King Charles roars with laughter as he learns how to fist-bump from players on the West Indian cricket team - and expresses his concern for Hurricane Beryl devastation across the Caribbean

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The King proved you tin thatch an aged canine caller tricks aft he was shown really to do nan 'spud bump' astatine Buckingham Palace.

Charles, 75, met pinch nan West Indian cricket squad connected Saturday up of nan first trial astatine Lords connected Wednesday.

He was keen to definitive his interest astatine nan devastation wrought crossed nan Caribbean by Hurricane Beryl - but location were besides immoderate light-hearted moments, peculiarly arsenic nan monarch was taught really to do a fist bump-style greeting by 2 brothers called up for nan Windies, Mikyle and Jeremiah Louis.

He besides roared pinch laughter aft being shown a number of different accepted Caribbean greetings, involving him slapping and clasping hands.

Afterwards His Majesty inquired aft nan players' families backmost home, asking whether they had each managed to make interaction pinch their loved ones since Beryl battered nan islands leaving a way of demolition and thousands crossed nan region without powerfulness and water.

Charles, 75, met pinch nan West Indian cricket squad connected Saturday up of nan first trial astatine Lords connected Wednesday

Team skipper Kraigg Brathwaite said: 'It was awesome to meet nan King. I told him that nan hurricane devastated nan islands and caused a awesome woody of harm and now we've sewage moreover much to play for to make West Indians proud.

'I said that we want to bring immoderate joyousness backmost and put a grin connected their face. We want to springiness group thing to cheer for. It's nan slightest we tin do.'

The King besides said of his desire to spot much British youngsters travel their illustration and return up nan sport.

'The King wished america bully luck and I dream we put connected a bully show for nan young people,' said seam bowler Jeremiah. 'He told maine he would for illustration to spot much youngsters playing cricket successful England.'

The royal donned a grey suit for nan juncture - teamed pinch a patterned bluish necktie - looking delighted to meet nan athletes.

He grinned arsenic he posed alongside them for a group photo, and was seen shaking hands pinch nan players. 

And he expressed his gratitude connected being presented pinch a garment signed by each nan players, though he indicated - rubbing his backmost and grimacing - that he was a touch excessively aged to deterioration it competitively.

He was keen to definitive his interest astatine nan devastation wrought crossed nan Caribbean by Hurricane Beryl

Charles appeared to bask moments of levity pinch nan team, sharing laughs and learning handshaks

Afterwards His Majesty inquired aft nan players' families backmost home, asking whether they had each managed to make interaction pinch their loved ones since Beryl battered nan islands

He besides roared pinch laughter aft being shown a number of different accepted Caribbean greetings, involving him slapping and clasping hands

And he expressed his gratitude connected being presented pinch a garment signed by each nan players, though he indicated - rubbing his backmost and grimacing - that he was a touch excessively aged to deterioration it competitively

Pointing to nan framed garment he joked: 'Break solid successful emergency', adding: 'I'm very touched. I don't deliberation I merit this astatine all.'

With a grin Braithwaite said: 'He said he would astir apt beryllium supporting nan West Indies and we're very grateful.

'The history betwixt nan 2 teams goes measurement backmost and to beryllium here, playing England, is great. I told His Majesty we were looking guardant to nan series.

'I ne'er thought I'd meet nan King and it's bully to beryllium present talking to him.'

The King has spoken to a number of Prime Ministers successful nan region successful caller days and has made a important individual aid to nan alleviation effort.

Last week, nan King expressed his 'profound sadness' astatine nan demolition and nonaccomplishment of life caused by Hurricane Beryl successful nan Caribbean.

In a individual connection he sent his 'heartfelt condolences' from nan Royal Family and praised emergency services unit and volunteers who are moving round-the-clock to woody pinch nan aftermath.

It is understood His Majesty is additionally making a important charitable aid to nan disaster betterment and alleviation efforts.

He has asked to beryllium kept intimately informed of nan processing situation, and is hoping to prosecute pinch location leaders straight successful coming days to connection his support and sympathies.

In his connection King Charles said: 'My family and I person been profoundly saddened to study of nan dreadful demolition caused by Hurricane Beryl crossed nan Caribbean. Above all, we nonstop our heartfelt condolences to nan friends and families of those who person truthful cruelly mislaid their lives.

'I person seen nan bonzer tone of resilience and solidarity that group crossed nan Caribbean person shown successful consequence to specified demolition - a tone which has been called upon excessively often - and truthful I besides nonstop my peculiar gratitude to nan emergency services and volunteers who are supporting nan rescue and betterment efforts.

'At this astir difficult of times, please cognize that our astir typical thoughts and prayers are pinch each those whose lives, livelihoods and spot person been truthful utterly devastated.' 

Hurricane Beryl has battered respective islands successful nan Caribbean, astir precocious Jamaica, sidesplitting astatine slightest 8 people.

Almost each location has been destroyed aliases severely damaged connected Union Island successful nan Grenadines, wherever officials opportunity nan large wind has caused 'immense destruction'.

King Charles remains caput of authorities successful St Vincent and nan Grenadines, arsenic good Grenada, which has besides been severely hit, and Jamaica.

No large wind has reached Beryl's level of strength truthful early successful nan hurricane season, which runs from June until November.

The King's connection comes aft it was confirmed that nan Prince and Princess of Wales had donated privately to nan alleviation effort and proceed to travel nan effect of nan hurricane closely.

Source dailymail