Ozempic transformed my health but then an alarming side effect kicked in...

Trending 2 months ago

Last year, aft months of emotion bloated and exhausted, pinch debilitating backmost pain, I decided capable was capable and it was clip to spot a doctor.

Thanks to nan peri-menopause, I'd ballooned to 11 chromatic — nan aforesaid weight I was astatine full-term gestation 13 years ago. At 5ft 6in, I was still a patient weight, but nudging nan overweight class connected nan BMI scale, and I simply didn't consciousness good. So I wasn't amazed erstwhile a humor trial revealed I was pre-diabetic.

Vowing to overhaul my lifestyle, I began taking a suitcase of supplements, exercising much and eating mindfully, which meant slowing down and cooking from scratch whenever I could.

Yet nan existent eureka infinitesimal came erstwhile I went to see a London-based backstage GP, who suggested play injections of nan weight-loss supplier Ozempic. That's erstwhile my wellness really began to move astir — pinch 1 awesome caveat.

I eased into my Ozempic travel successful April past twelvemonth connected nan lowest 0.25mg dose, which I took for 3 months.

Olivia Falcon eased into her Ozempic travel successful April past twelvemonth connected nan lowest 0.25mg dose, which she took for 3 months

Starting debased for illustration this meant I avoided nan communal side-effects of nausea and tummy cramps and could past slow up my dose — until my weight plateaued and I yet graduated to nan afloat 1mg dose a mates of months ago.

I americium now 22lb lighter than I was, nan crippling little backmost symptom has disappeared, my cholesterin has dropped from a precocious of 6.6mmol/L to a acold healthier 5.5 and my bloodwork shows I americium thankfully nary longer successful nan pre-diabetic zone.

And yet 1 side-effect I had not bargained for has deed maine hard, arsenic it has hundreds of different Ozempic users.

The first signs of problem started astir six months ago. Standing successful nan shower, my bosom sank arsenic I noticed clumps of my long, blonde hairsbreadth washing down nan plughole. When I ran my fingers done it, wisps came away.

Panicked, I went from washing it 3 times a week to conscionable once. Brushing besides produced a bird's nest of hair, truthful I trim that down, too. My signature ponytail thinned retired by astir 30 per cent and, astir distressing of all, my hairline astir my temples was looking patchy. Yes, I loved my recently slim frame, but I was terrified I was going to spell bald.

At first, I didn't nexus this alarming hairsbreadth thinning to Ozempic — but past I visited my hairdresser, Tom Smith, who said he sees clients each time suffering from hairsbreadth loss who opportunity nan only manner alteration they've made is to return Ozempic.

Curiosity piqued, I said to Jane Martins, elder advisor trichologist astatine Philip Kingsley. 'Although location is nary grounds stating that Ozempic will origin hairsbreadth loss, immoderate individuals utilizing it person reported an summation successful hairsbreadth shedding,' she told me.

'Rapid weight nonaccomplishment appears to beryllium nan origin — it's a information known arsenic telogen effluvium, which intends nan bully news is that it's temporary. It's each down to a alteration successful eating habits aliases a low- calorie fare and nan nutritional deficiencies that tin introduce.'

Other hair-loss specialists, specified arsenic Kelly Morrell, of Scalp Confidential, and cosmetic expert Munir Somji, are besides seeing an summation successful clients utilizing weight-loss injections coming into their clinics pinch excess hairsbreadth shedding.

One of nan astir effective solutions they urge is nan Calecim Advanced Hair Regrowth System (calecim professional.com), an innovative stem compartment serum therapy which tin either beryllium self-administered astatine location (kits that past six weeks from £315) aliases applied successful a session utilizing a much powerful microneedling instrumentality (from £350 per curen astatine drmedispa.com).

Having utilized it myself religiously complete nan past six months, it does so make a palpable difference. After conscionable 8 weeks, I noticed a frizzy halo of babe hairs sprouting and, 3 months in, my ponytail has decidedly thickened out.

It's been difficult to judge that my weight nonaccomplishment has travel pinch a broadside bid of hairsbreadth loss. But nan reality is, I attraction acold much astir nan wellness of my assemblage than nan wellness of my hair. 

However, I'd beryllium lying if I said I didn't emotion my crowning glory and I'm extraordinarily grateful to person been rescued from lank hairsbreadth and a patchy hairline by this high-tech hairsbreadth solution.

Olivia Falcon is laminitis of @theeditorslist

Source dailymail