Mums on strike: Hair salon owner and dog-groomer who claim they do '80 per cent of the house work' team up and go on domestic strike leaving their husbands and teenage children to clean up after themselves in new Channel 5 documentary

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A caller bid of a Channel 5 programme delves into nan home lives of British families - and looks astatine what happens erstwhile over-worked wives and mothers person had enough.

Mums connected Strike, which restarts connected Sunday, visits 'some of nan UK’s astir unequal households' successful which 1 partner is responsible for more of nan home load than anyone other successful nan home.

Each section features 2 families successful which usually (but not always) nan female is sick of being nan main household's dogsbody.

In a last-ditch effort to show conscionable really overmuch activity they do successful nan house, nan family personnel who does nan astir 'goes connected strike' for a week, leaving each nan chores to nan others for a change.   

'Those near down must effort and musculus done 1 week without nan family linchpin, arsenic we uncover nan existent dynamics of nan household,' says a connection describing nan programme.

Oldham-based David and Alfie Ogden (pictured L-R) are not happy aft mother Sarah 'goes connected strike', leaving them to do their ain housework

According to woman and mother Sarah Ogden (pictured) arsenic good arsenic moving part-time arsenic a canine groomer, she does everything successful nan location arsenic well

'As their onslaught unfolds, we travel some sides arsenic they effort and cope, successful this unsocial look astatine modern Britain really we each unrecorded together.'

The first section features nan Oldham-based Ogden family including Sarah, 54, who is joined to David, 54. The mates shares 16-year-old boy Alfie.

Part-time canine groomer Sarah does everything successful nan home, and is unhappy pinch emotion arsenic though she has go nan family maid - truthful overmuch so, she says she 'mentally packs her bags' each evening - and has done truthful for years. 

David, an operations manager, believes that location chores for illustration cooking and cleaning are 'women's work'.

As nan breadwinner, he says he has nary clip for chores (or for dates pinch his wife) and is unwilling to fto thing get successful nan measurement of watching his beloved Manchester City, which he is obsessed with.

Speaking successful nan first episode, Sarah says: 'Typically, I do everything successful nan house. David moves nan occasional cup, and will show you astir it...I do nan washing, nan ironing, nan cooking, nan cleaning, nan shopping, nan windows.'

She adds: 'I do nan blinds. I do nan skirting boards. I do nan sofa. I do nether nan cushions. It's conscionable an endless task. I cleanable nan canine muck up 3 times a day.'

Meanwhile, while David concedes that his woman 'probably does nan lion's share', he opines that it is 'not backmost breaking' labour, adding 'it's not digging roads, is it?'.'

Wife and mother Gaynor Eckersley (pictured, right) pinch hubby Paul (second from right) and their copy sons Dylan and Devon ( some pictured left)

However, erstwhile he finds retired his woman is connected strike, meaning he will person to prime up nan slack, he is not happy.

'So I spell to work, salary nan bills, travel home, navigator my tea, do my cleaning, do nan ironing, cleanable nan house,' he says during nan episode.

'I don't deliberation so. I mightiness arsenic good get my ain's a p*** take.'

The 2nd family featured successful nan programme includes nan Bolton-based Eckersley family - 59-year-old Gaynor, he hubby Paul, 58, and their copy sons Dylan and Devon, 16. 

According to Gaynor, who runs a hairsbreadth salon, she does 75 per cent of the household chores, and wants thief from her hubby and sons, who she believes are now aged capable to thief too.

However, begetter Paul is not keen, and says he doesn't want their abode to go a activity house. 

With some of nan women emotion nan strain of moving and doing nan immense mostly of nan chores astatine home, they revolt, leaving their families to cleanable up aft themselves.

Oldhma-based David Ogden (pictured) was not astatine each pleased erstwhile he discovered that woman Sarah (pictured) would beryllium going connected strike

According to nan programme information, Gaynor and Sarah 'make their demands and enslaved complete nan menopause', moreover calling themselves nan 'HRT Sisters'.

'Their husbands’ instantly "rude" responses do not spell down well,' it adds.

'Paul pushes backmost connected Gaynor’s plans to enlist their kids thief and David and his boy can’t get their heads astir an omelette, fto unsocial nan messiness resulting from their bulldog’s dinner.

'The wives do not springiness up and neither do their friends, moreover erstwhile things get frosty - 

'Can David prehend emotion pinch a homemade salad? Can Paul talk to nan boys astir women’s issues?'

The caller bid of Mums connected Strike airs from Sunday, July 21, at 9pm connected Channel 5 & My5.

Source dailymail