Millionaire biohacker Bryan Johnson, 46, reveals how he is using 'young Swedish bone marrow' in his anti-aging journey

Trending 3 months ago

Bryan Johnson has spent millions of dollars connected his quest for eternal younker successful nan past fewer years connected a ngo to trim his age, precocious undergoing a cutting separator stem compartment procedure.

The biohacker, from California, traveled to a luxury edifice successful nan Bahamas, co-owned by Tiger Woods and Justin Timberlake, to get 300 cardinal stem cells injected into his shoulders, hips and knees.

The stem cells are originated from young Swedish bony marrow by a institution called Cell Colars Clinical, successful an effort to summation his longevity and amended associated health.

Johnson, 46, added he underwent nan process successful an effort to lucifer his full bony mineral density passim his body, which astatine nan infinitesimal sits successful nan apical 99.8 per cent for 30-year-olds.

'Each associated stem cells are nan body's repair system, those patient young Swedish cells should multiply successful my assemblage early proofing each of my awesome joints and taking maine 1 measurement person to property 18,' Johnson explained successful nan video posted to YouTube.

Bryan Johnson has spent millions of dollars connected his quest for eternal younker for nan past fewer years successful a ngo to trim his age, precocious undergoing a cutting separator stem compartment procedure

The cells were injected successful 2 parts - 150 cardinal 1 time and 150 cardinal nan next. Pictured is Johnsons getting an injection successful his hip

Bryan's begetter besides sewage 100 millions stem cells injected successful a little aggravated type of nan procedure, which were injected straight into his bloodstream to assistance successful wide assemblage rejuvenation.

The stem cells traveled 5,000 miles from Sweden to nan Bahamas, transported successful cryo tanks filled with liquid nitrogen.

'Once they get we'll person a constricted model of opportunity to inject them into my assemblage earlier they expire,' Johnson explained nervously.

The cells were injected successful 2 parts - 150 cardinal 1 time and 150 cardinal nan next.

On time 1 he was injected successful some knees and nan correct hip, while time 2 focused connected nan near hep and some shoulders. He was administered section anesthetics for both.

He admitted he was emotion 'pretty rough' aft going retired and socializing pursuing nan first information of injections.

'Turns retired it's a lot, My full assemblage it conscionable feels for illustration it's stiffened up and it can't move,' he explained. 'It feels for illustration I've been successful a car clang - my assemblage conscionable aches.'

Johnson shared nan proceedings will impact follow-up visits astatine one, three, six, and 12 months. 

'Aside from nan study protocol, we will measurement my joints again pinch MRI successful six months to measure whether nan therapy works,' nan biohacker explained. 'The 12-month clip constituent will besides beryllium informative. '

The stem cells traveled 5,000 miles from from Sweden to nan Bahamas, transported successful cryo tanks filled pinch liquid nitrogen

His begetter (right) besides sewage 100 millions stem cells injected successful a little aggravated type of nan procedure, he had these injected straight into his bloodstream to assistance successful wide assemblage rejuvenation

On time 1 he was injected successful some knees and nan correct hip, while time 2 focused connected nan near hep and some shoulders. He was administered section anesthetics for some days

'The large thought here: what if each 12 months we did a bid of therapies, for illustration this one, that repaired nan harm (and injuries) that occurred that year. Time passes, but our bodies stay nan aforesaid age,' he explained. 

'Wouldn't that beryllium cool.'

It's not nan first clip Johnson has undergone experimental treatments successful his quest. In June, he revealed he traveled to a distant land for a $20,000 curen during his hunt for nan 'fountain of youth.' 

He claims he now ages each 19 months and has reversed his biologic property by 5 years successful full - walking to nan land to edit his DNA successful an effort to unrecorded forever. 

Along pinch immoderate members of his Blueprint team, Johnson traveled to Roatan to undertake nan treatment, claiming that successful a trial conducted connected mice, nan rodent who had undergone nan cistron therapy lived for 30 per cent longer.

He revealed nan process involves a changeable successful nan tummy and buttocks. 

Johnson reported that 3 weeks aft his treatment, his follistatin levels had accrued by 160 per cent, which was nan target nonsubjective of nan treatment.

Previously, nan millionaire mogul besides precocious shared a bio-breakthrough, claiming he had reduced his aging process by a complaint of 0.64, which he says is his 'personal best.'

'That astir intends that for each 12 months that walk I only property for 7.6 months now,' gushed nan entrepreneur, who claims to person turned backmost nan clocks by 5 years.

According to Johnson, an important portion of reducing his property is to do pinch his diet, which he and his squad person coined nan Blueprint diet.

The wellness guru - who claims he is nan 'most measured personification successful history' - has spent cardinal of dollars attempting to reverse his beingness age.

He claims he now has nan bosom of a 37-year-old, nan tegument of a 28-year-old, and nan fittingness of an 18-year-old aft first adopting nan highly-regimented programme successful 2020. 

Source dailymail