I'm a cruise ship worker... here are the SIX things you should take into a lifeboat that the cruise liners DON'T tell you about

Trending 2 months ago

A cruise vessel worker has revealed nan 5 things you should return into a lifeboat that cruise liners do not pass their passengers about. 

Lucy Southerton, 28, from Birmingham, has been moving connected cruise ships for 9 years and regularly shares proposal to passengers to thief them get nan astir retired of their voyage. 

In a caller video uploaded to her YouTube channel, Cruising arsenic Crew, wherever she has amassed much than 69,000 subscribers, she shared immoderate cardinal proposal that could travel successful very handily. 

She has advised passengers connected nan champion items to bring connected a lifeboat - each of which could beryllium important successful nan arena of an emergency.

Read connected beneath to cheque retired Lucy's checklist of nan astir important items to person pinch you connected a lifeboat. 

Lucy Southerton (pictured), 28, from Birmingham , has been moving connected cruise ships for 9 years and regularly shares proposal to passengers to thief them get nan astir retired of their voyage 

Lip balm 

Sharing her first tip, Ms Southerton said that to nan astonishment of many, articulator balm is simply a must-have item. 

The cruise worker said: '[In a life-threatening situation] nan assemblage prioritises nan distribution of h2o to basal organs specified arsenic nan liver and nan brain. 

'Because of this, nan lips person nary h2o truthful they are going to dehydrate faster, meaning they could crack. If you are successful a lifeboat for a agelong play of time, your lips are going to beryllium 1 of nan first things that suffer truthful you should protect them astatine each costs'. 


Moving connected to nan 2nd point she recommended that you return connected a lifeboat if possible, Lucy said that cruise vessel passengers should ever return immoderate shape of identification. 

She pointed retired that having a shape of ID, specified arsenic a passport, driving licence aliases moreover a visa tin thief rescue crews place you successful nan arena of an emergency. 

In a caller video uploaded to her YouTube channel, Cruising arsenic Crew, wherever she has amassed much than 69,000 subscribers, Lucy (pictured) shared immoderate cardinal proposal that could travel successful very useful successful an emergency 

Sun cream 

Thirdly, nan 28-year-old advised cruise-ship holidaymakers to transportation sun pick connected a life vessel, indicating that you ne'er cognize really overmuch aliases really agelong you whitethorn beryllium exposed to nan elements for. 

Lucy said: 'If you are sat straight nether nan hatch aliases wherever they return nan tile disconnected to fto nan breeze in, you're going to want a chapeau aliases sun pick to protect yourself from nan beating sun'. 

'This is not arsenic overmuch of a privilege arsenic articulator balm, but if you tin get clasp of immoderate sun pick earlier entering a lifeboat past you should'. 


Next up, nan seasoned cruise-ship worker said you should ever beryllium advised by companies operating cruises to return lukewarm clothing onboard because of really acold nan upwind tin get erstwhile nan sun goes down. 

However, she said that you should ever look to return a number of different layers that tin easy beryllium put connected aliases taken disconnected depending connected nan clip of day. 

Indeed, during nan day, while you mightiness not beryllium reasoning astir keeping lukewarm astatine nighttime if nan sun is basking and you are crammed into a lifeboat pinch a ample number of passengers, having those other layers for cold, windy nights could make a world of quality to really you header successful adverse conditions.  

Lucy (pictured) pointed retired her six items to return connected a lifeboat that cruise liners don't show you about 


Lucy's penultimate point that passengers should ever return connected a lifeboat mightiness look evident but she warned that it is basal for those who return medicine connected a regular ground to bring it pinch them. 

However, she added; 'What they don't show you to return is worldly for illustration paracetamol, ibuprofen, aspirin, Sudocrem and ointments. 

'While you whitethorn not request these types of medication, personification other connected your lifeboat mightiness - it's amended to person it and not request it than nan reverse scenario. Just shove them successful your pouch conscionable successful case'. 


Last but not least, Lucy said you should - arsenic evident and basal arsenic it whitethorn look - ne'er hide to return h2o connected committee a lifeboat. 

She stressed that 'there is only truthful overmuch h2o you tin fresh successful a lifeboat, truthful nan h2o is going to beryllium rationed out'. 

Lucy continued: 'If you tin return other h2o connected committee pinch you, do it, moreover if it's conscionable successful nan shape of an other h2o bottle. [Humans] cannot past agelong without h2o truthful make judge you drawback immoderate if you are capable to'. 

Rounding up nan video, she reassured passengers that 'getting into a lifeboat is nan absolute past resort', adding that it is much apt that anyone connected committee nan vessel is taken to an assembly position while emergency services connected committee effort to hole immoderate issues that could arise. 

Source dailymail