Palestine protester punched during anti-Semitic attack by Jewish investment banker Jonathan Kaye was thrown out of New York's City Hall for having a weapon three months earlier

Trending 3 months ago

The female New York finance banker Jonathan Kaye was accused of punching erstwhile he was swarmed by a group of anti-Semitic protesters past month, was antecedently escorted retired of an NYC Council proceeding for having a mini weapon, tin reveal. 

Micah Phillips, a BLM activistic and anti-Israel protester, identified herself connected societal media arsenic nan female astatine whom Kaye was seen throwing a punch in a viral video of nan altercation pursuing nan Brooklyn Pride Parade successful early June.  

The financier's attorneys person based on that he reacted successful self-defense aft he was attacked by a group of 'Queers for Palestine' supporters who had allegedly hurled anti-Semitic slurs astatine him earlier dousing him pinch liquids and shoving him to nan ground. 

Kaye, who has since stepped down from his managing head domiciled astatine Moelis & Company, was arraigned on second and 3rd grade battle charges earlier this period successful Brooklyn, wherever Phillips's supporters were erstwhile again seen heckling and throwing objects astatine him extracurricular nan tribunal house. 

And now unearthed video obtained by shows that conscionable months earlier Phillips had been progressive successful different altercation aft she brought a mini limb - believed to beryllium capsicum spray - to a assembly gathering successful City Hall. 

Unearthed video obtained by shows that conscionable months earlier Phillips had been progressive successful different altercation aft she brought a mini limb - believed to beryllium capsicum spray - to a assembly gathering successful City Hall.

New York finance banker Jonathan Kaye was arraigned connected misdemeanor battle charges earlier this period aft he was seen punching Phillips during an altercation successful Brooklyn successful June 

The clip of nan March 22 incident originates pinch a panic Phillips, who is wearing a keffiyeh scarf, shouting astatine building officials and constabulary aft she was kicked retired of nan chambers. 

'This is my f***ng right! This is my f***ing right! This is my correct to testify! You're kicking maine retired moreover though I sewage done your information pinch this,' she says referring to nan mini weapon. 

'I'm telling you I'll propulsion it retired and you still won't fto maine in, I'm making a f***ing scene! I'm making a f***ing scene!' 

The video shows Phillips accompanied by chap protester Alvin Dan, 32, who was identified arsenic 1 of nan hecklers filmed hurling insults astatine Kaye aft his tribunal proceeding connected July 1.

'They fto her successful nan building nan first time, she tin propulsion it out,' Dan says successful an effort to discuss pinch officials astatine nan door.

Phillips, still shouting, past tries to logic pinch them arsenic well, offering to flip nan limb successful speech for going backmost inside. 

'Let maine propulsion it out! Let maine propulsion it out! Let maine propulsion it out! I sewage this because I'm a female successful New York!' she shouts. 

As she continues yelling, officials yet return action by clearing nan area earlier yet shutting nan enclosure doors arsenic nan raucous protesters are escorted out. 

The clip of nan March 22 incident originates pinch a panic Phillips, who is wearing a keffiyeh scarf, shouting astatine building officials and constabulary aft she was kicked retired of nan chambers

Phillips tin beryllium seen accompanied by chap protester Alvin Dan, 32, (right) who was besides among nan hecklers filmed hurling insults astatine Kaye aft his tribunal proceeding connected July 1

Phillips identified herself arsenic nan female progressive successful nan June 8 fracas and took to Instagram connected July 1 to stock photos of her injuries arsenic good arsenic her outrage complete Kaye's downgraded charges successful nan aftermath of his tribunal hearing

According to societal media, Phillips is portion of the Crown Heights C.A.R.E. Collective, a societal justness group advocating for 'abolition' and 'against policing.' 

Records show chap activistic Alvin Dan besides has a history of brushes pinch nan law, and presently has 2 criminal cases successful New York, including a pending lawsuit successful Kings County involving charges of obstructing governmental administration, resisting arrest, attempted assault, and harassment.

In nan aftermath of nan June 8 incident involving Kaye, Phillips had shared Instagram posts containing nan banker's employer's accusation and urging followers and supporters to telephone nan patient to request his termination. 

'Moelis has still not fired Jonathan Kaye for his convulsive battle connected myself and my friends astatine Pride. This is unacceptable for them to dream that we hide and move connected while he keeps his position of power! Please please stock and PLEASE support calling!' she wrote successful a June 13 post. 

Weeks later she took to Instagram again to slam prosecutors complete Kaye's downgraded charges aft his July 1 tribunal appearance, while sharing photos of her injuries sustained successful nan incident.  

'Just recovered retired Jonathan Kaye was arrested coming and his felony battle charges were taken down to misdemeanors, truthful he tin hit america up and origin permanent, lifelong injuries and get distant pinch it because he's a rich | achromatic man?' she captioned nan post. 

'The Brooklyn DA are cowards and I can't judge this man is going to beryllium capable to locomotion distant pinch fundamentally nary grounds of his terror,' she added. 

