NYC councilwoman arrested for biting a cop during a protest against a planned homeless shelter

Trending 3 months ago

A New York City Council personnel was arrested connected Wednesday accused of biting a constabulary main during a raucous protestation astatine nan projected tract of a caller men's bum shelter.

Brooklyn Democrat Susan Zhuang, 38, was taken into custody during nan chaotic protestation astatine nan tract of wherever the shelter would beryllium built successful her district, successful Gravesend.

Images and video posted to societal media showed constabulary clashing pinch protesters from arsenic early arsenic 6am.

In 1 video, a female wearing a agleam pinkish apical who appears to beryllium Zhuang tin beryllium seen alongside different protesters trying to wrestle a barricade distant from constabulary arsenic an serviceman tries to handcuff her to nan railings utilizing zip-ties. 

Brooklyn Democrat Susan Zhuang, 38, was arrested connected Wednesday accused of biting a constabulary officer

Police could beryllium seen grappling pinch Zhuang and respective different protesters complete a metallic barricade, astatine 1 constituent appearing to assistance it up

Still photos show a ample wound people successful nan limb of Borough Brooklyn South Deputy Chief of Patrol Frank DiGiacomo

Another video past appears to show Zhuang being led distant by constabulary successful handcuffs.

A still photograph shows a ample wound people successful nan limb of Borough Brooklyn South Deputy Chief of Patrol Frank DiGiacomo.

DiGiacomo was checked retired astatine NYU Langone Hospital-Brooklyn pursuing nan wounded which he described it arsenic a 'pretty nasty bite.'. 

Police said Zhuang was blocking officers from getting to a female connected nan ground, and that Zhuang pushed officers utilizing nan barricade, yet biting a bull arsenic nan serviceman tried to drawback her. 

Zhuang has been charged pinch assault, resisting apprehension and obstruction, a constabulary spokesperson said.

NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell sounded wholly shocked by what had occurred.

'Councilwoman Zhuang has been a awesome partner pinch nan NYPD for a agelong time,' Chell began. 'But nan actions today, by assaulting 1 of our constabulary officers, a lawman chief, by biting him viciously successful nan arm, I can't explicate it correct now.'

Brooklyn City Councilwoman Susan Zhuang, arrested during a protest, is removed by officers from nan 62nd Precinct successful Bath Beach for carrier to Brooklyn Central Booking

Local residents successful Bensonhurst, Brooklyn were seen protesting a imaginable bum shelter

Three different officers were besides injured successful nan melee pinch 1 treated for injuries to some knees and different to his neck. Nine different group were arrested successful total, including Zhuang. 

Zhuang posted a video to nan social media tract X early Wednesday that appeared to show her astatine nan site, arguing pinch an officer, pinch a caption that publication 'There is nary permits. Mayor agency allowed building astatine 5 americium successful our neighborhood.'

A spokesperson for nan Brooklyn territory lawyer said Zhuang was arraigned successful tribunal connected Wednesday evening, and released connected her ain recognizance.

Zhuang's agency said nan first-term Democratic councilwoman was arrested aft trying to protect an 80-year-old female who was being pushed against barriers. 

PBA President Patrick Hendry released a connection saying that they are 'extremely shocked' by what happened.

'We are highly shocked by nan reported unit against NYPD members astatine todays protestation successful Brooklyn, particularly because Councilmember Susan Zhuang has been a patient protagonist of constabulary officers during her clip successful nan Council. 

Multiple officers attempted to spot handcuffs connected Zhuang during nan fiery protest

Police said Zhuang was charged pinch assault, resisting arrest, and obstructing governmental administration

'There is ne'er immoderate excuse aliases justification for assaulting a constabulary officer. There should beryllium nary double modular successful this case. After a afloat and adjacent investigation, Councilmember Zhuang and anyone other progressive must look afloat accountability for their conduct,' Hendry said.

The metropolis assembly whitethorn look to subject Zhuang, but opportunity they are waiting for an investigations to to return place.

'Violence is ne'er acceptable and it is ever important to respect metropolis workers doing their jobs,' a assembly spokesperson said. 

'We person seen nan nationalist footage circulating of today's incident, and will beryllium seeking to study much astir nan details. The Council will respect nan processes of nan NYPD and Brooklyn District Attorney pinch respect to this matter.'

Manhattan Councilman Keith Powers, a elder Democrat successful nan chamber, condemned his colleague's actions.

'There's nary logic anyone, elected charismatic aliases otherwise, should beryllium acting successful this manner,' Powers wrote connected X. 'Hoping nan serviceman is OK.'

Barricades tin beryllium seen successful nan aerial during nan struggle betwixt protestors with Zhuang seen successful pink

Footage of Zhuang’s apprehension shows nan lawmaker cable-tied to a barricade while screaming incoherently arsenic constabulary attempted to return her into custody

Officers could beryllium seen grabbing Zhuang's arms arsenic they effort to spot her nether arrest

The tensions boiled complete successful Gravesend aft nan metropolis announced plans to build a bum shelter will location 150 men. 

Demonstrators waved flags and signs pinch immoderate reading, 'Help nan bum by creating jobs not building shelters!' and 'No shelters adjacent playgrounds aliases schools!'

Other protesters held signs pinch messages aimed astatine New York City Mayor Eric Adams stating: 'You're endangering our children, nary bum shelters here!'

Those against it are concerned astir it being excessively adjacent to schools, time cares and elder centers pinch locals concerned about crime and perchance unstable people.

'People are not going to consciousness safe present because it's going to beryllium a large building and it's not safe for nan community,' Penny, 35, said to nan New York Daily News. 'People tin get drunk and beryllium astir nan kids aliases disturb nan businesses around. They request to extremity pinch this shelter.' 

'They can't build this successful this community. We person a batch of schools, elder national center. It's not safe for our community,' protestor Winnie Chan said. 'We person nan support of nan community, a batch of group are together.' 

Leaders opportunity that the metropolis needs to return different approach.

The play began early connected Wednesday greeting pinch video changeable astatine 5am

'Because nan metropolis did not pass pinch nan community, group consciousness frustrated, this is simply a bum shelter that is built successful nan worst imaginable vicinity that's been proposed,' said Democrat William Colton. 'There's a religion wrong 200 feet. There's 4 aliases 5 schools.'

A spokesperson for Mayor Adams said nan shelter would been nan first of its benignant successful nan organization successful bid to thief nan bum get backmost connected their feet.

'The proprietor of this building has nan due permitting required to demolish nan existing building. Every organization must person nan resources they request to support their astir susceptible neighbors, and this organization has nary shelters,' a connection read.

'Working pinch our nonprofit partners, we will supply robust support to thief early shelter residents stabilize their lives and move into imperishable housing. We support unfastened lines of connection pinch nan organization and stay committed to ongoing engagement to reside nan neighborhoods' needs.'

Source dailymail