration betwixt a very young personification and a very aged personification could besides beryllium profoundly rooted successful psychology and childhood. A dysfunctional narration pinch a genitor for lawsuit tin style nan person's preferences for their ain partner. 

Dr Susan Krauss Whitbourne, a psychology professor astatine University of Massachusetts Amherst wrote successful Psychology Today that our big relationships reflector really our caregivers treated us. If a female seeks nan information of a begetter fig successful her relationships, it suggests that she whitethorn not person received due attraction from her ain father. 

'Women who request nan information of a begetter fig would, from this constituent of view, person been poorly cared for by their ain fathers, arsenic reflected successful later seeking information from an older male.' 

Source dailymail