Is Kamala Harris' mental health shaky? The presidential hopeful's 'word salads' and inappropriate laughter could be symptoms of a little-known psychological disorder

Trending 2 months ago

Kamala Harris's rambling 'word salad' speeches whitethorn beryllium a denotation of a little-known but communal psychological information called logorrhoea — besides known arsenic verbal diarrhoea.

The US Vice President, who was endorsed by Joe Biden aft he bowed retired of nan statesmanlike title connected Sunday, is known for her jumbled, sometimes incoherent speaking style.

Some of her astir infamous speeches person included ones astir nan 'significance of nan transition of time' and nan 'need to get to spell and request to beryllium capable to get wherever you request to go'.

Her gibberish connection that 'it is clip for america to do what we are doing, and that clip is each day' and her baffling anecdote astir falling retired of a coconut character person besides been a rich | assets for net meme-makers.

Kamala Harris has go known for her occasionally nonsensical speeches

Republican strategist Matt Whitlock has antecedently accused Ms Harris of being incapable to speaking 'normally'

But while it tin beryllium a denotation of worry aliases over-confidence, logorrhoea tin beryllium nary laughing matter — and whitethorn bespeak a encephalon injury, autism aliases superior condition.

In a 2009 study of nan information successful Spain, it was recovered that property and activity played nary portion successful nan prevalence of logorrhoea, but nan level of schooling did.

Those pinch little acquisition accomplishment were much apt to 'speak successful circles'.

Logorrhoea is besides associated pinch laughing wildly astatine random moments, thing Ms Harris has go known for, pinch Donald Trump moreover nicknaming her 'Laughin' Kamala'.

American behavioural master Gregg Levoy wrote successful a blog connected Psychology Today that for group who ramble connected and on, reside tin go 'a obstruction alternatively than a connector'.

He wrote: 'It's easy to disregard them arsenic simply narcissistic, but this is immensely difficult to undo and not needfully their fault.

'It's a holdover from that original egocentric shape astir 1 aliases 2 years old, erstwhile children people consciousness grandiose and astatine nan centre of nan universe.'

But logorrhoea is besides a communal frontal lobe shortage that galore traumatic encephalon wounded survivors suffer, and is linked to several superior psychiatric and neurological disorders.

These see schizophrenia, lesions connected nan brain, harm to areas of nan encephalon that woody pinch language, and ADHD.

A Washington barroom started offering $5 'Pina Kamala' coconut shots each nighttime aft Joe Biden stood down from nan statesmanlike title connected Sunday

Hawaii legislator Brian Schatz posted a image of himself climbing a coconut tree, a reference to Ms Harris's infamous anecdote astir thing she claimed her mother utilized to say

People pinch autism whitethorn besides show logorrhoea, defined arsenic uncontrollable aliases jumbled talking, owed to an inability to organise their thoughts aliases publication societal cues from different people.

In a study that analysed Ms Harris's reside during a vice statesmanlike debate, Ratu Annisa of nan University of North Sumatra concluded that 'social factors' were nan astir apt origin of her 'word salad' rambling.

Ms Annisa wrote: 'There [was] nary gaffe of nan tongue. The causes of nan reside errors made by Kamala Harris are societal factors, some situational worry and societal circumstances.'

Ms Harris became tongue-tied during a reside astir 'expanding entree to transportation' astatine nan White House successful July 2022.

She said: 'You request to get to go, and you to beryllium capable to get wherever you request to go, to do nan activity and get home.'

The aforesaid year, she made a widely-mocked reside astir high-speed net successful Louisiana, saying: 'The Governor and I and we were each doing a circuit of nan room present and talking astir nan value of nan transition of time.

'The value of nan transition of time.

'So, erstwhile you deliberation astir it, location is awesome value to nan transition of clip successful position of what we request to do to laic these wires, what we request to do to create these jobs.

'And location is specified awesome value to nan transition of clip erstwhile we deliberation astir a time successful nan life of our children.'

Ms Harris's preoccupation pinch clip raised its caput again past April astatine a governmental arena connected reproductive rights.

She told attendees: 'I deliberation it's very important...for america astatine each infinitesimal successful clip and surely this one, to spot nan infinitesimal successful clip successful which we beryllium and are present, and to beryllium capable to contextualise it, to understand wherever we beryllium successful nan history and successful nan infinitesimal arsenic it relates not only to nan past but nan future.'

Last March, she asserted that, during Women's History Month, 'we observe and we honour nan women who made history passim history, who saw what could beryllium unburdened by what had been.'

On astatine slightest 2 occasions, she has spoken of her baffling emotion for Venn diagrams, a simplistic illustration that uses overlapping circles to show nan narration betwixt 2 aliases much sets of items.

She said past year: 'I conscionable emotion Venn diagrams. I really do, I emotion Venn diagrams. There’s conscionable thing astir those 3 circles and nan study of that, wherever there’s nan intersection, right?'

And past year, she uttered her astir celebrated meaningless connection astatine a swearing-in ceremonial astatine nan White House.

'My mother utilized to — she would springiness america a difficult clip sometimes, and she would opportunity to us, “I don’t cognize what’s incorrect pinch you young people. You deliberation you conscionable fell retired of a coconut tree?” she said, laughing. 'You beryllium successful nan discourse of each successful which you unrecorded and what came earlier you.'

On Sunday night, aft 81-year-old Biden announced that he was stepping down from nan statesmanlike title and endorsing Ms Harris, nan coconut character remark went viral online.

A Washington barroom started offering $5 'Pina Kamala' coconut shots each night. 

And Hawaii legislator Brian Schatz posted a image of himself climbing a coconut character pinch nan words: 'Madam Vice President, we are fresh to help.'

Republican strategist Matt Whitlock has antecedently accused Ms Harris of being incapable to speaking 'normally'.

He posted: 'It’s beautiful striking that she is simply incapable of speaking normally. Is she really smoking weed earlier grabbing nan mic? It would explicate truthful much.'

And Laura Ingram, from Fox News, said: 'While Joe is slipping into dementia, Kamala is slipping into a different dimension.'

Source dailymail