I'm a cruise expert and these are the five items I would NEVER bring on board

Trending 3 months ago

When packing for a cruise, definite items should ever beryllium near astatine home. 

Some are a occurrence hazard, immoderate are forbidden and immoderate airs an allergy risk. And yes, they do scan your bags to check.

Will Sarson, merchandise head at Riviera Travel, shares his penetration connected nan matter - revealing nan 5 items that should ne'er beryllium brought on connected a cruise holiday.

Will says: 'When packing for a cruise holiday, it's important to do your investigation to understand nan database of prohibited items. 

'This tin thief amended readying while packing and thief debar disappointment erstwhile items are confiscated.' 

Will Sarson, merchandise head astatine Riviera Travel, shares his penetration connected items you should ne'er return connected a cruise


Yes, you are allowed to portion alcohol connected committee astir cruises (so agelong arsenic you're of ineligible age), but bringing tons of bottles is ill-advised. 

Will notes: 'While intoxicant is not strictly banned from cruise ships, astir companies person a scope of restrictions successful spot to debar travellers bringing ample quantities on for nan trip. 

'Often, travellers are restricted to conscionable a azygous vessel of vino aliases Champagne - pinch imaginable corkage fees for drinking successful nationalist spaces.

'With truthful overmuch intoxicant disposable connected board, we urge leaving nan bottles astatine location to debar further costs and alternatively making usage of nan disposable liquor recovered passim nan vessel and astatine varying ports crossed nan world.'

An robust aliases steamer

Will says: 'Much for illustration hold leads, galore cruise liners do not let irons aliases steamers onboard arsenic they airs a occurrence hazard'

This 1 is considered a awesome information consequence erstwhile astatine sea, but is often forgotten astir by holidaymakers.

Will says: 'Much for illustration hold leads, galore cruise liners do not let irons aliases steamers onboard arsenic they airs a occurrence hazard. 

'This is an point that perpetually catches group out, pinch travellers forced to portion ways pinch their robust aliases steamer.

'To debar disappointment, it's champion to time off these items astatine home. Many water and stream cruises person irons aliases steamers onboard that tin beryllium borrowed by guests during their stay.'

Candles and incense

Will notes: 'Any flammable items, specified arsenic candles and incense, are rightfully banned from cruises owed to nan occurrence consequence they provide'

For reasons akin to nan prohibition connected irons and steamers, nan naked occurrence and ash of incense and candles are considered risky. 

Will notes: 'Any flammable items, specified arsenic candles, are rightfully banned from cruises owed to nan occurrence consequence they provide. While candles tin proviso a relaxing aroma and are awesome for mounting nan mood, they're besides incredibly vulnerable - therefore, cruise unit are speedy to confiscate these celebrated items.

'Similarly, incense products autumn nether nan aforesaid category. Like nan remainder of nan items connected this list, time off nan candles and incense behind!'


'CBD lipid is not allowed connected cruises owed to its varying legality astir nan world,' says Will

'CBD lipid is simply a celebrated wellness merchandise that provides alleviation for beingness symptom and intelligence wellness disorders,' says nan cruise expert. 'But it's not allowed connected cruises owed to its varying legality astir nan world.

'While nan merchandise is ineligible for waste and tender passim nan UK, this is not nan lawsuit successful definite cruise vessel stop-off destinations. As a result, nan constituent is not allowed onboard nan ship.'

CBD is ineligible successful nan UK, nan United States, Mexico, Spain, Italy and much countries astir nan globe according to FlawlessCBD. However, each state has different regulations connected whether you request a medicine and nan permitted THC content.


Will notes: 'Domestic animals are not allowed connected cruises owed to nan allergy consequence and wide wellness and information aspects that travel pinch allowing cats aliases dogs connected board'

Will says: 'While this 1 should spell without saying, you'd beryllium amazed astatine really galore group effort to summation entree to their cruise alongside pets. Domestic animals are not allowed connected cruises owed to nan allergy consequence and wide wellness and information aspects that travel pinch allowing cats aliases dogs connected board. 

'However, animals specified arsenic guideline dogs are granted entree owed to nan aesculapian assistance they provide. If you're a pet proprietor pinch a cruise vacation booking, it's champion to activity arrangements for your animals, arsenic they won't beryllium allowed to subordinate you connected board.'

So what tin you bring connected board? 

The master lists 4 essentials to remember, commenting: 'While nan items listed supra are forbidden, it's besides important to retrieve nan essentials, including recreation documents, swimwear, toiletries and a recreation guideline aliases representation of upcoming destinations.'

Will adds: 'Overall, erstwhile packing for a cruise holiday, it's captious to investigation nan database of prohibited items. Many cruise liners will disagree successful strictness and restrictions tin alteration depending connected nan type of cruise - highlighting nan value of research.' 

Source dailymail