How To Talk to Clients About Buying vs. Renting

Trending 2 months ago

The existent property marketplace has felt predictably unpredictable since nan immense spike successful location prices betwixt 2020 and 2021. Rising existent property prices mixed pinch higher liking rates whitethorn person much clients than ever coming to you for proposal connected whether they should rent aliases buy. This article and nan corresponding downloadable guideline linked beneath tin thief you hole for specified conversations.

Download: Client-Advisor Discussion Guide: I Need to Move. Should I Rent aliases Buy?

Key Takeaways

  • Consider utilizing a pre-meeting questionnaire to get existent accusation from your clients astir their financial health, goals, and timelines. 
  • Portfolio modeling is simply a adjuvant instrumentality to exemplify really buying a location impacts early goals.
  • Use nan price-to-rent ratio pinch nan customer to find if it is cheaper to bargain aliases rent.
  • The taxation advantages of owning a location are only taxation advantages if clients itemize their deductions. 
  • Advisors do not person to cognize each nan answers; they conscionable request to cognize wherever to find reliable, trustworthy information.

Client: “Am I successful a Financial Position To Buy?”

Before you get excessively acold down nan rabbit spread pinch your client, you tin tally nan price-to-rent ratio to show them whether it is cheaper for them to bargain aliases rent correct now. Cheaper does not needfully mean it is simply a amended determination for your clients, but it demonstrates what renting vs. buying looks for illustration successful dollars and cents. 

The pre-meeting questionnaire will beryllium tremendously adjuvant to you successful answering this mobility for your client. Whether this is simply a customer you person seen each twelvemonth dutifully for nan past 15 years aliases they’re marque caller to your practice, you can’t reply this mobility without knowing a spot much astir their expenses, savings, and lifestyle. Just because your customer has immoderate money put speech for status and different goals doesn’t mean they don’t person indebtedness aliases different financial considerations to carnivore successful mind.

You request to beryllium a detective present and inquire nan sometimes uncomfortable questions astir debt, expenses, and savings earlier providing a adjuvant answer.


Remember that buying a location comes pinch much expenses than conscionable purchasing nan house. Your customer whitethorn observe that their planned location acquisition is simply a spot of a fund agelong aft including nan other expenditures. 

With nan correct financial planning, your clients tin spot their investments grow. By utilizing modeling software, you tin show them really regularly investing money tin thief their portfolios turn done dollar-cost averaging. Creating a caller relationship for early expenses could besides lead to important growth. Conversely, they tin besides spot really managing their owe payments wrong their affordability comfortableness area tin thief them salary disconnected high-interest debt, putting them successful a amended financial position successful nan future. 

Client: “What Are nan Tax Benefits of Home Ownership?”

As a financial advisor, you don't request to beryllium an master connected everything, but you do request to cognize wherever to find reliable, actual accusation to guideline customer discussions. Understanding nan IRS guidelines connected taxation benefits from location ownership is important earlier giving immoderate advice. Because of nan complexities of taxes, you should person a referral to a taxation master useful if they person much in-depth questions than you can't answer. 

You and their accountant tin singing astir each nan taxation benefits of location ownership, but nan agelong and short of it is that clients don't person existent taxation benefits if they don't itemize their taxes. 

Clients coming to talk to you astir buying vs. renting astir apt are not willing successful a afloat position connected investments pinch taxation benefits. However, it is simply a bully thought to hole a fewer talking points astir ways your clients tin get taxation advantages from different sources, for illustration investments. 

Client: “If I Need To Withdraw Money From My Accounts To Pay for a Down Payment, How Will That Impact My Future Portfolio?”

The champion measurement to show your customer nan effect of withdrawing money from their investments aliases savings for a down costs is to usage package to exemplary it. It’s difficult to understand nan powerfulness and effect of compounding interest without seeing it written successful achromatic and achromatic connected paper. Obviously, you’re not trying to discourage your customer from taking their money if that’s what they request aliases want to do, but you want to guarantee they’re afloat informed. 

Your clients whitethorn travel successful pinch ideas astir which accounts they want to usage to money a down payment. Many group are alert of nan Roth exemption for first-time homebuyers, but they whitethorn not beryllium acquainted pinch borrowing from their 401k aliases what effect taxes will person connected withdrawals from immoderate finance accounts. 


You whitethorn request to exemplary aggregate scenarios to thief clients find nan champion relationship to retreat from for their down payment. This will reassure them that they are making an informed determination astir buying vs. renting.

Client: “If I Buy a Home, How Will This Affect My Ability To Meet My Future Goals?”

The pre-meeting questionnaire and nan broad knowing of your client's updated early goals, timelines, and consequence tolerance are captious to let you to supply them pinch informed advice. The reply to nan mobility of nan location purchase's effect connected their financial goals is not straightforward. It depends connected various factors specified arsenic their mortgage's effect connected anterior savings, nan magnitude invested successful nan home, nan marketplace conditions astatine nan clip of sale, and galore others. However, pinch your guidance, your clients tin make a well-informed decision, moreover without a crystal ball. 

You tin usage what you cognize and estimates based connected past capacity to show your clients really buying a location tin impact their expertise to meet their early goals. Home prices person been having a bull tally complete nan past mates of years, but houses typically admit successful worth complete nan agelong run, moreover if nan marketplace corrects. Owning a location whitethorn create a profit for your clients erstwhile it's clip to sell, truthful retrieve to see that successful your modeling. 

This gathering is besides an opportunity for you to stress nan powerfulness of compounding interest, peculiarly if they scheme to sacrifice their existent savings goals to money nan acquisition of this home. 

The Bottom Line

The past fewer years' higher location prices and liking rates person made much clients unsure astir whether to rent aliases buy, and they request advice. Advisors should hole for their meetings pinch accusation astir trusted taxation advisors and familiarize themselves pinch existent lodging marketplace prices successful their area. Tools for illustration pre-meeting questionnaires and portfolio modeling tin thief advisors reside their clients' concerns astir nan effect buying a location will person connected their financial health. 

Source investopedia