Norway's Princess Märtha Louise and her bisexual fiancé Shaman Durek Verrett threaten his estranged mother, 81, with legal action over 'slander' - a month before their big day

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Norway's Princess Märtha Louise and her fiancé Durek Verrett person issued a cease-and-desist missive to his estranged 81-year-old mother and reportedly threatened ineligible action complete her 'slander' and 'false statements'.

King Harald V's daughter, 52, who describes herself arsenic 'spiritual' and claims to beryllium a clairvoyant, will wed her bisexual self-professed shaman partner astatine the Union Hotel successful Geirangerfjord connected August 31.

But their national has been arguable from nan outset, arsenic Martha Louise was forced to measurement down arsenic a moving royal successful 2022 owed to Durek's arguable views, including that puerility cancer is caused by unhappiness.

Now, nan mates person sent a cease-and-desist missive to Veruschka Urquhart, pinch Durek explaining connected Instagram really they judge their determination is 'the only remaining action for change'.

He said his mother has 'repeatedly slandered our characters done mendacious statements showing a important deficiency of attraction and emotion towards Märtha, myself, and our respective families'.

Norway's Princess Märtha Louise and her fiancé Durek Verrett (pictured together) person issued a cease-and-desist missive to his estranged 81-year-old mother and reportedly threatened ineligible action complete her 'slander' and 'false statements'

Undated photograph of Shaman Durek pinch his mother Veruschka Urquhart, who has fixed interviews to section media successful caller months

In interviews with celebrity mag Se og Hør, Veruschka has labelled her son 'dangerous', alleging that he had 'brainwashed' nan princess and that their family was not arsenic able as Durek has tried to make out.

The publication claimed connected Thursday to beryllium sharing nan 'shock letter, connection for word', successful which Märtha has reportedly threatened her early mother-in-law pinch a multimillion-dollar lawsuit, if she does not retract what she has said.

The missive from 'Shaman Durek and Princess Martha Louise' allegedly reads: 'We are penning to bid you to refrain from defaming, disparaging and making mendacious and provocative statements astir Shaman Durek. 

'If you do not afloat and loyally comply pinch this order, and take not to contradict your statements, Shaman Durek will usage nan civilian remedies astatine his disposal against you to nan grade imaginable nether nan law, including seeking damages of millions of dollars. To put it plainly, Shaman Durek will writer you.'

The princess's head reportedly confirmed to newspaper VG that nan missive was sent from nan royal and her partner.  

Following nan reports, Durek took to Instagram to explicate his reasoning, saying: 'I wanted to explain Märtha Louise's and my caller determination to rumor a cease-and-desist missive to my mother, Veruschka.

'VG’s investigation earlier this twelvemonth has uncovered Veruschka being successful a paid statement pinch Se og Hør, and she has, because of this contract, many times slandered our characters done mendacious statements showing a important deficiency of attraction and emotion towards Märtha, myself, and our respective families. 

'The cease-and-desist missive straight addresses these issues and is simply a modular process successful nan United States erstwhile defamatory situations occur. 

Following nan reports, Durek took to Instagram to explicate his reasoning, saying: 'I wanted to explain Märtha Louise's and my caller determination to rumor a cease-and-desist missive to my mother, Veruschka'

'We dream this clarifies our position connected this matter. Sincerely, Durek D. Verrett,' he concluded his post, successful which he shared a image of him and his partner, posing connected a formation successful sunglasses and vibrant outfits

'Regrettably, we person recovered nan cease-and-desist missive to beryllium nan only remaining action for change. We are sorry that it has travel to this step. We spot nary different options.'

He continued successful nan post: 'Veruschka has been estranged from overmuch of our family for a sizeable period. 

'As antecedently expressed successful VG @vgnett, our family is profoundly concerned for her intelligence wellness and well-being and has made galore efforts to thief her execute a amended value of life. 

'Unfortunately, she has rejected nan guidance and support offered by astir of her children, including myself. Instead of communicating pinch america arsenic a family, she has chosen to spell to nan property pinch continuous fabrications. 

'Her mendacious claims astir maine are regrettably a ploy to unafraid a position pinch Se og Hør to support her livelihood.

'This estrangement extends to my younger relative Brandon and his family, my older sister Angelina and her family, Martha, and myself. Despite this, our family remains agreed successful our stance against her actions.

'We dream this clarifies our position connected this matter. Sincerely, Durek D. Verrett,' he concluded his post, successful which he shared a image of him and his partner, posing connected a formation successful sunglasses and vibrant outfits.

In April, Martha Louise furiously deed backmost astatine her early mother-in-law's claims that Durek 'was not from a able family'.

