Owe More on Your Car Than It’s Worth? Here’s How to Get Out of an Upside-Down Car Loan

Trending 2 months ago

You tin get retired of an upside-down car indebtedness pinch a number of strategies, specified arsenic making other payments toward nan loan, refinancing nan loan, aliases trading nan vehicle. Learn much astir what being upside down connected a car indebtedness intends and ways to get retired of it.

Key Takeaways

  • Being upside down connected a car indebtedness intends you person antagonistic equity, aliases successful different words, you beryllium much than nan conveyance is worth.
  • Refinancing nan loan aliases trading nan conveyance are 2 of nan astir commonly utilized ways to woody pinch antagonistic equity.
  • You whitethorn besides see trading successful your conveyance for a different car, though that tin lead to further car indebtedness debt if you’re rolling nan original indebtedness equilibrium over.
  • Defaulting connected an upside-down car indebtedness tin beryllium damaging to your in installments and make it much difficult to get different car loans later.

What Is an Upside-Down Car Loan?

Being upside down connected a car indebtedness intends that you beryllium much than nan conveyance is worth. You whitethorn besides perceive this business referred to arsenic having negative equity. If you want to waste and acquisition successful your car but person antagonistic equity, you would request to salary disconnected that magnitude earlier you could return retired a caller indebtedness to acquisition different vehicle.

If you person antagonistic equity, you tin usage respective strategies to get car indebtedness debt relief.

How to Get Out of an Upside-Down Car Loan

If you’re upside down connected a car loan, location are immoderate options for getting retired of it. The 1 that is champion for you whitethorn dangle connected your fund and whether you’re committed to keeping nan vehicle.

Pay Off nan Loan

The first solution for an upside-down indebtedness business is to accelerate your payoff, if you're able. The faster you salary nan indebtedness off, nan sooner you tin destruct that debt.

There are a fewer options for paying disconnected an car indebtedness faster:

  • Pay other to nan principal each month.
  • Apply windfalls, for illustration taxation refunds, gifts, aliases activity bonuses, to nan main balance.
  • Make 1 lump-sum costs to salary nan indebtedness successful full.

Reviewing your fund and savings tin springiness you an thought of which action mightiness activity best.

Refinance nan Loan

Refinancing an car loan intends taking retired a caller indebtedness to salary disconnected an existing debt. If you tin suffice for a caller indebtedness pinch a little liking rate, you mightiness refinance to get retired of an upside-down car loan.

Refinancing doesn’t destruct your car indebtedness debt. You’ll still beryllium nan indebtedness equilibrium that you refinanced. However, having a little liking complaint could make it easier to salary disconnected much of nan main each period and get retired of indebtedness faster.


Shopping astir for the champion car indebtedness refinance rates tin springiness you a amended thought of whether it makes consciousness to effort to get a caller indebtedness to little your existent liking rate.

Sell nan Vehicle

You could waste nan conveyance to get rate to salary disconnected nan loan, including nan antagonistic equity balance. Selling to a backstage purchaser intends you mightiness person much room to discuss a value that would let you to get capable rate to cancel retired nan antagonistic equity.

Just retrieve that if you can’t get capable from nan waste to salary disconnected nan antagonistic equity, you’ll request to dress up nan quality out-of-pocket.

Surrender nan Vehicle

The past action for getting retired of an upside-down indebtedness is handing nan conveyance complete to nan lender. Voluntary surrender tin beryllium a much favorable action than allowing nan lender to repossess your car.

When a conveyance is repossessed, nan lender tin auction disconnected nan vehicle, but if they get little than what’s owed for nan loan, you whitethorn person to salary nan difference.


Vehicle surrender should beryllium seen arsenic an action of past edifice for dealing pinch an upside-down car loan, since you’ll suffer nan conveyance and nan indebtedness tin still beryllium reported to nan credit bureaus arsenic unpaid.

How Do Upside-Down Car Loans Happen?

Car owners tin find themselves successful a negative-equity business for a number of reasons. For example, you mightiness beryllium upside down connected a car indebtedness if you:

  • Have a semipermanent indebtedness and your conveyance has importantly depreciated successful worth since you purchased it.
  • Took retired a no-money-down car loan aliases paid supra nan vehicle’s sticker value because you included add-ons.
  • Purchased an costly conveyance that has not held its worth arsenic expected.
  • Accepted a indebtedness pinch a precocious interest rate truthful that much of your costs is going to nan liking than nan principal.

Depreciation refers to really quickly an plus loses value. In nan lawsuit of vehicles, cars suffer astir 20% of their worth successful nan first twelvemonth and proceed to depreciate each consequent year.

