My sister secretly dated my ex and now they're getting married - but I REFUSE to go to the wedding

Trending 3 months ago

A female is questioning if she is successful nan incorrect for refusing to spell to her small sister's wedding - aft uncovering retired her related is group to wed her ex-boyfriend whom she ended things pinch only 1 twelvemonth ago.

'Am I nan a**hole for refusing to be my sister's wedding aft she secretly dated and exchanged rings to my ex-fiancé?' nan 28-year-old female titled a station soliciting feedback connected Reddit's infamous r/AmITheA**hole forum.

She went connected to explicate she'd been pinch her ex-fiancé, dubbed Mike, for 5 years, and engaged for two.

They'd been group to necktie nan knot past summertime - but, conscionable months earlier their wedding date, she discovered he'd been cheating connected her. 

'Am I nan a**hole for refusing to be my sister's wedding aft she secretly dated and exchanged rings to my ex-fiancé?' nan 28-year-old female titled nan post

'It was devastating, and I called disconnected nan wedding immediately,' she wrote.

Shortly thereafter, Mike moved away, and she thought 'that was nan extremity of it.'

'I was heartbroken, but I slow started to move connected pinch my life,' she described.

But, past month, nan female sewage a telephone telephone from her 25-year-old younger sister, dubbed Lily, who said she had 'exciting news' and asked her to travel complete to their parents' location for meal to uncover it.

'When I arrived, Lily and my parents were each smiles, and she drops nan bombshell: she's engaged. To Mike,' nan female continued.

'My caput was spinning. I felt for illustration I was going to walk out,' she recalled.

Apparently, Lily and Mike had been secretly making love for nan past year, and they'd conscionable gotten engaged.

Their parents had 'known astir it for months but decided to support it from maine to "protect my feelings,"' nan female added.

She questioned if she is successful nan incorrect for refusing to spell to her small sister's wedding - aft uncovering retired her related is group to wed her ex-boyfriend whom she ended things pinch only 1 twelvemonth agone (stock image)

'They really thought I'd beryllium happy for them eventually,' she described of her parents.

'Lily tried to warrant it by saying she and Mike fell successful emotion aft our breakup and that their narration is meant to be,' nan female recounted of her sister's excuse.

The sister further swore that they hadn't started making love until aft nan woman's break up pinch Mike.

Nonetheless, nan female understandably 'felt betrayed connected truthful galore levels.'

She continued: 'I told them each that I wanted thing to do pinch their wedding and stormed out. 

'Since then, my parents and Lily person been bombarding maine pinch calls and texts, calling maine selfish and saying I'm overreacting.

'They declare that existent emotion is uncommon and I should beryllium supportive of Lily's happiness.'

'Now, nan wedding is successful a fewer months, and nan unit is on,' she went on.

'My parents person moreover threatened to trim maine disconnected financially if I don't attend.

'Some friends deliberation I should spell to support nan bid and show I'm complete it, while others are appalled and opportunity I person each correct to beryllium angry and to enactment away.

'Even worse, Lily is now asking nan female to beryllium her maid of honor, "claiming she wants to mend our relationship."

'This petition has near maine torn — I don't want to ruin our family move further, but I can't shingle nan wounded and betrayal I feel.'

Through thousands of comments, different Reddit users overwhelmingly deemed nan female NTA - short for 'Not The A**hole' - for wanting to beryllium retired nan wedding 

The station concluded: 'So, AITA for refusing to be my sister's wedding aft she secretly dated and exchanged rings to my ex-fiancé?'

Through thousands of comments, different Reddit users overwhelmingly deemed nan female NTA - short for 'Not The A**hole' - for wanting to beryllium retired nan wedding.

The top-voted remark declared: 'It's bewildering to maine that each nan adults successful this business judge each this without question, and are putting nan unit connected you to do nan same.... that's WILD.'

The commenter added: 'Your sister and parents REALLY fto you down, and they are digging themselves further into nan spread by demanding you respond a definite measurement and by threatening and coercing you to comply. Ick.'

A 2nd commenter analyzed nan business arsenic thus: 'Let's reappraisal here. Mike has cheated connected you and collapsed your bosom ([presumably] pinch personification else, since Lily says they started making love aft your break-up).

'Now that very cheater is pinch your sister and they, including your parents, hid this truth from you. Now they driblet this explosive connected you, telephone you heartless for not believing successful their "true love" and Lily moreover dares to inquire you to beryllium her maid of honor?

'If Mike cheated once, he will cheat again. That overmuch I foresee,' they predicted, besides advising nan female to spell low- aliases no-contact pinch her contiguous family. 

A 3rd chimed in: 'NTA. Sure you cannot power them ending up together. They started making love aft your narration had ended. If your sister is successful emotion pinch your sloppy seconds and a known cheater. All nan champion to her. I deliberation heavy down you will process nan truth of that for yourself, and support your narration pinch your sister.

'BUT you NEED nan clip to process this.... Dropping nan bombshell connected you 2 months earlier nan wedding. Expecting you to conscionable get complete your feelings and beryllium a portion of nan wedding statement arsenic good is A LOT to inquire successful this situation. 

'Your parents AND sister made a horrific correction successful NOT informing you of this sooner, and giving you clip to process your feelings,' they reasoned.

And arsenic a 4th put it: 'My gosh, it is truthful messed up she is marrying your ex who cheated connected you. The truth that they were secretly making love makes maine deliberation she was nan different woman. 

'I don't blasted you for not going. Sorry this is happening. Your parents are incorrect arsenic well. But, your sister is nan worst.'

Source dailymail