Fresh-faced MPs pack out the Commons for historic state opening as King dons his ceremonial robes and diamond-encrusted crown to outline Keir Starmer's vision for 'Red Britain'

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King Charles and Queen Camilla have entered nan House of Lords arsenic they lead a royal convoy for nan historical State Opening of Parliament pursuing a resplendent horse-drawn convoy down nan Mall.

On a time filled pinch pomp and pageantry, Charles will uncover Sir Keir Starmer's plans for Britain successful nan first reside from nan throne nether a Labour government for 14 years.

Charles and Camilla - who is celebrating her 77th day coming - were taken to Parliament in nan Diamond Jubilee State Coach, pulled by six grey horses successful nan glorious sunshine.

They arrived to weapon salutes, doorbell chimes and cheers from royal fans arsenic they were welcomed done nan gates of nan Sovereign's Entrance - a doorway that is reserved for nan monarch.

They were accompanied by a Sovereign's Escort of nan Household Cavalry arsenic they travelled successful nan carriage convoy to nan House of Lords.

The achromatic and gilded Diamond Jubilee State Coach is nan newest successful nan Royal Mews. It has daze absorbers to extremity it from swaying, and heating, soul lights and powerfulness windows. It was utilized by nan King and Queen connected their travel to their coronation successful 2023.

The King is wearing his Admiral of nan Fleet Royal Naval Number 1 Dress pinch headdress and sword. In nan Robing Robe astatine nan House of Lords, Charles will put connected nan Imperial State Crown and his crimson Robe of State, which was made for his grandfather George VI's coronation successful 1937.

The Queen is wearing an disconnected achromatic silk crepe embroidered dress by Fiona Clare, George IV State Diadem, a gem collet necklace, gem Van Cleef and Arpels earrings and a gem bracelet. 

The Queen's celebrated George IV State Diadem was worn countless times by nan precocious Queen during her reign and was astir apt nan astir good recognised of each her pieces of jewellery.

It is composed of 4 gem pave-set crosses pattee alternating pinch 4 bouquets of rose, shamrock and thistle. Set pinch 1,333 brilliant-cut diamonds, it was made for George IV's royal coronation successful 1821 and Elizabeth II usually wore it for her travel to and from nan State Opening.

Camilla will beryllium dressed successful her crimson Robe of State, which was made for Elizabeth II's coronation successful 1953, successful nan Robing Room.

The Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment led nan procession, pinch nan Queen Alexandra's State Coach carrying the Imperial State Crown, nan Cap of Maintenance and Sword of State.

The crown weighs 2.3 lbs (1.06kg) and has astir 3,000 stones - including 2,868 diamonds, 273 pearls, 17 sapphires, 11 emeralds, and 5 rubies.

Among its jewels is nan Black Prince's Ruby - 1 of nan precocious Queen's favourite gems - arsenic good arsenic nan Cullinan II gem and a ample oval sapphire known arsenic nan Stuart Sapphire.

Charles besides wore nan priceless crown connected his return travel to nan palace aft his coronation, but he was crowned successful nan 17th period aureate St Edward's Crown.

The King's bodyguards kicked disconnected nan time steeped successful contented and history by carrying retired a ceremonial hunt of nan cellars of nan Palace of Westminster.

King Charles III and Queen Camilla arriving for nan State Opening of Parliament aft a resplendent horse-drawn convoy down nan Mall

Queen Camilla wearing nan Diamond Diadem arrives astatine nan Houses of Parliament

King Charles III and Queen Camilla depart Buckingham Palace arsenic they recreation to Westminster for nan State Opening of Parliament

This is nan infinitesimal that King Charles and Camilla arrived astatine Westminster connected Wednesday

King Charles III salutes nan Life Guards arsenic he and Queen Camilla depart Buckingham Palace

Queen Camilla is celebrating her 77th day today

The Imperial State Crown is carried done nan Norman Porch up of nan State Opening of Parliament

Queen Camilla - who is celebrating her 77th day - travels down The Mall successful a horse-drawn carriage pinch King Charles during nan State Opening of Parliament

Anti-monarchy Not My King protesters show arsenic King Charles III and Queen Camilla thrust past successful their carriage

A carriage carrying Sir George Michael Zambellas leaves Buckingham Palace

Members of nan Household Cavalry get astatine Buckingham Palace up of nan State Opening of Parliament

