Joe Biden, 81, asked Republican senator Mike Lee's wife if she was a member of his staff in latest evidence he isn't 'quite there'

Trending 2 months ago

Joe Biden mistook a senator's woman arsenic 1 of his ain White House staffers aggregate times, moreover aft she told him who she was, potentially exposing different illustration of nan president's intelligence decline.

The shocking communicative was recounted by Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee connected The Tucker Carlson Show and later connected a telephone pinch 

He said he and his wife, Sharon, had met nan president connected aggregate occasions.

But during a White House reception for congressional spouses astir 2 years ago, nan president did not admit her erstwhile she told him hello. 

Biden asked for her name, and intelligibly did not retrieve her contempt gathering galore times and past inquired whether she worked for him successful nan White House East Wing.

When she told him that she was nan woman of Senator Mike Lee, Biden looked confused earlier again asking her if she was connected his West Wing staff.

The 'weird' relationship prompted Lee to surmise that nan president isn't 'quite there.'

Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, on broadside his woman Sharon Lee, astatine nan White House successful 2020. Lee recounted his woman telling him that President Joe Biden wholly forgot who she was and asked her if she worked successful nan East Wing of nan White House. After she told him no, and that she was nan woman of Senator Lee, he asked her again if she worked successful nan White House's West Wing

'My wife, I deliberation this was successful nan first half aliases nan first 4th of 2022 went complete to an arena astatine nan White House for Senate spouses hosted by nan first lady, who herself was a longtime personnel of nan legislature spouses organization.' 

When President Biden walked into nan event, Lee's wife, Sharon Lee, greeted nan commander-in-chief, nan legislator said.

'Oh hullo Mr. President, it's bully to spot you,' she told nan president, according to Lee. 

'He asked her, 'Do you activity successful nan East Wing?' nan Republican said.

'And she said 'No Mr. President I americium Sharon Lee, Senator Mike Lee's wife,'' nan legislator continued.

'He swore maine into nan Senate twice,' Lee instantly shifted to telling Carlson, describing nan two's interactions complete nan years betwixt 2011 and 2017.

'We had interacted pinch him a batch and she thought that would return attraction of it,' Lee said of his wife's presumption that Biden would retrieve her. 

'He looked confused,' Sharon had said.

'He was not rather there,' nan Republican legislator said of Biden aft telling his wife's tale.

'There was a benignant of a cervid successful nan headlights phenomenon. [Sharon] said 'it was for illustration I was talking to personification who wasn't alert of what was going on.'

'I've interacted a adjacent magnitude pinch with Joe Biden complete nan years, my woman a batch less, of course, but capable times that she was capable to admit what is his characteristic and what isn't, and she realized this is very retired of characteristic for him.' 

That aforesaid evening, different legislature spouse approached President Biden asking him to talk connected nan telephone pinch a supportive family personnel who's day was that day. 

Lee noted really Biden is 'very good' astatine moving a room and is known for being congenial, saying warming up supporters is 'his signature move.' 

When nan spouse handed nan telephone to Biden nan president froze, Lee said, retelling his wife's story. 

'This female handed him nan pone, it rang, nan women's brother-in-law answered, 'hello,' and past [Biden] sewage a confused look connected his face, held retired nan phone, hung up and handed nan telephone back.'

'That for Joe Biden is very significant,' Lee said of nan arena astir 2 years ago. 

'He conscionable looked confused and forgot what he was expected to do.'

The Republican called nan relationship 'alarming.' 

Senator Mike Lee pictured pinch his woman Sharon Lee

President Joe Biden speaks during a gathering connected combating fentanyl, successful nan Roosevelt Room of nan White House, Nov. 21, 2023, successful Washington

Biden's property and expertise had been astatine nan forefront of attacks against him arsenic he was still moving for reelection. 

Even successful nan weeks aft he canceled his campaign, Republicans person called connected his cabinet, and peculiarly Vice President Kamala Harris, to invoke nan 25th Amendment, which outlines statesmanlike succession successful nan lawsuit of an incapable commander. 

Videos of him appearing to frost astatine nationalist appearances and his disjointed and stumbling interviews person further fueled concerns astir his wellness and condition.

Lee besides described really nan president appeared to commencement showing symptoms of Alzheimer's disease, which his ain mother-in-law passed distant from successful caller years. 

The doctor's told him erstwhile she was diagnosed that Lee would commencement to announcement existent signs of diminution erstwhile his mother-in-law's posture and gait became impacted.

US President Joe Biden pauses earlier addressing nan federation astir his determination to not activity reelection

Lee said that Biden's posture and gait punctual him of his mother-in-law, who passed distant from Alzheimers successful caller years

Lee said Biden's locomotion is reminiscent of nan shuffling his mother-in-law utilized to do

'One time it occurred to me, my gosh, he's stepping nan measurement Carol did, he's stepping nan measurement my mother-in-law walked erstwhile what nan doctors told america to watch retired for started to footwear in,' he told

'It's benignant of a shuffle to benignant of footwear your feet forward. It's not a fluid motion. It's a small spot much robotic.'

'I saw that aforesaid gait and posture successful President Biden during his first word successful office.'

There could beryllium different reasons for those symptoms, Lee continued, but said he besides saw different clear signs of 'cognitive decline.' 

'He'll utter a fewer words successful a statement aliases full condemnation that is almost unintelligible, aliases that makes nary sense, aliases that is factually aliases logically implausible, aliases he'll look to get mislaid while performing a very elemental task, for illustration stepping from constituent A to constituent B.'

'So erstwhile you put each those things together, and for illustration I say, astir of those things that I've put together based connected publically disposable information, there's nary uncertainty successful my mind that he's had a batch of bad days, astir apt much bad days than bully ones.'

Source dailymail