How To Talk To Clients About When To Claim Social Security

Trending 2 months ago

Social Security benefits dress up astir 30% of nan wide income of group complete 65, truthful nan speech astir erstwhile to declare Social Security benefits whitethorn beryllium 1 of nan astir captious and consequential conversations you tin person pinch your clients.

This article and nan corresponding downloadable guideline linked beneath tin thief you hole for specified conversations and reply clients' questions astir nan correct clip to declare their Social Security Benefits.

Download: Client-Advisor Discussion Guide: When Should I Take Social Security?

Key Takeaways

  • Consider utilizing a pre-meeting questionnaire to thief guideline customer acquisition and conversations astir expected status income.
  • Ask clients to bring their yearly connection from nan Social Security Administration pinch them to their meeting. 
  • Ensure clients cognize that immoderate finance income estimates are based connected past capacity and are not guarantees of early performance. 
  • Think astir introducing annuities for clients peculiarly concerned astir guaranteed income successful retirement. 

Client: "What Kind of Monthly Income Can I Expect From All My Investments?"

Assuming that this customer is not personification you are gathering for nan first clip today, you should already person a batch of this accusation from erstwhile meetings and entree to their portfolios. If you don’t person nan accusation aliases this customer is marque new, a pre-meeting questionnaire, including finance totals and types of accounts, will thief you springiness your clients a adjacent estimate. 

There are galore methods retired location for calculating finance income, but earlier you tin usage immoderate of them, you request to person a life-expectancy speech pinch your client. As a whole, we are surviving longer. The life expectancy of personification complete 65 is now astatine slightest 20 years, whereas it was only 14 years successful nan 1940s. The property erstwhile your customer wants to commencement nan modulation from nan accumulation shape to nan withdrawal shape will find really acold those investments request to agelong to supply income for life. 

To quickly cipher nan income for your clients from their investments, you tin usage nan safe withdrawal rate projection. The safe withdrawal complaint assumes a 30-year lifespan aft withdrawals begin. Some advisors whitethorn for illustration utilizing nan Monte Carlo simulation method to much accurately foretell monthly income and whether aliases not nan customer will outlive their investments. Your patient whitethorn besides usage a simulator for this pinch predetermined withdrawal rates, arsenic affected by life span. No matter really you exemplify this, nan astir important customer takeaway from this speech is that these are simply predictions and not guarantees. 

If your customer is seeking much certainty successful their status income, this is simply a pivotal constituent successful introducing nan conception of annuities. An annuity tin beryllium a valuable instrumentality for guaranteeing a information of your client’s income successful retirement, providing them pinch a consciousness of information and stability. 


When calculating finance income, nan cardinal constituent to exemplify to your customer is that these are predictions, not guarantees.

Client: "Will My Other Retirement Income Sources Affect My Social Security Benefits?"

You already cognize that your client's Social Security benefits are wished only by nan magnitude of money they paid into Social Security during their moving years. In different words, your client's benefits will beryllium unaffected by immoderate pension payments, annuities, aliases income from savings and investments. But earlier you reply this question, see why your customer is asking it. 

If your customer asks astir really status income affects their Social Security benefits, they whitethorn not understand nan basics of taxes during status connected income from Social Security aliases investments. They whitethorn besides beryllium confused astir really each of their sources of income will activity together to create their monthly income successful retirement. 

When clients attack you pinch questions astir their retirement, they're fundamentally seeking your guidance connected what their early will look like. By knowing nan guidelines of their concerns, you tin supply a much broad and reassuring mentation of their status prospects. This reaffirms nan spot they spot successful your expertise and strengthens your master relationship. 

Client: "What Happens if I Continue To Work While Collecting My Benefits?" 

You and your customer whitethorn find that their Social Security benefits, mixed pinch different income sources, will not meet their monthly needs successful retirement. In this case, it will beryllium particularly important to find what will hap if your customer continues to activity while collecting benefits. 

If your customer is not astatine full status age erstwhile they scheme to proceed moving and drafting Social Security benefits, explicate to them that their benefits whitethorn beryllium reduced if they make much than nan yearly net limit. The yearly net limit for nan benefits simplification is not each that high, and nan easiest measurement to show them really this affects their Social Security benefits is to usage nan calculator. While preparing up of clip is best, this speedy calculator tin tally nan numbers connected nan spot. 

Client: "How Can My Spouse and I Maximize Our Social Security Benefits?"

Even if your joined clients do not inquire you this question, you should broach nan taxable erstwhile you are discussing Social Security. A mates of cardinal decisions move nan tide for joined couples and nan Social Security benefits they receive. As their financial advisor, you should, astatine a minimum, disclose these factors to them since nan decisions cannot beryllium undone.

Previously, nan Social Security Administration allowed joined beneficiaries to record for spousal benefits while delaying their ain status benefits. The Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015 changed this norm truthful that beneficiaries who record for spousal benefits are deemed to record for status benefits arsenic well. In this case, beneficiaries will automatically grant nan higher magnitude to each spouse of their ain Social Security use aliases nan spousal benefit. 

Only immoderate of your clients will understand really waiting until afloat status property tin impact their benefits. A straightforward measurement to show your clients really to maximize their payments is to usage nan spousal benefits calculator, which will find nan benefits your clients tin expect based connected their property and status date. 

Remind your clients who are astatine slightest 62 years old, divorced, and not remarried that they whitethorn beryllium eligible for their ex-spouse's status benefits arsenic agelong arsenic they were joined to nan ex-spouse for 10 years. 

Client: "What Happens to My Social Security Benefits When I Die?"

This mobility from your clients whitethorn beryllium straightforward. If that is nan case, nan Social Security Administration provides a regularly updated guide that tin reply this mobility for astir each scenario. You don't person to person each nan answers here, but you request to cognize wherever to look.

However, discussing what happens to your client's Social Security benefits erstwhile they dice mightiness besides unfastened nan doorway to conversations astir providing for those they emotion moreover aft death. 

Once you reply nan basal benefits mobility utilizing SSA devices and information, you tin talk options for legacy planning. While you will apt request further appointments to complete bequest planning, addressing nan value of this rumor pinch your customer will show them that you attraction astir their wide financial wellness and that of their loved ones. Unless you are besides considering status soon, creating this benignant of generational spot is what keeps your believe successful nan family. 

The Bottom Line

Considering that Social Security income makes up one-third of monthly income for retirees complete 65, your clients must facet it into their wide status financial picture. You do not person to beryllium a Social Security master to connection sound proposal to your clients astir erstwhile is nan correct clip to return their Social Security benefits. 

Anticipating your client's questions astir Social Security tin lead to much meaningful conversations astir their financial wellness successful retirement. By familiarizing yourself pinch updated SSA regulations, knowing your client’s status needs, and being fresh to talk delicate topics for illustration life expectancy and existent assets, you tin beryllium well-prepared for these important conversations.

Source investopedia