I'm a skinny 59-year-old, but a doctor still gave me the new weight-loss jab, no questions asked. And sorry to say it... I've never felt better

Trending 2 months ago

A mates of years ago, I wrote astir a 'miracle' anti-obesity jab that a beloved friend had discovered. This female had struggled pinch her weight her full big life and had tried each fare to nary avail – now, complete nan people of a year, she had mislaid astir 3 stone. The sanction of that life-changing drug? Ozempic (semaglutide).

Now coming difficult connected Ozempic's heels is simply a akin medication, tirzepatide, manufactured by Prozac's creator's Eli Lilly. Sold nether nan sanction of Mounjaro and moving connected 2 appetite regulating hormones arsenic opposed to conscionable nan 1 (as Ozempic does), it is accelerated gaining fame successful nan UK.

Now, I whitethorn beryllium a wise aged female astatine 59, but that doesn't mean I don't get bothered erstwhile my waistband abruptly starts emotion a spot tight aliases my jeans look to person abruptly 'shrunk successful nan wash'. And if, for illustration me, you are post-menopausal, it tin beryllium nigh intolerable to support those pesky pounds astatine bay.

I whitethorn beryllium a wise aged female astatine 59, but that doesn't mean I don't get bothered erstwhile my waistband abruptly starts emotion a spot tight, says nan anonymous writer

I americium not overweight (my weight earlier trying nan supplier was 57 kilos – conscionable nether 9 stone) but I travel from greedy stock. I'd emotion to beryllium nan benignant of personification who could eat conscionable nan 1 quadrate of cocoa aliases a wound of dessert but I'm not. If thing tastes good, past why wouldn't you want to support eating it everlastingly arsenic my soul Labrador will ever reason. It's a changeless conflict and 70 per cent of nan clip I win, but lately, for immoderate reason, not truthful much.

And truthful it is that I determine to effort Mounjaro for a week.

On Monday greeting Royal Mail delivers a mini package to my door. Four mini syringes of nan lowest dose (2.5mgs) – it costs £250 for a month's supply – nestled successful what looks for illustration an costly cocoa box, a bully point because I haven't yet dared show my partner. Meanwhile I americium impatient for him to get retired of nan location truthful I tin sprout up. 

The bully expert I utilized (because truthful galore different group I cognize usage him) prescribed it to maine complete Zoom. He has nary rumor pinch immoderate of nan different medications I americium on, nor nan truth that I americium not overweight. 

Many of his patients, he says, want to usage it for short word for conscionable a fewer pounds. Exactly what nan supplier should not be utilized for according to National Medical Director of NHS England Professor Steven Powis, but I americium only doing this arsenic a week's experiment. The expert gives maine his individual number successful lawsuit I person immoderate problems.

After nan first repast I eat – my accustomed 2 slices of toast and marmite for breakfast – I consciousness its effect almost immediately. Normally it's ne'er capable and I find myself astatine midday sneaking successful an other portion aliases two. But this time, I consciousness for illustration I've conscionable had an full Christmas lunch. So afloat so I consciousness a spot queasy, but nan nausea soon dies down and I don't deliberation astir eating again (a occurrence for me, fixed location is simply a sheet of brownies sitting connected nan counter) until astir 5pm.

The writer was prescribed weight-loss jab Mounjaro complete Zoom. The online expert has nary rumor pinch immoderate of nan different medications I americium on, nor nan truth that I americium not overweight, she writes

Because we are going retired tonight, I determine to eat thing beforehand. There is nary clip to navigator truthful I person immoderate poached eggs connected toast and wish I'd skipped nan toast. Bread, nan champion of my life, now feels for illustration a leaden weight successful my tummy. When we get back, each I tin negociate successful beforehand of Love Island is an crystal lolly. Again, a occurrence for personification who cannot watch tv without getting up to person a chemoreceptor information nan fridge nan infinitesimal nan ads travel on.

I person 1 friend who took Ozempic for 3 weeks and had to travel disconnected it she felt truthful dreadfully low. My mood, though, if you destruct nan flimsy fatigue, is 1 of mild elation. I consciousness not conscionable physically but psychologically lighter. It's very freeing not to beryllium perpetually reasoning astir nan adjacent meal.

By nan extremity of nan week, I've mislaid a kilo (just complete 2 pounds) and my jeans are gratifyingly loose. Apart from nausea for nan first 2 days (a spot for illustration greeting sickness) I person had nary different broadside effects. What's absorbing is really my emotion of carbs has diminished, and I crave protein. Lean roast beef. Grilled achromatic fish. Smoked salmon. Scrambled eggs. Nuts.

This is fortunate for maine because macromolecule builds musculus and 1 of nan BIG downsides of these narcotics is nan musculus nonaccomplishment (particularly successful older group for illustration me). As per nan online doctor, I've started moving retired pinch weights to further build up muscle. It's harder astatine my age, but I find myself really wanting to springiness it immoderate other welly. It's a small spot of a high, if I'm honest, this caller sensation of eating to unrecorded alternatively than surviving to eat.

Mounjaro has really made maine choose grilled food and wide beans complete a battalion of boiled sweets and a bagel. This whitethorn beryllium because nan supplier slows down nan complaint astatine which my tummy empties and these foods bent astir successful my tummy excessively long. It mightiness besides beryllium because carbs person a large effect connected humor sweetener levels and nan carb 'load' now feels uncomfortable.

I extremity up doing 2 weeks and find myself different 2 pounds down. I don't request to suffer anymore, truthful I'm keeping nan remaining 2 syringes arsenic emergency spares.

Did I regain my appetite? Yes, I'm acrophobic I did, though possibly not pinch rather its erstwhile vengeance. It decidedly gave maine nan reset I wanted. And eliminated nan fearfulness I had that erstwhile you deed your 60s you person nary power complete your weight truthful you mightiness arsenic good springiness up.

It's nan obsessing alternatively than nan existent eating of nan darn nutrient which I deliberation is truthful pernicious. Who knows? If I'd had each this other caput abstraction (because I wasn't reasoning astir food) erstwhile I was younger possibly I'd beryllium premier curate by now.

Dr Ellie Cannon says: 

There is nary specified point arsenic a 'miracle' supplier and I americium very concerned that this is really Mounjaro is being perceived.

There is nary specified point arsenic a occurrence drug, says GP Dr Ellie Cannon

This drug  does precisely nan aforesaid point arsenic Ozempic: tricking our assemblage into reasoning we are not quiet arsenic good arsenic reducing nan magnitude of sweetener successful nan body. It was designed for glucosuria and useful very good for it. 

In June 2024, nan wellness watchdog, NICE approved nan usage of Mounajro for weight nonaccomplishment if personification has a BMI complete 35 and a wellness information arsenic a result, specified arsenic precocious humor pressure. It is perfectly not to beryllium utilized for personification wanting to displacement a fewer vacation pounds.

Furthermore, each medications transportation risks and broadside effects. We cognize these medications origin tons of tummy troubles for illustration nausea, diarrhoea and symptom not to mention headaches and dizziness. 

The accelerated weight nonaccomplishment besides results successful saggy tegument issues: thing nan NHS and backstage providers are already being asked about. It is not only medically inappropriate to usage Mounjaro for a bikini body, but arsenic nan medications are successful short proviso it is unfair erstwhile group who request it for glucosuria and cannot get clasp of it.

Source dailymail