Pictured: Princess Martha Louise of Norway and her American shaman fiance Durek Verrett. The royal posted this photograph to deed backmost astatine claims his mother made successful an interview

Princess Märtha Louise of Norway (pictured, right) will wed her fiance Shaman Durek Verrett (pictured, left) successful August

In a defiant Instagram post, nan royal included comments from 1 of Durek's erstwhile classmates who insisted he was 'one of nan richest kids' successful their school.

Martha Louise's societal media rant comes aft her early mother-in-law Veruschka gave different question and reply to personage magazine Se og Hør - having antecedently labelled her boy 'dangerous' and alleging that he had 'brainwashed' nan royal.

In nan bombshell interview, Veruschka commented connected nan family's finances and claimed they were not arsenic able arsenic Durek - who antecedently told Vanity Fair that he had entree to a backstage level increasing up - has tried to make out. 

Accusing nan publication of 'spreading lies', nan royal wrote: 'This clip they are repeating nan dishonesty that Durek was not from a able family arsenic a kid [...], erstwhile nan truth is that he grew up successful a bully neighbourhood, his mom near him astatine an early property and it was successful reality his mom not having money, not him.

'She wasn’t moreover around. Durek’s father’s bankruptcy came aft Durek moved out, truthful he was not affected by his father’s bankruptcy.'

Martha Louise past proceeded to stock photos of nan Californian mansion Durek claims to person grown up in, which was listed for complete $3m erstwhile it was past connected nan market.

She continued: 'This is nan location Durek grew up successful in Foster City, California. It is worthy much than NOK 30mill coming and is 321 quadrate meters(3460 quadrate feet).' 

The images show a sprawling open-plan surviving and room area and ample beforehand garden. 

The mates (pictured successful June 2022) person had a tumultuous fewer years aft nan princess, who claims to beryllium a clairvoyant, stepped down from royal duties complete Verrett's pseudoscientific views

The last image successful nan Instagram carousel was a connection from a female called Danielle Washington, who claims to person attended schoolhouse pinch Durek. 

It read: 'Many kids were suspicious of his family's wealthiness arsenic it seems for illustration he had it each erstwhile it came to worldly items. It didn't thief that Durek was nan ONLY personification successful schoolhouse that had limos and taxis extracurricular of nan ones taking him to schoolhouse because that wasn't what group did present successful Foster City. 

'However, it ever felt for illustration his parents were excessively engaged to return clip retired of their lives (and happiness) to return attraction of him.

'When Durek became a shaman, it didn't astonishment me. He has lived his full life dedicated to sharing emotion pinch all. You'd deliberation increasing up pinch tons of money and very small parental emotion would make him bitter aliases arrogant. 

'He is neither bitter, arrogant aliases acts for illustration he is amended than nan adjacent person. Durek is still nan aforesaid jovial tone I met galore years agone who is unfastened to sharing his gifts pinch each and personification I'm proud to telephone a friend.' 

The Princess added: 'It is not important to maine wether he was from a family pinch money aliases not arsenic a child, but nan truth is that he was, and I americium sick and tired of Se og Hør’s lies astir us. And astir Durek.' 

Signing disconnected nan post, nan royal wrote: 'Please don’t judge what Se og Hør says astir Durek aliases maine starring up to nan wedding. 

'From acquisition I cognize it will get worse arsenic we move person to nan wedding. It is truthful sad that it needs to beryllium this measurement arsenic a wedding should beryllium a joyous juncture for everyone involved. Also for us…'

In an interview pinch nan magazine, Durek's mother claimed she had not heard from her boy for complete a year. In a erstwhile Instagram post, Durek gushed astir his 'amazing and powerful' mother who 'raised him to beryllium a leader'. 

The mates announced successful September 2023 that they will necktie nan knot astatine the Union Hotel successful Geiranger, Norway, this coming August. 

In December 2020, Durek told Vanity Fair that he was nan boy of a able designer and that his family had their ain backstage level and servants.

The last image successful nan Instagram carousel successful April was a connection from a female called Danielle Washington, who claims to person attended schoolhouse pinch Durek

Official royal family photograph celebrating Crown Prince Haakon (Up 2nd L) 45th day pinch his family, while he poses beside Princess Martha Louise (Up L), Crown Princess Mette-Marit (Up C), Princess Ingrid Alexandra (2nd R), Maud Angelica Behn (R), (Bottom L-R) Prince Sverre Magnus, Queen Sonja and King Harald V, successful July 2018

The announcement came aft respective years of trouble for nan Norwegian royals which culminated successful Princess Martha's determination to measurement down arsenic a moving personnel of nan family - which she revealed has been filled pinch 'turmoil'.

Eyebrows were raised erstwhile nan Princess first began making love Verrett, who holds immoderate arguable and pseudoscientific views, including that cancer in children tin beryllium caused by 'being unhappy'.

In November 2022, Princess Martha announced she was stepping down arsenic a elder personnel of nan Royal Family successful a move labelled 'Norway's Megxit'.

