How To Talk to Clients About Investing in Bonds

Trending 2 months ago

While you astir apt don't jump to bonds erstwhile considering breathtaking finance opportunities, enslaved rates are overmuch higher coming than they person been successful caller years and they’re generating a renewed liking successful nan market. Some of your clients will apt beryllium funny and inquire questions astir whether aliases really to see bonds successful their finance portfolios. 

This article and nan downloadable guideline linked beneath tin thief you hole for specified conversations and reply clients' questions astir investing successful bonds.

Download: Client-Advisor Discussion Guide: Should I Invest successful Bonds?

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding your client's financial situation, consequence tolerance, and goals will thief you show really a enslaved whitethorn thief them scope their goals.
  • Consider utilizing a pre-meeting questionnaire to thief guideline customer acquisition and conversations astir bonds.
  • Ensure clients are clear connected nan risks associated pinch enslaved investing, but beryllium prepared to show them really different investments mitigate those risks wrong their portfolio. 
  • Prepare illustration portfolio models up of clip to show your customer really bonds adhd diversification, consequence mitigation, and superior preservation. 

Client: “​​How Do Bonds Fit Into My Portfolio?”

Since your customer completed a pre-meeting questionnaire detailing their existent assets, liabilities, timeline, and risk tolerance, this mobility tin guideline a speech connected adjusting their portfolio towards superior preservation arsenic they attack nan timeframe for their goals. 

Most clients request a patient grasp connected portfolio diversification to person bonds make sense. This knowing is particularly important erstwhile you coming bonds pinch nary liquidity aliases guarantees. No matter really bully of a twelvemonth bonds are having, they will not beryllium astir arsenic charismatic arsenic a bull banal market. What are bonds astir anyway? Why would your customer use from bonds? That's what they request to understand. 

As your client's advisor, you person a fiduciary work to guarantee that they cognize bond risks. You tin put their minds astatine easiness by showing really nan different investments successful their portfolio mitigate those risks.


Investing is not astir making arsenic overmuch money arsenic possible. It is astir ensuring your clients person money to money their goals and don't suffer slumber getting there. 

One measurement to reply this mobility for your customer is to create a exemplary portfolio for them. This exemplary portfolio and an mentation of why bonds beryllium tin spell a agelong measurement successful clarifying for nan customer really bonds fresh into their plan. 

Client: “Are There Other More Liquid Ways To Invest successful Bonds?”

There is an ETF for everything these days, isn't there? Liquidity concerns are legitimate, nary matter nan property of your client. Understandably, your much elder clients mightiness not beryllium thrilled astir locking themselves into a semipermanent enslaved erstwhile they're not moreover judge they will beryllium locked into life arsenic agelong arsenic nan enslaved lasts. 

The questionnaire your customer filled retired earlier nan gathering tin thief decipher why your customer is apprehensive astir liquidity. Does your customer person concerns astir outliving nan income they person entree to? Do they interest astir needing nan money for early expenses for illustration picnic aliases semipermanent care? Are they conscionable wary of immoderate money they don't person nether their mattress aliases can't get their hands connected successful lawsuit of emergency?  

Whatever their reasoning, knowing liquidity concerns opens nan doorway to bigger conversations. Additionally, arsenic their advisor, these discussions let you to problem-solve pinch basal products and reallocations to connection bid of mind. You whitethorn find retired that an ETF aliases communal money pinch enslaved holdings is amended suited for your client, but you won’t cognize until you person a amended thought of what they are comfortable pinch and what they want their money to do. 

Client: “If My Bond Defaults, Will I Be Repaid?”

When a customer asks you to explain what happens to their hard-earned money if nan enslaved defaults, you request to beryllium prepared to answer. In this instance, your customer needs much accusation astir bonds and their characteristics earlier you should proceed, period. 

Bonds travel pinch trade-offs; immoderate will beryllium much palatable for your clients than others. You should guarantee your customer knows what is astatine liking erstwhile recommending immoderate product. Bonds are nary exception, moreover though they tin look analyzable erstwhile casually dropping position for illustration yield-to-maturity vs. coupon rate.  

You don't person to rehash nan full of your FINRA licensing exam to explicate nan enslaved marketplace effectively. However, it would beryllium champion if you utilized this opportunity to talk nan types of bonds they tin purchase, what entity owes them main and interest, and really nan safer nan bond, nan little nan yield. 

Once your customer is clear connected nan characteristics of nan different types of bonds, you tin reply nan mobility of what happens to their money if nan enslaved defaults. Better yet, they will astir apt beryllium capable to reply it for themselves. 


It's basal for your clients request to understand nan different types of bonds disposable and really nan safer nan bond, nan little nan yield.

Client: “Is Now The Right Time To Buy Bonds?”

Think astir why you are recommending bonds successful nan first place. You cognize that bond yields are having a infinitesimal successful nan sun correct now, but we don't bargain bonds for their astonishing yields, moreover successful nan champion enslaved markets.  

Your client's consequence tolerance and goals are stepping nan canine here, not nan enslaved rates. Clients willing successful reducing portfolio consequence and volatility don't request to interest excessively overmuch astir nan ebb and travel of nan enslaved market. 

Now is simply a cleanable clip to show them a exemplary portfolio that illustrates really nan volatility calming, risk-return floor plan strengthening, and finance portfolio diversifying bonds tin thief meet their goals whether you adhd bonds today, adjacent week, aliases moreover adjacent year. 

The Bottom Line

Guiding clients done enslaved investing requires a thoughtful attack dictated by goals, timelines, and consequence tolerance. Using devices for illustration pre-meeting questionnaires and portfolio models, you tin talk and show clients really diversifying their portfolios pinch bonds tin thief them meet their financial objectives. 

When recommending bonds, guarantee they afloat understand nan associated risks and reside immoderate concerns astir liquidity aliases defaults. Ultimately, nan extremity is to build a portfolio that not only aligns pinch nan client's financial goals but besides instills assurance successful their expertise to make well-informed decisions connected what products will get them there.

Source investopedia