Futurist says there are three stages of human evolution - and we're currently in the second phase

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A futurist has claimed that location are 3 phases of quality evolution, and our type is presently successful nan 2nd phase.

Jeffrey Charles Hardy, who founded nan non-profit Care for Peace, developed a world position of nan 'human timeline,' putting america successful nan 'Suspended' state.

The first phase, which lasted for astir 2.5 cardinal years, saw humans conquer nature, but now Hardy believes we person shifted 'toward sustainable coexistence of nan satellite and its inhabitants.' 

In nan suspended state, humans will person to 'reassess and move distant from nan unsustainable practices of unlimited maturation and discarded that we inherited from nan first quality evolution,' said Hardy.

He continued to explicate that we person been idling since nan creation of nan atomic explosive successful 1945 that solidified our power complete nature, but nan only way to nan 'Second Stage' is to reverse nan harm that has been done.

Humans are successful a authorities of 'suspended evolution' aft spending much than 2 cardinal years successful nan first shape while they conquered nature. There are 3 stages of evolution: nan first which lasted for 2.5 cardinal years, nan suspended - which humans are presently successful - and nan 2nd evolution

The shape of quality improvement we are successful now is suspended because we don't person a scheme for nan Second Human Evolution.

'It's yet to beryllium wished and is ours to imagine, discuss, plan, design, and implement,' said Hardy. 

The visionary emphasizes that nine must study from nan past and utilize insights from academics, media, governments, and non-government organizations to facilitate this groundbreaking transformation. 'The process is nan solution.'

Hardy said his evolutionary quality timeline was inspired by his acquisition arsenic an world healthcare planner successful nan 1970s.  

He realized that bid could beryllium sustained done people's compassionate actions, starring him to embark connected a world ngo to create a timeline to reside humanity's biggest issues for illustration ambiance alteration and biology degradation.

It was past that Hardy created 4 templates.

They included nan individual premier directive that focused connected individual values and responsibilities, and nan relational premier directive that explained nan value of harmonious relationships.

The 2nd 2 templates encompassed nan taste that balanced a person's holistic well-being and statement which aligned pinch much bid and sustainability goals. 

'When moving arsenic a infirmary corpsman, I retrieve tending to young, sick aliases wounded seamen returning from nan Vietnam War,' Hardy recalled. 

'In those moments of administering shots, changing gauzes, and simply being location for them, I realized location is an intrinsic narration betwixt caring for others and nan emotion of peace.' 

For millions of years, humans attempted to conquer nature, much precocious done industrialism, believing that nan world is ours to dominate.

Humans conquered quality by striving to power everything astir them by urbanizing cities and infrastructure.

This allowed for nan description of nan quality population, introducing mining and fossil fuels for power and utilizing irrigation, harvest rotation and selective breeding to summation nutrient production.

Hardy based on that this mindset moved humans into nan suspended shape of improvement since nan 1950s aft designing atomic warfare that could destruct humanity. The aftereffects of nan atomic explosive which killed betwixt 129,000 and 226,000 group erstwhile it was deployed successful Nagasaki and Hiroshima successful 1945 are still being felt today

In 1949, Austrian psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud based on that civilization's advancement required 'taking up nan onslaught connected nature, frankincense forcing it to obey quality will, nether nan guidance of science.'

Humans person remained successful nan suspended shape of improvement since nan 1950s aft nan authorities created nan Manhattan Project which was successful complaint of designing atomic warfare that could destruct humanity.

The creation of nan atomic explosive signified 'humanity's complete domination complete quality and signified nan extremity of nan First Human Evolution,' a press release said.

The aftereffects of nan atomic bomb, which killed betwixt 129,000 and 226,000 group erstwhile it was deployed successful Nagasaki and Hiroshima successful 1945, are still being felt today.

Areas of nan US including Missouri and Utah proceed to acquisition cancer-causing radiation poisoning from mines and atomic discarded astir 80 years aft nan attack.

The World Nuclear Association reported that 'the atomic manufacture still has nary solution to nan 'waste problem.''

Although governments person worked to instrumentality discarded prevention and recycling programs, nan Stanford University School of Sustainability estimated it would costs astatine slightest $300 cardinal to cleanable up nan residual discarded from nan Manhattan Project alone.

Jeffrey Charles Hardy (pictured) is simply a healthcare futurist who says that aft millions of years, quality improvement has stalled

Hardy warned that humans will proceed to beryllium successful a suspended authorities of improvement until we admit nan request to trim discarded created during nan first evolution.

'What I telephone nan suspended quality improvement is suspended because we're flopping astir for illustration food connected nan platform aliases we're successful 1 of those Indiana Jones movies wherever we're connected 1 of those bridges that spell from 1 broadside to nan adjacent and there's a chasm down below, and if we autumn we're going to die,' Hardy said connected nan Care More Be Better podcast.

He explained that humans won't beryllium capable to move into nan 2nd evolutionary shape until they devise a scheme to flooded and destruct discarded and unsustainable maturation created successful nan first evolution.

'You really person to person to get into this chat pinch nan remainder of nan world if we are going to get from nan first quality improvement which is dormant and it's gone complete to a 2nd quality improvement which we person not planned yet,' Hardy said.

'It's yet to beryllium wished and is ours to imagine, discuss, plan, design, and implement,' Hardy said, adding that academics, nan authorities and non-government organizations will request to study from nan past for 'groundbreaking transformation' to occur.

'The first quality improvement is complete and we person to … study from our mistakes, study from nan past, study from our history, study from each different and commencement talking and discussing what that 2nd quality improvement must be.'

Source dailymail