Meet 24-year-old 'election judge' voter monitor in battleground state of Pennsylvania. Here's why she's 'concerned' about voter fraud this election

Trending 3 months ago

A Pennsylvania 'election judge' has awesome concerns astir interference successful nan upcoming November election.

Emily Carr, who has only been aged capable to ballot successful 1 wide predetermination successful her lifetime, tells that electronic voting machines, outdated laws and bad actors could effect nan result successful nan battleground state. 

Carr, 24, has been an predetermination unpaid for years contempt her young age, steadily climbing nan ranks from clerk to number inspector and onto mostly inspector earlier being appointed arsenic a judge of elections successful her location county.

Americans are sworn successful arsenic predetermination officials pinch nary acquisition and nary inheritance checks - thing she says is origin for concern.

She expressed interest complete conscionable really chaotic and unorganized predetermination time tin beryllium - and nan galore mistakes that could lead to improperly counted ballots. 

Emily Carr, 24, useful arsenic a judge of elections successful northbound eastbound Pennsylvania. She elaborate exclusively to immoderate of her apical concerns complete predetermination security 

The chaos - mixed pinch mediocre staffing levels owed to unpaid shortages - person made nan occupation uncomfortable astatine times, she said, thing that she has apparently seen many times since starting arsenic a canvass worker years ago.

Though she has ne'er done thing unlawful aliases fishy successful her capacity arsenic an predetermination worker, she says, she revealed to really nan strategy has imaginable flaws that could lead to its manipulation.

'I could motion group successful and formed nan votes each time if I wanted to,' Carr shockingly disclosed astir nan magnitude of powerfulness immoderate unvetted predetermination officials person successful a sit-down question and reply pinch 

Shortages of canvass workers, astatine times, has resulted successful ballots having conscionable 1 charismatic successful charge. 

While Pennsylvania laws require aggregate predetermination supervisors, according to Carr, that does not ever hap connected predetermination days - resulting successful shocking lapses successful mandated oversight and opening a pathway for predetermination interference. 

On nan time of Pennsylvania's 2024 superior elections connected April 23, Carr said she was nan only worker who showed up.

Carr showed Daily Mail envelopes of votes sealed and held by predetermination officials for illustration her until they whitethorn beryllium needed for recounts aliases verifying ballots

A elector prepares to formed a ballot connected an physics voting instrumentality wrong a ballot halfway connected Election Day during nan Nevada 2024 statesmanlike superior election. Carr expressed concerns complete voting official's powerfulness complete specified voting machines and really tallies could beryllium manipulated 

A elector drops disconnected a mail-in ballot astatine a container successful Maricopa County, Arizona, during nan state's 2022 elections

'I was nan only personification astatine that polling spot each day. I could person sat location and signed scribbles successful nan names successful nan books because nary 1 goes backmost and looks astatine those books to double cheque nan signatures.'

'That's our occupation arsenic we beryllium location and cheque you erstwhile we're expected to make judge that nan signature you scribble matches nan signature printed retired connected nan portion of paper.'

'So if nary one's watching maine and checking me, and I'm nan only personification astatine that polling place, 100 percent I could person opened those polls,' Carr told 'I could person messed pinch ballots.'

'A batch of nan insecurity successful nan predetermination strategy comes from nan group that are moving it and they either request to make these existent jobs and salary group to do it, if that's what it takes.'

In summation to scant oversight owed to debased unpaid turnout impacting predetermination security, mail-in ballots besides airs a concern. 

'There could beryllium a heap of ballots that sewage mislaid and ne'er counted and I could spot them being recovered months later and personification being like, 'well, nan predetermination already happened' and immoderate and conscionable flip it,' Carr said. 

'I wouldn't beryllium amazed if I heard that that was a point that happened. It's a mess. It's chaotic.' 

The disorganization has besides meant that voting places tin deficiency basal supplies and surgery voting machines stay inoperable. 

And nan predetermination office successful her precinct often struggles to support up.  

'The scariest point is conscionable astir apt really unorganized it each is. Just everything from like, nan machines are ne'er moving properly. So we're missing supplies. It seems for illustration each predetermination there's issues and everyone's calling to nan authorities building, Carr said.