Here’s an illustration of really depreciation tin lead to an upside-down car loan: Assume you salary $30,000 for a brand-new car. Following nan 20% norm for depreciation, you tin expect it to beryllium worthy $24,000 1 twelvemonth later. Meanwhile, you’ve paid disconnected $4,000 of nan $30,000 car indebtedness that you took retired to bargain it. You beryllium $26,000 to nan loan, which is $2,000 much than what nan car is really worth. You’re now upside down connected nan debt.


Using a instrumentality for illustration Kelley Blue Book aliases Edmunds tin thief you estimate conveyance values earlier making a purchase, which could thief you debar an upside-down indebtedness scenario.

Tips for Avoiding an Upside-Down Car Loan

Avoiding an upside-down car indebtedness is imaginable pinch a small readying earlier you bargain and immoderate strategical reasoning afterward. Here are a fewer ways to minimize your consequence of ending up successful an upside-down car loan.

  • Skip nan add-ons: Add-ons, specified arsenic guaranteed car protection (GAP) insurance products, tin summation your full costs of borrowing and often only service to use nan lender aliases dealership alternatively than you. Reviewing nan indebtedness statement cautiously and opting retired of add-ons that you don’t request tin trim nan magnitude you salary truthful that you’re little apt to go upside down.
  • Increase your down payment: The larger your down payment, nan little you person to finance. Opting for a smaller indebtedness could let you to salary nan indebtedness disconnected faster and support gait pinch depreciation.
  • Choose a shorter loan: A shorter indebtedness word tin mean a higher monthly payment. However, paying nan indebtedness disconnected faster tin prevention money connected interest, positive you won’t beryllium near pinch indebtedness for a quickly depreciating vehicle.
  • Pay taxes and different fees up front: Your lender mightiness springiness you nan action to rotation taxes and different fees into nan loan. That intends little rate you’ll person to salary retired of pocket; however, adding to your indebtedness costs tin summation nan likelihood of becoming upside down.
  • Shop astir for rates: The little your liking rate, nan little costly your car indebtedness will beryllium overall. Checking your credit scores and considering nan minimum people requirements for different lenders tin thief you find car loans astatine nan champion rates.
  • Choose a reputable lender: Sometimes car buyers tin extremity up pinch antagonistic equity simply because they take a bad lender. Some disreputable lenders whitethorn adhd connected fees aliases different hidden charges that tin summation what you salary for a caller car. Checking reviews and asking friends and family for referrals tin thief you debar these bad lenders.
  • Plan your car-buying budget: Consider really overmuch you tin spend to salary for a car loan. Having a patient fund tin thief you debar buying a car that’s excessively costly for you aliases taking connected a larger indebtedness than you tin handle.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I Get Out of a Car Loan Without Damaging My Credit?

Selling a conveyance and utilizing nan proceeds to salary disconnected nan indebtedness successful afloat tin thief you destruct nan indebtedness without hurting your credit. You mightiness besides see trading successful nan conveyance and rolling antagonistic equity into a new car loan to debar in installments people damage; however, that tin time off you pinch much indebtedness to repay.

How Much Does a Car Depreciate Every Year connected Average?

Typically, vehicles suffer 20% of their worth connected mean during nan first year. The complaint astatine which depreciation occurs tin dangle connected nan make and model, really good nan conveyance holds its value, and really overmuch attraction nan proprietor pays to attraction and upkeep to minimize deterioration and tear.

How Do You Calculate Car Devaluation?

To cipher really overmuch worth a conveyance has lost, you tin subtract its fair marketplace value from its acquisition price. That tin springiness you a unsmooth estimate of really overmuch a car has depreciated. You tin besides comparison nan adjacent marketplace worth to nan existent indebtedness worth to find really overmuch antagonistic equity you mightiness have, if any.

Can You Refinance a Car if It’s Upside Down?

It’s imaginable to refinance a car loan erstwhile you’re upside down if you tin find a lender who’s consenting to o.k. you. Lenders tin see nan worth of nan vehicle, nan existent indebtedness balance, your in installments score, and your income erstwhile making support decisions for indebtedness refinancing.

What Is GAP Insurance?

Guaranteed car protection (GAP) insurance is designed to screen nan spread betwixt nan magnitude you financed for a conveyance and what it’s worthy if your car is stolen, damaged, aliases totaled. Your dealership aliases lender whitethorn connection GAP security arsenic an add-on merchandise erstwhile purchasing a vehicle, though it’s not ever necessary.

The Bottom Line

An upside-down car indebtedness tin consciousness for illustration a financial burden, but location are immoderate ways to header pinch it. If you’re shopping astir for a caller car loan, it’s adjuvant to understand really an upside-down indebtedness business tin hap and what steps you tin return to debar it.

Source investopedia