Indian man shockingly bites snake to death after reptile attacked him in his sleep

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By Nikki Main Science Reporter For Dailymail.Com

Published: 10:36 EDT, 8 July 2024 | Updated: 10:40 EDT, 8 July 2024

If you were bitten by a snake arsenic you slept, what would your first guidance be?

To scream? Dive retired of bed? Run? 

Santosh Lohar had a different guidance and spot nan snake to decease successful retaliation.

The 35-year-old from Panduka, Kharkhand successful India, had been sleeping erstwhile nan reptile attacked him, prompting him to return nan different maneuver of quickly grabbing nan reptile pinch an robust rod and biting it twice.

Santosh Lohar (pictured) said he spot nan snake because a section superstition says that biting a snake doubly will nullify nan venom

Work was underway to laic railway lines successful a forested area erstwhile nan onslaught occurred astatine nan laborer’s guidelines camp.

When asked why he spot nan snake back, Lohar told India Today: ‘In my village, there's a belief that if a snake bites you, you must wound it backmost doubly to neutralize nan venom.’

Although a venomous snake wound tin beryllium lethal, a quality biting nan snake would person small consequences speech from putting nan personification astatine consequence of receiving different attack.

This is because snake venom is stored successful nan reptile’s gland and is only triggered erstwhile it enters nan bloodstream - otherwise, it’s conscionable a protein-like substance.

In fact, snake venom has been utilized successful medicine to dainty galore conditions including cancer, precocious humor pressure, bosom attacks, strokes, and Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. 

The type of snake that attacked Lohar has not been confirmed and he was rushed to a adjacent infirmary wherever he was fixed an anti-venom antidote and was released nan pursuing day.

Bihar, nan region wherever nan railway building was underway, is 1 of nan apical 3 states successful India that accounts for nan top number of snakebite attacks, amounting to astir 4,500 yearly deaths, according to nan National Health Mission.

India is location to astir 300 snake type - much than 60 of which are highly venomous - including nan Indian Cobra, nan Russell’s viper, nan communal krait and nan saw-scaled viper.

These are often called nan ‘Big Four’ because of their powerful venom and nan number of snake bites they origin each year.

According to a 2020 study, nan Russell’s viper was astatine responsibility for 43 percent of each snakebites successful India from 2000 to 2019 while kraits accounted for 18 percent of each bites and cobras amounted to 12 percent.

These venomous bites incorporate neurotoxins which origin symptoms for illustration blurred vision, trouble breathing, pain, and swelling.

Pictured: Indian Cobra, 1 of nan astir venomous snakes successful India

The venom attacks nan circulatory system, tense strategy and muscular strategy and tin destruct nan outer membrane of capillary vessels which tin origin soul bleeding and humor clots.

Capillaries are nan smallest and astir galore humor vessels successful nan quality assemblage that link arteries to veins.

‘Bites by venomous snakes tin origin acute aesculapian emergencies involving shock, paralysis, hemorrhage, acute kidney wounded and terrible section insubstantial demolition that tin beryllium fatal aliases lead to imperishable disablement if near untreated,’ nan study said.

If a personification does person a snake bite, doctors counsel that they activity aesculapian thief instantly and region immoderate rings and watches earlier nan assemblage starts swelling.

It’s besides important to safely return a photograph of nan snake truthful nan doctors tin place it’s breed for treatment.

While waiting for aesculapian help, nan personification should besides beryllium successful a neutral position to slow nan dispersed of nan venom and cleanable nan wound pinch soap and water.

Source dailymail