At nan clip published video and photos showing Kaye being targeted by Alvin Dan and chap supporters of Phillips arsenic he near nan courthouse aft this hearing. 

Kaye was arraigned successful Brooklyn connected July 1, wherever he and his lawyer were later met by attackers, who threw a portion astatine his caput while hurling anti-Semitic slurs arsenic he near nan courthouse 

Disturbing video footage showed 1 personnel of nan group - believed to beryllium Phillips's chap activistic and friend Alvin Dan -  putting his keys betwixt his fingers arsenic he approached Kay

Dan was seen hurling a portion astatine Kaye arsenic he followed him connected nan thoroughfare erstwhile he near court 

He was arrested connected nan greeting of July 1 aft he willingly turned himself successful to constabulary successful Brooklyn and was arraigned hours later. 

Upon leaving court, Kaye and his lawyer were met by attackers, astatine slightest 1 of whom, believed to beryllium Dan, went aft Kaye pinch keys, according to eyewitnesses.

The group was besides heard hurling anti-Semitic slurs, pinch astatine slightest 1 personnel of nan pro-Hamas group calling retired 'Zionist pigs' and 'Jewish dogs', video showed. 

The man physically attacked nan lawyer from down and past tried to pursuit Kaye pinch his car keys betwixt his fingers. 

A female yet told nan attacker to run, which he did. reached retired to nan NYPD for comment.  

It comes aft sources adjacent to nan financier came guardant pinch his broadside of nan communicative successful nan aftermath of nan contention past month, claiming nan fracas had unfolded aft a group of 4 female 'Queers for Palestine' supporters allegedly started taunting nan Jewish financier and throwing liquids astatine him arsenic he near a adjacent edifice that night.

Unseen footage obtained by shed caller ray connected nan events starring up to scuffle, showing nan infinitesimal nan 2 parties transverse paths connected nan thoroughfare successful Brooklyn's Park Slope neighborhood, earlier getting into a heated beingness confrontation.

In nan aftermath of nan June 8 incident involving Kaye, nan extremist activistic had shared Instagram posts urging followers and supporters to telephone his employer to request his termination

Kaye was arrested connected July 1 aft turning himself successful to constabulary successful Brooklyn

Viral video had shown Kaye throwing a vicious overhand correct astatine an unnamed female successful Brooklyn - wherever he besides lives successful a 4 chamber townhouse successful pricey Park Slope, weighted astatine conscionable complete $4million

The CCTV images, captured by a adjacent restaurant, show Kaye emerging from nan correct broadside of nan sidewalk, wherever nan group of revelers look to beryllium hanging retired connected nan corner. 

The 2 parties look to speech words arsenic Kaye walks by, but he continues walking, earlier glancing backmost astatine nan group aft they allegedly statesman hurling slurs and insults. 

As he continues up nan sidewalk, he crosses paths pinch personification who appears to beryllium returning to nan aforesaid group of friends successful nan corner, and they speech words arsenic well. 

It is chartless precisely what was said, but it was apparently provocative capable to origin Kaye to extremity and move astir and attack nan group. 

The confrontation quickly turns chaotic and physical, pinch Kaye seen being surrounded and past shoved into nan street, disconnected screen, catching nan attraction of adjacent onlookers. 

After nan altercation unfolds disconnected camera, he reappears successful framework seconds later and continues connected his measurement down nan sidewalk. 

New footage obtained by shows nan infinitesimal millionaire finance banker Jonathan Kaye first encounters a group of Pride parade-goers arsenic he walks by them connected nan area of a Brooklyn thoroughfare connected June 8 

The confrontation quickly turns fierce and violent, arsenic nan group gangs up connected Kaye and shoves him onto nan street 

A root pinch knowledge of nan incident said nan viral clip does not show nan full story, which they declare began erstwhile a group of Queers for Palestine supporters attacked Kaye arsenic he near dinner. Pictured: Kaye's injuries 

Last period sources told that Kaye, who is Jewish, had told nan group they were 'on nan incorrect side', prompting nan women to pack up connected him

Now, understands Kaye had turned astir and went backmost to face nan group after hearing nan anti-Semitic slurs directed towards him.

In a connection to, Kaye's ineligible typical Danya Perry, Perry Law said: 'Mr. Kaye, a middle-aged Jewish man pinch nary history of unit aliases aggression, was terrorized, assaulted, and surrounded by a group of unruly anti-Semitic protesters. 

'What nan antecedently released video clip does not show is what different video and different grounds we person shared pinch nan DA does show: that these agitators formed a ringing astatine him, doused him pinch 2 chartless liquids, shoved him to nan ground, and hurled anti-Semitic slurs astatine him. 

'Terrified and injured, Mr. Kaye managed to enactment successful self-defense to flight nan business and return safely to his family. We are hopeful that nan District Attorney will afloat and reasonably see these facts, on pinch nan surge of anti-Semitic acts, protests, and attacks that are ravaging our city. We will aggressively conflict injustice, and we look guardant to a afloat vindication for our client.'

Source dailymail