The Imperial State Crown and The Sword of State, are taken successful Queen Alexandra's State Coach to nan Houses of Parliament

Crowds hold adjacent Buckingham Palace, to position King Charles III and Queen Camilla leave

The Imperial State Crown, The Sword of State and nan Cap of Maintenance, are taken successful Queen Alexandra's State Coach to nan Houses of Parliament

Queen Alexandra's State Coach extracurricular Buckingham Palace, London

Major General James Bowder, Grenadier Guards, rides on The Mall

The subject convoy extracurricular nan Palace of Westminster up of nan State Opening of Parliament

Members of nan House of Lords dressed successful their ceremonial reddish robes beryllium successful nan House of Lords Chamber

Member of nan House of Lords return their seats successful nan Lords Chamber

Guards arriving astatine nan Palace of Westminster up d of nan State Opening of Parliament successful nan House of Lord

The King's Bodyguard nan Yeomen of nan Guard return portion successful a Ceremonial Search successful nan House of Lords Chamber

The Honourable Artillery Company walk by Buckingham Palace astatine nan Queen Victoria Memorial up of nan State Opening of Parliament

The Yeomen of nan Guard return portion successful a Ceremonial Search - 1 of galore rituals that return spot astatine nan State Opening of Parliament

Yeomen of nan Guard, wearing accepted uniform, locomotion on nan Royal Gallery

The Band of nan Grenadier Guards connected parade astatine nan Queen Victoria Memorial

Member of nan House of Lords return their seats successful nan Lords Chamber

Princess Antonia, Duchess of Wellington waits for nan commencement of nan State Opening of Parliament

Members of The Royal Air Force Regiment connected parade astatine nan Queen Victoria Memorial

The Yeomen of nan Guard ventured underneath nan palace successful hunt of explosives, continuing a contented that dates backmost to nan foiled Gunpowder Plot of 1605.

Back then, Catholic conspirator Guy Fawkes was discovered beneath Parliament guarding capable explosives to rustle King James I and nan remainder of nan English aristocracy to smithereens.

Charles will present his speech, nan 2nd of his reign, to MPs and Lords astatine astir 11.30am. When he opened Parliament for nan first clip arsenic monarch successful November, he paid tribute to his precocious mother Queen Elizabeth II.

The King and Queen near soon aft Sir Keir Starmer made his ain travel to Westminster from No 10 Downing Street.

Royal fans waving Union Jack flags and 'God Save The King' banners person lined nan streets, but location is besides a pouch of anti-monarchist protesters pinch placards that opportunity 'Not my King'.

The State Opening of Parliament began during nan 15th century. The first ever depiction was made successful 1523 - erstwhile King Henry VIII was connected nan throne.

Today location will beryllium respective bizarre rituals, including nan domiciled of Black Rod - nan elder charismatic responsible for maintaining bid astatine nan House of Lords.

The astir recognised task is banging connected nan doorway of nan House of Commons pinch a ceremonial unit to summon MPs to perceive speech.

Who is Black Rod? 

Black Rod is nan elder charismatic responsible for maintaining bid astatine nan House of Lords.

The astir recognised task is banging connected nan doorway of nan House of Commons pinch a ceremonial unit during nan yearly State Opening of Parliament to summon MPs to perceive nan monarch's speech.

To symbolise nan primacy of nan Commons, nan doorway is slammed successful Black Rod's face, and nan holder of nan agency is required to bang 3 times earlier nan doorway is opened.

Black Rod acts arsenic caput to nan Lord Great Chamberlain, pinch work for awesome ceremonial events successful nan Palace of Westminster.

The position is appointed by nan monarch connected nan proposal of a action sheet chaired by nan Lord Speaker.

The earliest known reference to Black Rod's domiciled successful nan State Opening of Parliament stretches backmost to 1641, erstwhile nan past Black Rod entered nan Commons without his rod and without being called in.

Furious MPs took objection to this behaviour, sparking nan contented that continues to this day. 

The domiciled of Black Rod is acold older. The earliest reference to it -as nan Usher to nan Order of nan Garter - is successful letters patent from 1361.  

To symbolise nan primacy of nan Commons, nan doorway is slammed successful Black Rod's face, and nan holder of nan agency is required to bang 3 times earlier nan doorway is opened.

