Heartbroken family of Massachusetts teen who died from a spicy POTATO CHIP file lawsuit against company

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By Connor Boyd Health And Science Editor For Dailymail.Com

Published: 13:41 EDT, 11 July 2024 | Updated: 13:43 EDT, 11 July 2024

The parents of a teen boy died aft eating a spicy murphy spot person revenge a suit against nan institution that makes them.

Harris Wolobah, a 10th grader from Worcester, Massachusetts, died past September aft eating a Paqui spot arsenic portion of nan manufacturer's 'One Chip Challenge.'

An autopsy recovered Wolobah - who had an underlying wellness information - suffered a cardiac apprehension that was triggered by precocious levels of chilli capsicum extract successful nan chip.

The family are suing Paqui on pinch its genitor company, Hershey, while Walgreens is besides accused of wrongdoing for trading nan spot to children. The family have refused to opportunity if they are seeking monetary compensation.

Harris Wolobah, 14, died hours aft eating a spicy tortilla spot arsenic portion of nan 'One Chip Challenge,' a societal media inclination that has gained billions of views connected TikTok. The Massachusetts teen was a talented jock described by family arsenic 'a ray that lit up nan room'

The 2023 version of nan 'One Chip Challenges' features a tortilla spot flavored pinch 2 of nan spiciest peppers possible, nan California Reaper Pepper and nan Naga Viper Pepper. The California Reaper is classed arsenic nan world's spiciest pepper

Paqui expressed its sadness astir Wolobah's decease but besides cited nan chip's 'clear and salient labeling highlighting that nan merchandise was not for children aliases anyone delicate to spicy foods aliases pinch underlying wellness conditions.' 

The chip, sold individually for astir $10, came wrapped successful foil successful a coffin-shaped container pinch nan informing that it was intended for nan 'vengeful pleasance of aggravated power and pain.' 

The informing noted that nan spot was for big depletion only, and should beryllium kept retired of nan scope of children.

Despite nan warning, location had been reports from astir nan state of teens who sewage sick aft taking portion successful nan chip-eating challenge. 

Among them were 3 California precocious schoolhouse students who were taken to a infirmary and 7 students successful Minnesota who were treated by paramedics aft taking portion successful nan situation successful 2022.

The situation called for participants to eat nan Paqui spot and past spot really agelong they could spell without consuming different nutrient and water. 

Sales of nan spot seemed mostly driven by group posting videos connected societal media of them aliases their friends taking nan challenge. 

They showed people, including children, unwrapping nan packaging, eating nan chips and past reacting to nan heat. Some videos showed group gagging, coughing and begging for water.

Harris' decease spurred warnings from Massachusetts authorities and physicians, who cautioned that eating specified spicy foods tin person unintended consequences. 

Paqui, nan chip's manufacturer, encourages group to trial their beingness limits. Those who tin prolong nan burning symptom for up to an hr without nutrient aliases portion gain nan title of 'Apex Predator'

Since nan spot fad emerged, poison power centers person warned that nan concentrated magnitude could origin allergic reactions, problem breathing, irregular heartbeats and moreover bosom attacks aliases strokes. 

Harris' mother said she sewage a telephone from nan schoolhouse caregiver astatine Doherty High School connected September 14 past twelvemonth saying her boy had fainted aft eating a spot his friend gave him. 

After being sent home, Harris passed retired again and was taken to nan hospital, wherever he died. 

Autopsy results released successful May concluded that Harris died of cardiac apprehension 'in nan mounting of caller ingestion of nutrient constituent pinch precocious capsaicin concentration.'

The aesculapian examiner besides recovered Harris had an enlarged bosom and a congenital bosom defect that neither he aliases his parents knew about.

Harris said to beryllium successful bully wellness and loved playing basketball, pinch dreams of playing successful nan NBA.

The caller suit claims nan magnitude of capsaicin - nan chemic that gives chilli its herb - successful nan spot was hundreds of times spicier than a jalapeno.

Source dailymail