Joe Biden's brutal four-month campaign schedule revealed - as doctors question if his body can cope

Trending 3 months ago

Hillary Clinton described nan statesmanlike run arsenic truthful sadistic connected nan mind and body, you'd ‘have to beryllium crazy’ to spell done pinch it.

Joe Biden, 81, has 4 months to person Americans to ballot for him complete Donald Trump - and doctors fearfulness for nan toll it'll return connected nan ailing President's health.

Between nan disastrous statement past month - that sparked calls for Biden to guidelines down - and predetermination nighttime on November 5, Biden will person traveled much than 15,000 miles, a very blimpish estimate based connected his known schedule and comments from his team.

He will besides person done much than 100 nationalist and backstage speaking events, and his unit has said nan president will proceed to travel an 'aggressive' recreation schedule, not to mention his rematch statement against Trump connected September 10.

But doctors show nan stress, pitchy lag and disrupted slumber and fare could exacerbate immoderate neurological aliases beingness problems nan president has.

Dr Raj Dasgupta, main aesculapian advisor for Fortune Recommends Health, told this website: 'In regards to travel, arsenic we age, our body’s expertise to accommodate and recuperate people originates to slow down.

'A hectic recreation and arena schedule tin person important adverse effects connected nan wellness of an aged person.

'The accent from specified a demanding schedule raises nan consequence of bosom problems, for illustration precocious humor pressure, hypertension, bosom attacks, aliases strokes. 

'A deficiency of downtime and self-care tin make existing wellness issues worse.'

Additional wellness risks that travel from a disjointed schedule see dehydration, mediocre fare and nutrition and a weakened immune system. 

Dr Kevin Huffman, laminitis of Ambari Nutrition, told regular recreation accent tin besides lead to an summation successful humor unit and raise nan consequence of humor clots, which tin raise nan consequence of strokes.

He said nan pitchy lag from aggregate flights a time mixed pinch a demanding nationalist quality schedule tin induce worry and confusion.

Dr Huffman added: 'The worry and disorder induced by disorienting settings and excessive demands are particularly vulnerable successful aged patients pinch subtle cognitive slowing, who tin beryllium quickly overwhelmed by unfamiliar routines.'

The president already struggles pinch respective pre existing wellness conditions, including sleep apnea, acerb reflux, an irregular heartbeat, precocious cholesterol, allergies, arthritis and nervus harm successful his feet.

Biden astatine a Democratic nominee statement successful 2019 looking crisp (left) and nan ailing president successful 2024

Biden looking slick successful 1991 (left) versus astatine past month's statement against Donald Trump (right)

In nan 10 days after Biden's dismal statement with former President Donald Trump, 77, Biden went connected an unprecedented run blitz successful an effort to quell fears astir his property and intelligence acuity.

After months of constricted interviews and reduced appearances, he visited 9 states and attended aggregate run events. 

But respective gaffes and moments of disorder - including claiming he was nan first achromatic female to beryllium president - person done small to person group Biden is up for a run challenge.

Despite nan concerns, White House staff insist nan president is up to nan challenge.

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre assured property connected Monday that Biden is patient - stressing that a Parkinson's master who has visited nan White House galore times was not location to measure nan president. 

And White House National Security Council Spokesperson John Kirby defended nan president aft his statement performance, telling reporters he has ne'er questioned his lucidity aliases executive functions. 

In nan adjacent 2 weeks, Biden will recreation to events successful Michigan, Texas and Nevada.

In total, successful nan 3 weeks pursuing his fumbled debate, nan president will person traveled to 13 states and covered astatine slightest 7,400 miles.

He will person attended and spoken astatine 23 different events and spent astir 20 hours traveling.

Biden successful his heyday (left) and a video of nan president pinch a blank look connected nan White House section successful June, which sparked concern

Biden’s run schedule past July 17 has not been confirmed yet, but his run has said nan president intends to recreation to each plaything authorities earlier polls unfastened successful November.

Those states include: Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. calculated estimated miles Biden would alert if he traveled from nan White House to nan superior cities of each plaything authorities - totaling astir 7,380 much miles and 20 much hours connected Air Force One. 

He will besides alert astir 600 miles from DC to Chicago for nan Democratic National Convention taking spot betwixt August 19 and 22. 

Biden will besides request to prep and recreation for his 2nd statement pinch Trump connected September 10. A location has not been announced.

The run has said it plans to adopt an ‘aggressive’ recreation schedule and unscripted events and interviews, which could mean squeezing moreover much events onto nan almanac successful betwixt his already extended recreation plans. 

This blimpish estimate intends by predetermination day, Biden will person spent astatine slightest 40 hours flying complete astatine slightest 15,000 miles since taking portion successful June's debate. 

Family medicine expert Dr Laura Purdy told Biden's run could overwhelm him, summation his intelligence load and origin stress 

Over 70 percent of apt voters judge President Joe Biden should get a cognitive test, an exclusive canvass conducted aft nan statement found

Dr Dasgupta told 'Overall, specified a schedule tin beryllium very reliable connected an aged person's wellness and needs observant management. Not to mention that each nan circadian hit disruptions and accent tin besides adhd up resulting successful recreation fatigue which tin lead you to consciousness groggy, cranky and exhausted.' 

In nan past 2 months, Biden has attended 89 events, including 54 successful May and 32 successful June, according to a log of his run activities by The New York Times. 

He has held 2 rallies since May 1, attended 16 fundraisers and fixed 7 speeches.

Additionally, Biden has had 13 interviews successful nan past 2 months. 

While Biden's scheduled seems filled to nan brim it is historically debased compared to erstwhile presidents.

Compared to nan 3 incumbent presidents moving for re-election earlier him, Biden traveled to nan 2nd fewest run events successful nan first half of nan predetermination twelvemonth — 90.

In 2004, erstwhile President George W Bush, past 57 years old, traveled to 102 events and successful 2012, erstwhile President Barack Obama, past 42 years old, traveled to 120 events betwixt January and June of nan predetermination year, according to a reappraisal by Axios.

Biden's ray schedule adds to nan increasing interest that he isn’t up to nan occupation and his predominant and repeated freezing episodes and lapses successful representation and train of thought proceed to interest voters and moreover punctual calls from antiauthoritarian lawmakers for Biden to driblet retired of nan race.

Responding to these calls, Biden doubled down, penning a missive to Democratic leaders that he will not measurement down. Instead, he insisted his mediocre statement capacity was because of a acold and deficiency of sleep. 

Going forward, nan Biden run announced, nan president will nary longer clasp events aft 8 p.m. truthful he tin get much rest.  

Sleep deprivation, particularly successful aged age, tin lead to spikes successful humor pressure, other taxation connected nan bosom and impaired cognition and concentration. People tin besides consciousness confused, delirious and emotional.

A deficiency of slumber tin negatively effect definite areas of encephalon function, which tin beryllium peculiarly problematic for seniors who are experiencing cognitive diminution aliases dementia. 

The doctors besides told nan hectic recreation schedule could consequence successful a compromised immune system, starring Biden to travel down pinch a microorganism aliases bug. 

Proper nutrition and beingness workout is often difficult to support erstwhile jetting from metropolis to metropolis and nan experts told this website this could lead to a mediocre fare and weight gain, expanding nan consequence of obesity and diabetes. 

Source dailymail