She told nan problems she sees each predetermination person not been solved.

A worker scans ballots formed during nan 2022 U.S. midterm predetermination successful Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S., November 10, 2022.

Voting locations require aggregate officials to operate, Carr said, to guarantee that location is oversight of predetermination officials by their peers and canvass watchers

'The authorities building is conscionable benignant of for illustration scrambling trying to put set immunodeficiency connected for illustration each these small issues. And aft now moving truthful galore elections and seeing nan aforesaid issues hap each azygous predetermination complete and complete again ... I'm for illustration you guys person months successful betwixt these elections.'

'Why are we not taking nan clip to for illustration find for illustration existent solutions for them?' 

While moving nan 2022 Pennsylvania elections - successful which nan politician was up for reelection - Carr knowledgeable a insubstantial shortage astatine her voting place. That aforesaid twelvemonth she besides had to support polls unfastened late.

It was besides a twelvemonth wherever they had fewer volunteers staffing her precinct. 

'Why are we for illustration conscionable slapping set immunodeficiency connected each predetermination because those cracks that are being covered up pinch set immunodeficiency are yet wherever nan expertise for mistakes to hap and issues hap aliases group pinch you know, antagonistic intent. to gaffe in,' she bemoaned astir nan voting process. 

'I deliberation that's astir apt astir concerning,' she continued. 'It's very disorganized, and it doesn't look for illustration anyone really cares astir really disorganized it is.' 

In this year's election, she is concerned that galore of nan problems she has knowledgeable will stay unsolved, adding an further load connected predetermination workers.

Pennsylvania was a battleground successful 2020 and is again successful 2024. Recent polling shows Donald Trump up of Joe Biden successful nan authorities that nan later won successful their past matchup 

Biden won Pennsylvania by conscionable complete 80,000 votes successful 2020 

Donald Trump tried to title Pennsylvania's ballot count successful 2020 but his effort was struck down by a national judge 

Donald Trump narrowly mislaid Pennsylvania successful nan 2020 predetermination by 80,000 votes. 

Afterward nan erstwhile president challenged nan election's results, alleging irregularities successful mail-in ballots whitethorn person impacted nan votes. 

A national judge rejected Trump's bid to situation nan results successful November 2020, but nan authorities is believed to beryllium a red-hot title for nan 2 presidents again.

Current polling study compiled by FiveThirtyEight shows nan Republican up of Biden by 2.4 points. 

Though Key Stone authorities boasts Democratic activity successful nan governors agency and US Senate, its delegates look up for grabs.

Pennsylvania whitethorn yet again determine nan statesmanlike predetermination pinch a slim separator of votes. 

Carr besides noted really nan state, and galore others, person loose restrictions erstwhile it comes to who tin motion up to beryllium an predetermination official.

In Pennsylvania, for example, a insignificant aged 17 could motion up to beryllium an predetermination canvass worker (with parental permission), contempt not being aged capable to vote. 

This is reasonably communal and 16-year-olds successful different battleground states for illustration Arizona, Michigan, Georgia and Wisconsin tin besides activity arsenic predetermination officials. 

'I cognize that we decidedly person for illustration volunteers that are for illustration precocious schoolhouse kids and worldly for illustration that can't vote,' Carr said. Though she added she has not seen anyone that young motion up for nan upcoming predetermination successful her county.  

Further, location are not required inheritance checks for canvass workers successful Pennsylvania, a believe that is besides shared by galore battleground states.

Biden's fundraising groups are focused connected battleground states for illustration Pennsylvania successful nan 2024 election 

'We're nan group that are expected to beryllium keeping an oculus connected things and nary one's really keeping an oculus connected us.'

'We are conscionable volunteers, nary 1 did a inheritance cheque connected me, nary 1 vetted me to make judge that I was for illustration cleared to beryllium for illustration a judge of elections.'

The 24-year-old told that though she has not seen immoderate predetermination interference herself while moving successful Luzerne aliases Lackawanna Counties, she does judge that nan voting strategy is owed for reform. 

'I'm conscionable a regular unpaid who is very into authorities and thinks that voting is important.' 

And, she added, for those wondering: 'You know, we decidedly request much volunteers.' 

Source dailymail