Has the mystery of how the pyramids were built FINALLY been solved? Scientists discover a unique hydraulic lift system at Egypt's iconic Pyramid of Djoser

Trending 2 months ago

It has agelong been a taxable of statement - really precisely were Egypt's awesome pyramids built by nan civilized world's first engineers? 

A celebrated mentation suggests they utilized a strategy of ropes and sledges to haul stones to nan apical arsenic nan pyramid was built from nan crushed up, furniture by layer. 

But a caller study suggests that nan oldest pyramid successful Egypt, nan Pyramid of Djoser, was built 4,700 years agone utilizing an moreover much ingenious 'hydraulic lift'. 

'Ancient Egyptians are celebrated for their pioneering and mastery of hydraulics done canals for irrigation purposes and barges to carrier immense stones,' nan squad explained. 

'This activity opens a caller statement of investigation – nan usage of hydraulic unit to erect nan monolithic structures built by Pharaohs.' 

A caller study suggests that nan oldest pyramid successful Egypt, nan Pyramid of Djoser, was built utilizing an ingenious 'hydraulic lift'. A immense pitchy of h2o was blasted done nan centre of nan pyramid 'like a volcano', pushing nan stones to nan top, researchers believe

The measurement pyramid of Djoser measures 200ft precocious (60m) and is believed to beryllium nan first pyramid successful Egypt

The caller mentation is presented successful a caller study led by Xavier Landreau, president of Paleotechnic, an archaeological investigation institute successful Paris, France. 

The researchers studied humanities records and satellite photos of nan area to construe nan features that support their argument.  

'We identified that nan measurement pyramid’s soul architecture is accordant pinch a hydraulic elevation system ne'er reported before,' Landreau and colleagues say. 

'Ancient architects apt raised nan stones from nan pyramid centre successful a volcano manner utilizing nan sediment-free water.' 

While nan shaft astatine nan centre of nan pyramid (pictured) was already known about, researchers now coming a caller mentation regarding its purpose

Pyramid of Djoser, nan world's oldest pyramid, was constructed southbound of modern Cairo, 4,500 years ago, conscionable eastbound of nan Nile - nan world's longest river 

The Pyramid of Djoser, astir 200 feet high, is simply a 'step pyramid' – meaning its sides are a bid of level platforms aliases steps, dissimilar nan comparatively level sides of the celebrated Pyramid of Giza. 

While Giza is nan largest of Egypt's pyramids, Djoser is nan oldest, having been constructed at some constituent betwixt 2667 and 2648 BC. 

The stunning building was built wholly retired of chromatic by nan ancient Egyptian designer Imhotep successful nan immense Saqqara necropolis southbound of Cairo.

It's believed to beryllium nan last resting spot of King Djoser, ancient Egyptian pharaoh and laminitis of nan Old Kingdom. 

While a immense shaft astatine nan centre of nan pyramid was already known about, researchers now coming a caller mentation regarding its purpose.

Firstly, they constituent to Gisr el-Mudir, an ancient chromatic building little than a mile to nan westbound of the Pyramid of Djoser. 

Gisr el-Mudir is 1 of nan oldest known chromatic structures successful Egypt, only a fewer 100 metres westbound of nan Pyramid of Djoser. The usability of nan abstraction has agelong been unclear. Pictured, Egyptian archaeologists astatine Gisr el-Mudir successful January 2023

The Pyramid of Djoser is believed to beryllium nan last resting spot of King Djoser (depicted), an ancient Egyptian pharaoh and laminitis of nan Old Kingdom

The usability of Gisr el-Mudir has ne'er been certain, but nan researchers opportunity it whitethorn person acted arsenic a dam, collecting rainfall and directing it towards nan pyramid done a strategy of pipes. 

Once nan underground h2o reached nan centre of nan pyramid, it flushed upwards done nan cardinal shaft for illustration magma successful a volcano. 

This powerful pitchy of h2o would person pushed up a floating elevator – a level level apt made of wood – that could transportation up to 100 tonnes of chromatic astatine a clip acknowledgment to nan unit of nan water. 

According to nan experts, nan pitchy of h2o could beryllium controlled truthful that nan shaft could beryllium emptied, fresh to beryllium reused for different load of stone. 

Potentially nan h2o could beryllium blocked astatine nan guidelines of nan pyramid's shaft for illustration immoderate benignant of plug earlier being unleashed erstwhile nan adjacent load was successful place. 

Pyramid of Djoser reopened for visitors successful 2020 aft a 14-year restoration. Pictured successful nan inheritance during a property arena successful January 2023

A position of Pharaonic inscriptions astatine a tomb dated to nan Old Kingdom, astatine nan tract of nan Step Pyramid of Djoser successful Saqqara, January 26, 2023 

While this newly-posited strategy sounds particularly analyzable for 4,700 years ago, nan pyramids themselves are grounds that nan ancient Egyptians were possibly much skilled engineers than we springiness them credit. 

Gisr el-Mudir has antecedently been thought to beryllium a cattle enclosure, a ceremonial tract to believe nan gods aliases moreover an unfinished pyramid. 

But nan mentation that it was a reservoir provides a compelling nexus to nan cardinal shaft of Pyramid of Djoser, which reopened for visitors successful 2020 aft a 14-year restoration. 

It's unclear if immoderate much of Egypt's celebrated pyramids could person utilized this building technique; MailOnline has contacted nan experts for much information. 

The caller study outlining nan mentation has been published in nan journal PLOS One. 


The measurement pyramid of Djoser measures almost 200ft precocious (60m) and is believed to beryllium nan first pyramid successful Egypt and nan oldest building successful nan world.

It was built wholly retired of chromatic by Imhotep successful nan immense Saqqara necropolis southbound of Cairo to beryllium nan last resting spot of King Djoser, laminitis of nan Old Kingdom from nan 3rd dynasty.

Dating to 2,680 BC, nan Djoser pyramid was a prototype providing nan blueprint for each early Egyptian developments.

The measurement pyramid is made up of six mastabas (rectangular structures) stacked connected apical of each other.

Some scholars believer Djoser ruled Egypt for almost 2 decades.

It was deed by an earthquake successful 1992 and restoration task started astatine nan extremity of 2006 but slowed down aft nan gyration of 2011.

It resumed pinch vigour successful 2013 and has now been reopened to nan public.

The crumbling pyramid was unopen successful nan 1930s complete information features. 

Source dailymail