New film reveals most bizarre theory about UFOs yet - the 'cosmic jokers' hypothesis

Trending 2 months ago

Tucker Carlson thinks they're biblical entities. Others opportunity they are humans from nan early coming backmost to study us.

Now, a caller movie proposes an moreover alien mentation astir UFOs. 

The Cosmic Joker investigates nan thought that these entities may beryllium 'tricksters' that deliberately style themselves into what group want to spot aliases into forms that group whitethorn beryllium acquainted with, director Mark Christopher Lee told

The movie concentrates connected 2 infamous alien brushwood tails: nan Robert Taylor incident and the Pascagoula abduction of fishermen Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker.

The Pascagoula abduction of fishermen Charles Hickson (left) and Calvin Parker (right) and occurred successful 1973

Mr Hickson and Mr Parker reported being experimented connected by aliens pinch crab-like claws 

It asks nan question: Did nan aliens who made interaction pinch nan men deliberately style displacement themselves into forms reminiscent of thing successful their individual lives?

The movie besides suggests aliens mightiness not beryllium from abstraction astatine each - and that this mightiness beryllium down alleged cover-ups of UFO evidence. 

Mr Taylor was a wood worker successful Scotland who described seeing a UFO resembling a naval oversea excavation successful 1979. 

The Cosmic Joker suggests nan entity deliberately return this shape to lucifer thing Mr Taylor was acquainted pinch from his clip successful nan military.

In 1973 successful Pascagoula, Mississippi, Mr Hickson and Mr Parker reported being experimented connected by aliens pinch crab-like claws. 

Did alien intelligence style itself to a shape acquainted to nan 2 Deep South fishermen?

Lee told ‘What piqued my liking for this movie was interviews astir nan Pascagoula Encounter successful nan US successful 1973. Calvin Parker and Charles Hickson had an alleged abduction acquisition whilst sportfishing adjacent nan Pascagoula River.

‘They claimed they were taken onboard an alien trade and examined and physically handled by 2 aliens which had crab-like pincers. I conscionable thought - why would nan aliens person crab for illustration pincers?’

The 2 men reported to nan sheriff's section they had been abducted by gray-skinned aliens while sportfishing - pinch nan aliens having ‘crab-like’ hands and ‘robotic’ mouths.

The men each had a puncture coiled successful their arm.

Hickson told The Washington Post: 'I was conscionable getting fresh to get immoderate much bait, erstwhile I heard a benignant of zipping sound. I looked up and saw a bluish flashing light. Calvin turned astir too.

'We saw a 30-foot-long entity pinch a small dome connected top.'

The 2 Pascagoula witnesses had beingness injuries from nan encounter

The constabulary officers interviewing nan men secretly near a portion recorder successful nan room pinch nan witnesses aft rule enforcement left.

While they whitethorn person been hoping to drawback nan men driblet their enactment and admit they made up nan encounter, they only recorded them saying nan acquisition frightened them to death. 

Lee told this website: ‘The constabulary placed a hidden portion recorder, which captured them talking astir really nan acquisition frightened them retired of their lives. So that begs nan question: if nan acquisition was real, what were these creatures?

'Did they really accommodate themselves to what a mates of Deep South fishermen mightiness expect to see? Why did they spot nan aforesaid thing?’

In nan film, Lee besides speaks to UFO writer Malcolm Robinson, who describes nan unusual brushwood World War II seasoned Mr Taylor had pinch a UFO successful nan Dechmont Woods successful Scotland.

Lee told ‘Mr Taylor encountered and was attacked by an alien aliases intelligence that was akin successful quality to a naval oversea excavation pinch crisp protruding limbs coming disconnected nan sides.

'Again I thought did nan intelligence, immoderate it whitethorn be, return this from arsenic it would beryllium acquainted to Robert Taylor having served successful nan military?’

Mr Taylor's reported sighting was investigated by constabulary aft 2 spiked spheres rolled astatine him - leaving him unconscious for 20 minutes pinch ripped clothing.

Ddirector Mark Christopher Lee said to

The warfare leader and churchgoer was believed by locals - and constabulary recovered unusual marks connected nan crushed which could not beryllium explained by machinery successful nan vicinity.

Lee said others person suggested Taylor’s brushwood whitethorn person been triggered by an epileptic episode.

The thought of aliens arsenic shape-shifting ‘tricksters’ was first projected successful a book by precocious writer John Keel, whose activity inspired nan Richard Gere movie The Mothman Prophecies, Lee told this website.

He said: ‘Keep was nan first to really study successful infinitesimal item UFO and alien encounters. From his investigation he noted that location was ever this mischievous trickster constituent successful these sightings.’

Keel’s book suggests aliens whitethorn not beryllium from different planets, aliases from abstraction astatine each - but whitethorn alternatively beryllium ‘ultra-terrestrials’ who manipulate quality beliefs.

Lee added: ‘Of people if this mentation is existent it is astir apt acold much disturbing than being visited by different beings from different planets. 

'Are we arsenic humans nan playthings of a acold superior intelligence that lives alongside us?

‘Some modern Ufologists for illustration Blink 182 musician Tom DeLonge judge that this intelligence has ever been pinch america and that nan US authorities knows this and is utilizing nan extraterrestrial presumption arsenic a smokescreen to divert nan nationalist from nan wilder truth.’

The Cosmic Joker is retired now connected Tubi TV.

Source dailymail