Black Rod acts arsenic caput to nan Lord Great Chamberlain, pinch work for awesome ceremonial events successful nan Palace of Westminster.

The position is appointed by nan monarch connected nan proposal of a action sheet chaired by nan Lord Speaker.

In 2018, Sarah Clarke became nan first female Black Rod successful nan position's 650-year history.

Another contented sees a Member of nan Commons 'taken hostage' successful Buckingham Palace while nan monarch attends Westminster. This dates backmost to erstwhile nan monarch and parliament's narration was much strained, meaning nan King wanted assurances he wouldn't beryllium harmed while successful Westminster.

This year's hostage is Samantha Dixon, nan Labour MP for Chester North and Neston.  

It was Jo Churchill, erstwhile MP for Bury St Edmunds and Vice Chamberlain of HM Household, past year.

Amid nan splendour of nan accepted authorities opening, 10 members of Youth Demand were arrested successful Westminster connected suspicion of conspiracy to origin nationalist nuisance aft nan protestation group stated it planned to disrupt.

On societal media nan Metropolitan Police said: 'Last week, Youth Demand said they planned to disrupt nan event.

'An hr ago, officers arrested 10 of them successful Westminster connected suspicion of conspiracy to origin nationalist nuisance.

'A further 20 to 25 person now gathered successful Victoria Embankment Gardens and further arrests are being made.'

Last week nan group called for supporters to combine astatine Victoria Embankment Gardens connected Wednesday greeting successful protestation complete Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer's handling of nan Israel-Hamas war.

The nonstop contented of nan King's Speech is kept reasonably secret, but it is understood location will beryllium astir 35 draught laws announced.

Sir Keir, who became Prime Minister aft Labour's historical landslide triumph earlier this month, has said nan party's plans will 'take nan brakes disconnected Britain'. 

The caller Government is group to coming a 'packed' legislative schedule focused connected improving surviving standards by driving economical growth, nan first of nan Prime Minister's 5 'missions for nationalist renewal'.

The reside is expected to incorporate much than 35 Bills and draught Bills pinch an accent connected improving transport, creating jobs and accelerating nan building of houses and infrastructure arsenic Labour seeks to flight Britain's caller rhythm of debased growth.

Speaking up of today's State Opening of Parliament, nan Prime Minister said: 'Now is nan clip to return nan brakes disconnected Britain.

'For excessively agelong group person been held back, their paths wished by wherever they came from, not their talents and difficult work.

'I americium wished to create wealthiness for group up and down nan country. It is nan only measurement our state tin progress, and my Government is focused connected supporting that aspiration.'

Speaking to nan Cabinet connected Tuesday morning, Commons Leader Lucy Powell said nan reside represented 'a packed legislative schedule and nan Government's determination to return authorities to nationalist service'.

With much than 35 Bills expected, Wednesday's reside will beryllium 1 of nan chunkiest successful caller history, 2nd only to 2022 erstwhile nan Government put guardant 38 Bills including respective that were carried complete from nan erstwhile year.

House of Commons of Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle being prepared for nan State Opening of Parliament

Sir Keir Starmer leaving No 10 Downing Street for nan large occasion

The Imperial State Crown is carried successful nan Royal Gallery connected nan time of nan State Opening of Parliament astatine nan Palace of Westminster

Guards stitchery extracurricular nan Houses of Parliament connected nan time of nan State Opening of Parliament

A personnel of nan House of Lords holds a programme for nan State Opening of Parliament

The Yeoman of nan Guard return portion successful nan Ceremonial Search up of nan King's Speech

King Charles III's reside will group retired nan schedule of nan UK's first Labour authorities for 14 years

King Charles attended nan State Opening of Parliament for nan first clip arsenic monarch successful November

Queen Elizabeth II astatine nan State Opening of Parliament successful 2021 - nan past clip she oversaw nan occasion

Royal fans stitchery for nan State Opening of Parliament successful Westminster connected Wednesday

There was a group of anti-monarchy protesters gathering adjacent too. They held placards which said 'Down pinch nan crown'

Police marksmen connected nan tile of Buckingham Palace, up of nan King's Speech

A squad of constabulary officers patrol nan Whitehall area up of nan historical day

Union Jack flags bent successful Parliament Square successful Westminster up of nan State Opening of Parliament

Met Police officers are seen operating Whitehall, pinch Big Ben visible successful nan background

Police officers execute a hunt connected Whitehall successful Westminster up of nan State Opening of Parliament

The past clip location was a alteration of government, successful 2010, nan caller management put guardant only 22 Bills.

