Jon Stewart unleashes expletive-laden tirade against Joe Biden and the Democrats blasting 'blatant bull****# excuses about jetlag and a cold for his bumbling TV debate performance

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Comedian Jon Stewart took to his Daily Show level connected Monday nighttime to slam nan Democratic Party's downplaying of Biden's abysmal showing successful his showdown statement pinch Donald Trump successful June.

'For a run based connected honesty and decency, nan rotation astir nan statement appears to beryllium blatant bulls**t, and nan redemption circuit hasn't gone that overmuch better,' Stewart began. 

'We're told that nan threat of Trump is truthful awesome and nan stakes are truthful precocious that moreover bringing up these perfectly morganatic concerns astir nan president's expertise to do nan astir vigorous occupation successful nan world for nan adjacent 4 years is enabling fascism.'

Stewart said that nan concerns astir different Trump management 'aren't nan only threats our populist faces,' going connected to opportunity that different threat is Biden's run being incapable to woody pinch nan concerns of voters astir nan president. 

The big described an 'arthritic position quo' that 'erodes assurance and religion successful nan strategy of authorities borders.'

Liberal comedian Jon Stewart took purpose astatine nan Democratic Party successful not taking concerns complete Biden's property seriously 

The big described an 'arthritic position quo' that 'erodes assurance and religion successful nan strategy of authorities borders'

Stewart caveated his remarks by saying that he wasn't saying Biden must driblet retired of nan title but urged nan Democratic Party to 'open up nan conversation.'

'Do you understand nan opportunity here? Do you person immoderate thought really thirsty Americans are for immoderate hint of inspiration aliases leadership, and a merchandise from this prime of a megalomaniac and a suffocating gerontocracy?,' he said.

The New Jersey autochthonal suggested a coming together of imaginable Democratic candidates successful Chicago up of nan party's normal successful August. 

'All we want is for personification to support it 100, nan percentage, not nan age.'

The proposal included each of nan candidates giving their transportation pinch a victor having a showdown against Biden. 

'Feel free to disregard immoderate evident weaknesses successful your team's existential conflict for state and populist and past conscionable white-knuckle this point till November, aliases return nan proposal of your ain candidate.'

Stewart closed retired nan conception by remarking location are astir 50 aliases truthful imaginable choices who would conclusion Donald Trump successful November's election. 

Just aft nan debate, Stewart was arsenic captious of Biden.

Stewart past showed clips of Biden's early statement struggles, successful which Biden seemed to confuse redeeming Medicare pinch beating it.

'I'm judge it's not thing that was repeated passim nan statement that caused Democrats to jump retired windows aliases vomit silently,' he joked.

He hammered Biden again, snarking that: 'Anyone tin f*** up... talking.'

The show past played a bid of clips of Biden's faces erstwhile reacting to Trump which only group disconnected Stewart further.

'Not great! But uh... a batch of group having resting 25th amendment face,' he joked.

Biden has been roundly criticized successful nan aftermath of his statement performance, but insists that he's remaining successful nan race 

Biden insists that only 'the Lord Almighty' tin person him to quit nan statesmanlike race. But should he alteration his mind, Vice President Kamala Harris is by acold nan champion positioned to switch him.

Harris would person a caput commencement complete respective of nan astir discussed Democratic alternatives for illustration California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. She's already been connected a winning statesmanlike summons pinch Biden, has years of goodwill banked pinch halfway statement constituencies and would apt power a immense run money amassed by nan Biden reelection.

Here's a person look astatine her prospects successful a imaginable unfastened primary:

The president easily locked up nan Democratic nomination and statement rules forestall him from simply transferring nan delegates he amassed during adjacent month's Democratic National Convention. But a number of delegates person already suggested they'd beryllium loyal to Harris.

Biden picking Harris could limit imaginable chaos and debar level fights that do lasting harm to whoever emerges to return connected Republican Donald Trump.

'Harris makes nan astir consciousness to transportation connected nan Biden legacy,' said Andrew Feldman, a Democratic strategist who useful intimately pinch various authorities parties and stressed that nan mobility was purely hypothetical since Biden insists he won't front out.

Feldman added that nan Biden administration's schedule 'has been tremendously celebrated successful position of nan issues that they´ve championed' and that nan president and Harris person 'been doing that successful partnership.'

Antjuan Seawright, a South Carolina-based Democratic strategist, noted that voters 4 years agone put 78-year-old Biden successful nan Oval Office knowing Harris was adjacent successful line, and that Biden warded disconnected superior challengers this twelvemonth astatine property 81 pinch Democratic voters knowing Harris remained his second-in-command.

'Democrats person voted for Joe Biden pinch Kamala Harris,' Seawright said.

Harris is nan first female to service arsenic vice president arsenic good arsenic nan first Black female and personification of South Asian descent. African Americans are Democrats' largest and astir loyal bloc of supporters.

Bypassing a historical No. 2 for anyone other - moreover a celebrated replacement from a cardinal plaything authorities - would already beryllium difficult. Being seen arsenic starring nan complaint against personification who collapsed gender and group barriers could everlastingly people nan challenger arsenic disloyal successful early Democratic primaries.

Glynda Carr, who leads nan Higher Heights governmental action committee which supports Black female candidates crossed nan country, said that nationalist suggestions that Harris could beryllium bypassed for different apical Democrat successful Biden's absence shows 'just really overmuch Black women are oftentimes overlooked.'

'You want Black women to shape our houses, our blocks, our churches, our sororities?' Carr asked. 'Then we´ve sewage to guidelines by our leadership.'

Source dailymail