Horrific details of sexual torture inflicted by Hamas on October 7 victims are revealed in new Sheryl Sandberg documentary... as sisters of missing hostage beg for her release

Trending 2 months ago

Horrific specifications of intersexual torture carried retired by Hamas connected October 7 are revealed successful a caller documentary, pinch nan sisters of 1 female hostage begging for her release. 

The 60-minute movie 'Screams Before Silence,' created by Israeli production institution Kastina Communications, and presented by Sheryl Sandberg was shown astatine nan Southampton Arts Center Wednesday night. 

The movie shines a ray connected nan atrocities and intersexual unit against women and girls - specifically to those who contradict they occurred.

Nearly 100 gathered for nan backstage screening that featured typical guests - Shani, 26, and May, 21, Yerushalmi, whose sister Eden, 24, has been successful captivity successful Gaza for astir 300 days. 

Sandberg is pictured passim nan profoundly affectional movie speaking to eyewitnesses, released hostages, survivors, first responders, and aesculapian and forensic experts.

In a erstwhile interview, she told The Wall Street Journal that being portion of nan documentary 'is nan astir important activity of my life.'

Shani Yerushalmi, 26 (pictured left) and May, 21, person been advocating for their sister, Eden, 24, release. Both women attended nan backstage screening, 'Screams Before Silence'  connected Wednesday nighttime astatine nan South Hampton Arts Center 

Eden Yerushalmi, 24, was moving arsenic a bartender astatine nan Nova Music Festival erstwhile she was captured by Hamas terrorists connected October 7. Her sisters said location has been nary impervious of life 

Sandberg has been outspoken astir Hamas utilizing intersexual unit arsenic a warfare tactic. In December, she told nan United Nations that 'rape should ne'er beryllium utilized arsenic an enactment of war,' CNN reported.

In nan film, Sandberg interviews Dr. Ayelet Levy Shachar, nan mother of Naama Levy whose 19-year-old daughter, and IDF soldier, was kidnapped, and is still being held hostage by nan panic group. 

Viewing those horrifying moments connected October 7 that is excruciating to watch, Levy said her daughter's 'face looks terrified.'

'She's barefoot and successful her pajamas and they're bloodstained,' she said. ''They're grabbing her by nan hair, and she's all, for illustration messed up.'

'I americium reasoning of what she experienced, you know, until that constituent and really agelong was she...,'  her sound trailed off.

'Maybe that is nan point pinch nan video, we would for illustration to deliberation that this couldn't beryllium imaginable -  that cipher would harm a young girl but past you spot it there,' she said done tears.

 'They're nan 1 who posted nan video - nan Hamas.'

Nova Music Festival Survivor Tali Biner went backmost to nan tract pinch Sandberg and stood successful nan achromatic trailer showing her wherever she hid for 7 hours.

 'Two of my friends were here. One was here. We were connected nan ground. My caput was here. My legs were bended,' she explained.

She appeared shaken arsenic she recalled nan haunting cries and screams she heard from  women and girls adjacent - that went connected for 15 to 20 minutes -  screams, she said, that didn't stop.

She told Sandberg she excessively feared for her life and thought she would beryllium raped. She told her that she started to cipher successful her mind, 'what is worse to get kidnapped, to get raped aliases to get shot.'

Sandberg, who seemed arsenic as shaken, asked her really nan screaming ended successful these cases, Biner said, 'they sewage shot. Then silence.'

Amit Soussana was held hostage for 55 days, and nan first personification to publically opportunity she was sexually abused successful captivity, The New York Times reported.

She said her 'instinct was conscionable to fight,' erstwhile 10 men surrounded her. 'I wanted to show them that I'm beardown that they are not going to return maine truthful easily.'

But she besides shared nan darkest fears that flooded her mind. 

'I didn't mind getting killed. I deliberation I possibly preferred that successful those moments. I was scared, I was really scared. 

'That they're gonna rape maine location and that they're going to resistance maine done Gaza streets and parade my assemblage around, truthful I feared that much than being killed.'

Tali Biner survived nan Nova Music Festival and brought Sandberg to nan shelter wherever she hid for 7 hours

Dr. Ayelet Levey Shachar, nan mother of Naama Levy, 19, an IDF soldier, who was kidnapped and being held hostage by Hamas

A haunting image of Naama Levy being taken distant by nan terrorist 

After nan movie location was a Q&A moderated by Christina Cuomo.

