Inside Rafah: 2 months after Israel’s invasion, few remain among piles of rubble

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Two months ago, earlier Israeli troops invaded Rafah, nan metropolis sheltered astir of Gaza’s much than 2 cardinal people. Today it is simply a dust-covered shade town.

Abandoned, bullet-ridden flat buildings person blasted retired walls and shattered windows. Bedrooms and kitchens are visible from roads dotted pinch rubble piles that building complete nan Israeli subject vehicles passing by. Very fewer civilians remain.

Israeli soldiers stitchery successful nan confederate Gaza Strip, Wednesday, July 3, 2024. The Israeli subject invited reporters for a circuit of Rafah, wherever nan subject has been operating since May 6. (AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg, Pool).

Israel says it has astir defeated Hamas forces successful Rafah — an area identified earlier this twelvemonth arsenic nan militant group’s’ past stronghold successful Gaza.

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The Israeli subject invited reporters into Rafah connected Wednesday, nan first clip world media visited Gaza’s southernmost metropolis since it was invaded May 6. Israel has barred world journalists from entering Gaza independently since nan Hamas onslaught connected Oct. 7 that sparked nan conflict.

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The Israeli subject invited reporters into Rafah connected Wednesday, nan first clip world media visited Gaza’s southernmost metropolis since it was invaded May 6. Israel has barred world journalists from entering Gaza independently since nan Hamas onslaught connected Oct. 7 that sparked nan conflict.

Before invading Rafah, Israel said Hamas’ 4 remaining battalions had retreated there, an area of astir 25 quadrate miles (65 quadrate kilometers) that borders Egypt. Israel says hundreds of militants person been killed successful its Rafah offensive. Scores of women and children person besides died from Israeli airstrikes and crushed operations.

Israeli service vehicles carrier a group of soldiers and journalists wrong nan confederate Gaza Strip, Wednesday, July 3, 2024. The Israeli subject invited reporters for a circuit of Rafah, wherever nan subject has been operating since May 6. (AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg, Pool).

The subject says it has been basal to run pinch specified strength because Hamas turned civilian areas into treacherous traps. Eight soldiers were killed past period by a azygous blast.

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“Some of these tunnels are booby-trapped,” nan military’s main spokesman, Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari, said during Wednesday’s circuit arsenic he stood complete a shaft that led underground. “Hamas built everything successful a civilian vicinity among houses, among mosques, among nan population, successful bid to create its panic ecosystem.”

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An estimated 1.4 cardinal Palestinians crammed into Rafah aft fleeing fighting elsewhere successful Gaza. The U.N. estimates that astir 50,000 stay successful Rafah, which had a pre-conflict organization of astir 275,000.

Most person moved to a adjacent Israel-declared “humanitarian area” wherever conditions are grave. Many are clustering successful squalid shelter camps on nan formation pinch scant entree to cleanable water, food, bathrooms and aesculapian care.

Israeli tanks are seen adjacent to destroyed buildings successful nan confederate Gaza Strip, Wednesday, July 3, 2024. The Israeli subject invited reporters for a circuit of Rafah, wherever nan subject has been operating since May 6. (AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg, Pool).

Efforts to bring assistance into confederate Gaza person stalled. Israel’s incursion into Rafah closed down 1 of 2 awesome crossings into nan southbound of Gaza. The U.N. says small assistance tin participate from nan different main crossing — Kerem Shalom — because nan way is excessively vulnerable and convoys are susceptible to attacks by equipped groups searching for smuggled-in cigarettes.

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Israeli soldiers locomotion successful nan confederate Gaza Strip, Wednesday, July 3, 2024. The Israeli subject invited reporters for a circuit of Rafah, wherever nan subject has been operating since May 6. (AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg, Pool).

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On Wednesday, a statement of trucks connected nan Gaza broadside of Kerem Shalom was visible, but nan trucks were hardly moving — a motion of really Israel’s promise to support nan way safe successful bid to facilitate nan transportation of assistance wrong Gaza has fallen flat.

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U.N. officials opportunity immoderate commercialized trucks person braved nan way into Rafah, but not without hired equipped guards riding atop their convoys.

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Israel says it is adjacent to dismantling nan group arsenic an organized subject unit successful Rafah. In a reflection of that confidence, soldiers brought journalists successful open-air subject vehicles down nan roadworthy that leads into nan bosom of nan city.

Along nan way, debris lying by nan broadside of nan roadworthy made clear nan perils of assistance delivery: carcasses of trucks lying baking successful nan basking sun; dashboards covered successful fencing meant to protect drivers; assistance pallets lying empty.

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The longer nan assistance transportation is frozen, humanitarian groups say, nan person Gaza comes to moving retired of fuel, which is needed for hospitals, h2o desalination plants and vehicles.

“The hospitals are erstwhile again short connected fuel, risking disruption of captious services,” said Dr. Hanan Balkhy, nan World Health Organization’s location head for nan Eastern Mediterranean. “Injured group are dying because nan ambulance services are facing delays owed to substance shortages.”

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As nan humanitarian business worsens, Israel is pushing up pinch its offensive. Combat successful Rafah is ongoing.

After journalists heard adjacent gunshots connected Wednesday, nan soldiers told nan group they would not beryllium visiting nan beach, arsenic had been planned.

The group departed nan metropolis soon after, pinch clouds of particulate kicked up by vehicles temporarily obscuring nan wide of demolition down them.

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