In an question and reply pinch the BBC earlier this year, she praised her parents, King Harald an Queen Sonja, for keeping nan speech unfastened while she made her determination and they worked retired nan specifications astir really nan arrangements would work. 

When asked astir her determination successful comparison pinch Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, who besides stepped down arsenic elder royals, she said astir her 'amazing' family, including King Harald and Queen Sonja, and really nan speech betwixt them has ever remained open.

Princess Martha Louise stepped down arsenic a moving royal successful 2022 - successful a move that was dubbed Norway's 'Megxit'. Pictured: nan royal's family

Pictured: Princess Martha Louise's husband-to-be Durek Verret pinch his personage customer Gwyneth Paltrow

'What I deliberation has been astonishing done this full rhythm has been nan conversations we person had done it all,' she said.

'From a very young property I retrieve my mum and dada saying (the King and Queen saying) that we ever person to instrumentality together. We ever person to talk things done moreover if it's hard, we person to put each nan cards connected nan array because we are family and we person to activity things through.' 

The Norwegian royal besides discussed really her fiancé's arguable 'views' had contributed to really nan nationalist viewed her position successful nan royal family.

She said: 'The Norwegian group I guess... person decided it's champion for maine to measurement down because of his views astir things.'

Durek, who describes himself arsenic a 'Shaman', was dropped by his patient soon aft nan mates announced their engagement successful June 2022 complete pseudoscientific claims he made successful his book 'Spirit Hacking'.

Among nan claims were that children 'can get crab from being unhappy'. Durek has besides claimed he erstwhile came backmost from nan dead, recovering from a month-long coma, by letting his psyche 'burn' and he has besides spoken of having to acquisition a kidney transplant from his sister arsenic a child.

It is unclear why he needed nan kidney aliases really he became wheelchair bound, arsenic he has described. The unwellness which sent him into a coma is besides undisclosed.

Elsewhere successful nan interview, Martha Louise claimed she first began to acquisition psychic premonitions arsenic a child.

She said: 'When I was small I would spot things successful you. If you were sad aliases if you were happy... if you had a symptom successful your enarthrosis I would get a symptom successful my shoulder.

'And I understood that that's a talent and, you know, I could thief different people. And that's erstwhile nan full shot started rolling.'

The Princess said she decided she wanted to 'earn my ain money' which she could only do by giving up her 'money from nan state' and paying taxes for nan first clip successful her life.

After giving up her position successful nan royal family, nan Princess revealed she has had to woody pinch 'lots of scrutiny' - peculiarly erstwhile she takes connected caller roles.

'Everything you do that's a first, that goes retired of nan container that you're put in,' she said, adding that property scrutiny has 'continued'. 

Princess Martha Louise and Ari Behn joined successful 2002 and person 3 children together Maud Angelica, Leah Isadora and Emma Tallulah

Princess Martha Louise and her first hubby Ari Behn be nan wedding of Prince Carl Philip and Sofia Hellqvist successful June 2015 - earlier his decease 4 years later

She added that, successful Norway, belief beliefs for illustration nan ones she holds are 'taboo'. Her comments echoed an question and reply she gave connected Swedish TV successful March, successful which she claimed she had 'received nan astir disapproval of anyone successful Norway' for her beliefs. 

As she sat down pinch Anna Hedenmo connected Min Sanning - which translates to My Truth - nan royal said she felt she needed to measurement backmost because of nationalist image.

She said: 'I americium astir apt nan 1 successful Norway who has received nan astir disapproval of all, I think.' 

Elsewhere successful nan tv special, nan mother touched connected really her ex-husband Ari Behn - who took his ain life successful December 2019 - handled being successful nan spotlight.

Following their wedding successful 2002, nan royal said nan begetter of her 3 children - who made a sanction for himself arsenic an writer -said he didn't person bully reviews of his work.

She added: 'His intelligence wellness depended a batch connected him getting disapproval successful nan media. But I americium not saying it was anyone's fault. It is ever really you grip criticism. 

'The property took self-criticism aft he died, that they were possibly a small harsh towards him, and that he only received disapproval and was really a very bully person.'

In June 2022, nan newly-engaged mates appeared successful a video together connected Durek's Instagram relationship wherever nan American belief guideline - whose personage clients person included Gwyneth Paltrow, Nina Dobrev and James Van Der Beek - deed backmost astatine online trolling they've faced.

He said: 'One, they don't want to spot a achromatic man successful nan Royal Family because there's ne'er been 1 successful nan history of nan European royal family.

'Second, she's a female - it's different erstwhile a royal prince chooses a female of colour because it's like, "oh he's a man, he tin take whoever he wants".

'But for a princess to take a man of colour, has ne'er been done successful history. So it's really though for a batch of group to beryllium capable to grip that.'

Source dailymail