With their translator Orif Caspi by their side, nan sisters told nan assemblage what they are doing to support their sister's sound alive, and really captious it was to bring their sister and each nan different hostages home.

Describing their sister arsenic a happy person, pinch tons of friends, nan life of nan party, who loves to creation and laugh. Before October 7, she was waitressing and surviving pinch friends successful Tel Aviv.

Shani said nan past clip they saw their sister they had each met for dinner. She was  going to nan Nova Music Festival pinch 2 friends she worked with.

She recalled Eden being excited astir going to nan show to activity and play. It  would besides beryllium her first bartending job.

People fly euphony show aft Hamas onslaught successful Israel. The young female has became known arsenic nan woman successful reddish - 1 of nan astir hauntingly iconic images from nan October 7 massacre

Sanderg opinionated looking astatine nan images of each those who perished successful Re'eim nan tract of nan Nova Musical Festival, a trance show held successful Israel's Negev Desert, that would go nan deadliest performance successful history- and is now a surviving memorial 

When she arrived successful nan Negev desert, she spent portion of nan early greeting hours partying and dancing pinch friends - until 6.30am erstwhile nan euphony stopped and the  gunshots and gut-wrenching screams were heard.

She called her family to show them a panic onslaught was taking place, and soon aft she would watch her friends get murdered arsenic nan terrorists changeable astatine their car.

Shani said Eden told her she could perceive nan humor dripping from nan slug wounds and arsenic she played dead, 1 of her friend's lifeless bodies toppled connected her. 

When she recovered nan courageousness to tally away, she hid down a mini bush. 'Ants were biting her face. She was truthful scared. She could hardly breathe,' Shani recalled.

For astir 3 hours, nan sisters would enactment connected nan telephone pinch her trying to console her telling her to respire - until she told them successful a whispered reside successful Hebrew 'Shani ...they caught me...they caught me.'

Frantic, nan sisters said they remained silent truthful they could perceive what was happening, and that is erstwhile they heard nan violent opportunity to Eden successful Arabic 'ta al' meaning 'come, get up,' and nan statement trim off.

For astir 9 months, nan sisters person nary impervious of life.

They said pinch different female hostages who were released who told immoderate of nan intersexual maltreatment they endured.

'It is terrifying to deliberation of what Eden is going done successful captivity,' Shani said, 'and nan information she mightiness beryllium in.'

But, they are trying not to fto their mind rotation and to staying affirmative arsenic nan proceed to stock her story, and focused connected getting her home.

The 3 sisters together Eden successful nan halfway has been held captive for astir 300 days 

Shani walked pinch her sister May past week successful Central Park pinch each nan families who have  loved ones held captive 

Crown Prince of Greece Pavlos and his wife, Marie Chantel are pictured pinch sisters, May and Shani Yerushalmi. Pavlos appeared moved by movie and told nan crowd that he has a girl akin successful property to immoderate of nan victims

(pictured l-r) Liz Cohen Hausman, May Yerushalmi, Christina Cuomo, Shani Yerushalmi, Simone Levinson, Gail Perry, and Orif Caspi

Eden is described arsenic a happy, vivacious personification who loves life and has tons of friends 

The invitation only arena was co-hosted by Simone Levinson, founding co-chair of Southampton Arts Center, and philanthropist Liz Cohen Hausman, who brought nan movie to South Hampton aft going to Sandberg's premiere successful New York.

Other attendees included Fernanda Niven, granddaughter of Oscar victor David Niven, Zibby Owens - girl of Billionaire Stephen Schwarzman and Marie Chantal of Greece, and Prince Pavlos, among others.

Sandberg, a erstwhile COO of META, was not successful attendance astatine nan Wednesday nighttime screening. After nan film, galore appeared visibly shaken by nan savagery, while others felt inspired to do more.

More than 1,200 people, mostly civilians, were killed by Hamas terrorists connected October 7 and complete 240 hostages abducted. Approximately, 100 hostages were released  during a impermanent cease-fire that ended December 1, 2023. 

Israel says location are presently 116 hostages that stay successful captivity, including nan bodies of astatine slightest 42, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Source dailymail