One of nan measures expected successful Wednesday's reside is simply a committedness to awesome readying betterment to reside what Labour sees arsenic a awesome artifact to building some houses and captious nationalist infrastructure.

The Bill is apt to impact streamlining nan readying process and reintroducing mandatory lodging targets, arsenic good arsenic facilitating building connected nan 'grey belt' - greenish loop onshore that has antecedently been developed.

Other Bills expected successful nan reside see caller laws to renationalise nan railways by 2029 nether a caller nationalist body, Great British Railways.

Most existing railway contracts are group to expire by nan extremity of 2025, and while immoderate widen into nan 2030s, elder Labour sources suggested nan Government could return advantage of break clauses to bring services backmost into nationalist ownership sooner.

Local authorities will person much powers complete autobus routes and nan expertise to group up their ain autobus companies erstwhile again nether nan position of a projected Better Buses Bill.

An English Devolution Bill, transferring much powerfulness distant from Westminster, nan creation of a nationalist wealthiness fund, and a boost for workers' authorities done Labour's 'new woody for moving people' are besides apt to feature.

Sir Keir, who became Prime Minister aft Labour's historical landslide triumph earlier this month, has said nan party's plans will 'take nan brakes disconnected Britain'

Sir Keir said: 'Today's caller laws will return backmost power and laic nan foundations of existent alteration that this state is crying retired for, creating wealthiness successful each organization and making group amended disconnected - supporting their ambitions, hopes and dreams.'

Other measures could see nan reintroduction of Rishi Sunak's projected prohibition connected anyone calved aft 2009 buying tobacco, measures to thief renationalise nan railways and a new, strengthened type of nan Renters Reform Bill that sought to extremity no-fault evictions.

There will besides beryllium caller authorities connected spending rules, giving much powerfulness to nan Office of Budget Responsibility pursuing nan economical turmoil triggered by Liz Truss's mini-budget successful 2022.

Tory leader Rishi Sunak will opportunity nan Conservatives will not 'oppose for nan liking of it', but pass nan Government 'tapped into nan public's desire for change' during nan predetermination run and 'must now present that change'.

'In nan nationalist interest, we will service arsenic an effective opposition. We will not reason for nan liking of it, but erstwhile we disagree pinch what nan Government is doing, it is our work arsenic nan guidance to opportunity so,' Mr Sunak will say.

'What will guideline america will beryllium our principles: sound nationalist finances, a belief that group cognize really to walk their ain money amended than governments do, that backstage endeavor - not authorities involution - is nan cardinal to delivering maturation and prosperity. Public services that activity for those who request them, an acquisition strategy that gives everyone nan champion commencement successful life, unafraid borders, and a beardown nationalist defence.

'The statement other tapped into nan public's desire for change. But they must now present change: and we connected this broadside of nan House will clasp them accountable for delivering connected nan commitments they made to nan British people.

'The Labour Party promised nary taxation rises connected moving group and nary plans for taxation rises beyond what's successful their manifesto, successful afloat knowledge of nan nationalist finances. They can't now declare that things are worse than they thought and renege connected these pledges. We will clasp nan Government to its ain promises.'

Speaking up of nan King's Speech, Liberal Democrat leader Sir Ed Davey called for fixing nan NHS and societal attraction to beryllium made a privilege successful Labour's programme.

He said: 'Years of chaos nether nan Conservatives person near america pinch a stagnant system and wellness services successful a authorities of crisis.

'Millions of group are stuck connected NHS waiting lists and struggling to get nan attraction they request to return to work.

'Fixing nan NHS and attraction would put rocket boosters nether economical maturation successful our country.'

Meanwhile, SNP leader Stephen Flynn urged Labour to see scrapping nan two-child use headdress successful its plans.

Describing nan determination arsenic 'an important litmus test' for nan Government, he said: 'People successful Scotland voted for important and important alteration astatine Westminster - and that committedness must now beryllium honoured, not broken, by nan Labour Government.'

Source dailymail