Nevada couple is mysteriously found dead in their Mexican hotel room while celebrating their birthday with friends - as their children reveal why they may never know how they died

Trending 2 months ago

A joined Nevada mates was mysteriously recovered dormant successful their Mexican edifice room, and their children now opportunity they whitethorn ne'er cognize really they died.

Lindsay and Nick Jordan were recovered dormant successful their edifice room successful Cabo San Lucas,  Mexico connected July 14, wherever they traveled pinch activity friends to observe Lindsay's 46th birthday, the Reno Gazette Journal reports.

Their son, Deven Simms, has since been combing and translating constabulary records trying to fig retired what happened.

He said Mexican authorities judge their parents' deaths were caused by drugs, but location are discrepancies successful 'every document' astir really galore narcotics were recovered and of what kind.

But because nan Mexican constabulary ruled their deaths were not suspicious, nan family does not person nan action to tally independent autopsies successful nan United States.

Lindsay and Nick Jordan were recovered dormant successful their edifice room successful Cabo San Lucas, Mexico connected July 14. They are pictured successful their past photo 

'I cognize now we will ne'er know,' Deven told nan Gazette Journal, noting that his begetter did not portion - truthful it was intolerable to judge his parents could overdose connected drugs.

'They were location pinch activity friends too,' he said. 'They weren't going to spell and do that.'

The children told really nan parents were excited to spell connected nan trip, and sent them photos from nan Mexican study for nan first 2 days of their trip.

In her past Facebook station connected July 12, pinch photos overlooking nan excavation and ocean, Lindsay said it was 'Not excessively bad from our room for our agelong weekend.'

The last photograph of nan couple, appearing happy and smiling arsenic they had luncheon astatine nan resort, was taken by a friend.

'They were conscionable happy and happy to beryllium connected this trip,' said their daughter, Haley, 19. 

Mexican authorities ruled that they had died of supplier overdoses, but their boy says location are discrepancies successful each document 

But connected nan greeting of July 14, Deven said his parents' friends went to their edifice room aft they grounded to show up early that greeting to talk plans. 

They were past ushered distant by constabulary and edifice staff. 

Deven said nan activity friends past called him aft uncovering retired that their parents had passed away.

He past called Haley to present nan bad news, and nan agreed to meet astatine their parents' location successful Reno, Nevada to show their younger sister, Sammy, erstwhile she sewage location from a travel to Disneyland pinch their grandmother.

'We conscionable said it arsenic bluntly arsenic we could,' Deven said. 'I didn't want her to person questions aliases not cognize correct distant they were nary longer pinch us.'

But erstwhile they told nan 12-year-old wrestling prodigy, she ran from nan backyard, done nan location and climbed into her mother's car.

She past sat successful nan rider spot successful nan driveway.

'It's where, astatine that moment, she felt closest to my mom because she drove Sammy everywhere,' Haley said.

She noted that she stood by nan car door, while her relative climbed into nan drivers' seat.

'We conscionable wanted to situation her,' Haley said. 'We conscionable wanted her to cognize she wasn't alone.' 

An online fundraiser has been group up to thief support nan Jordans' 3 children

Nevada Elite Wrestling said successful nan aftermath it 'suffered a tremendous nonaccomplishment to our wrestling family.'

'Nick and Lindsay Jordan's spunk ever brought specified a ray into immoderate room they entered,' nan sports nine wrote connected Facebook.

'They were nan astir generous people, and if you sewage a chance to beryllium astir them, you'd cognize really typical they were.

'The Jordans supported EVERYTHING for our club, ever donating their time, talents and treasure,' it added.

A GoFundMe has been group up by nan mother's erstwhile workplace 'to thief support Nick and Lindsay's children arsenic they look nan situation of life without their parents.'

It said its extremity is 'to easiness nan financial load during this incredibly difficult time,' pinch costs going toward ceremonial expenses and support to thief raise Sammy and proceed her wrestling career.

In an update past Monday, nan organizer wrote that nan contributions person covered their ceremonial expenses 'and nan further support is helping to supply stableness for nan children arsenic they set to life without their parents.'

As of Sunday evening, it had raised much than $87,000. 

Source dailymail