I make popsicles out of my breast milk for my family to eat, but people mock me for the sweet treat

Trending 2 months ago

A crafty mom has revealed really she makes popsicles retired of her oversupply of bosom beverage for her family to enjoy, pinch moreover her hubby giving it a try.

Since giving commencement to her 2nd son, Leah Vidaurre, from Parma Heights, Ohio, has been near pinch nan problem of over-producing bosom beverage and not knowing what to do pinch it.

The 36-year-old mom produces 60 ounces, aliases astir 7.5 cups, regular - but her babe boy only drinks astir half that.

So, she decided to put nan other to bully usage by making fruit-flavored snacks to crockery retired to her family.

'I judge I created an oversupply by pumping each 3 hours arsenic soon arsenic my boy was born,' she said. 

Leah Vidaurre, 36, of Parma Heights, Ohio, has gotten imaginative erstwhile it comes to re-purposing nan bosom beverage her babe boy doesn't get done successful a day

She produces astir 7.5 cups of bosom beverage per day, but her babe only consumes astir half of that amount 

'Doing this signaled to my assemblage that I needed much milk, truthful I started to nutrient more,' she further speculated.

Of nan popsicles, she added: 'I'll only extremity making them erstwhile my kids extremity eating them!'

Leah elaborated astir ho, aft she gave commencement to her 2nd son, she began over-producing bosom milk.

Not wanting nan leftover beverage to spell to waste, she decided to commencement trying retired different ways of utilizing it, including turning it into smoothies and moreover making beverage soap.

After a batch of experimenting, she recovered that fruit-flavored beverage popsicles made for nan best-tasting treat.

And she now dishes them retired to her kids - and moreover her hubby - to make judge nary of nan bosom beverage goes to waste.

Two cups of beverage dress up to 4 popsicles, she shared.

The mom views it arsenic a imaginative measurement to make judge her children are getting each nan other benefits from bosom milk, specified arsenic vitamins and calcium, while getting a saccharine dainty astatine nan aforesaid time.

Not wanting nan other bosom beverage - which she calls 'liquid gold' - to spell to waste, Leah began experimenting pinch different uses for it

One of nan champion uses she's recovered for nan other bosom beverage is to blend it pinch consequence and frost it, creating fruit-flavored popsicles

The mom views popsicles arsenic a imaginative measurement to make judge her children are getting each nan other benefits from bosom milk, while getting a saccharine dainty astatine nan aforesaid time

'If you person an oversupply for illustration I do, it's nosy to research pinch different ways to usage [my bosom milk],' Leah said

People online person mostly supported Leah's creativity, but she explained that immoderate person near mocking comments, specified arsenic leaving babe noises and immature jokes.

'I deliberation that nan comments are made by very immature group that person nary thought what it is for illustration to raise aliases person children,' she said.

'Breast beverage is called liquid golden for a reason. It has truthful galore benefits. If you person an oversupply for illustration I do, it's nosy to research pinch different ways to usage it.

'My hubby has tried it, he says nan beverage is sweet.

'And I person tried my bosom milk, I was very funny astir really it tasted.

'I person made galore things pinch milk.

'Sometimes I put beverage successful smoothies for my toddler, and make purees for my babe erstwhile starting solids.'

Leah said she had besides tried making food retired of her milk, but had been unsuccessful. However has had much luck pinch soap.

'I besides usage it successful beverage baths if my children person diaper rash,' she added.

Source dailymail