Food blogger eats like Donald Trump for entire day then does the same with Joe Biden's diet - and reveals which left him more miserable

Trending 3 months ago

Donald Trump is infamous for his notoriously unhealthy fare — but it turns retired that Joe Biden's is not overmuch better.

That's according to a societal media characteristic who ate for illustration nan aged politicians for an full day. TikToker Bennett Rea, 35, concluded by nan extremity of nan research that not 1 of them has a fare that is moreover adjacent to that of 'normal people'.

Trump's regular depletion of up to 12 Diet Cokes and a McDonald's near Rea emotion 'hungover' and arsenic though he was successful a 'Supersize Me' experiment.

But Biden's peanut food and jelly sandwiches, he said, seemed almost 'childlike' and transported him backmost to his schoolhouse days of brownish container lunches.

Bennett Rea, 35, revealed nan Presidential diets connected his TikTok cookinincongress. He is pictured supra trying nan Trump fare (left) and nan Biden fare (right)

'Biden's fare was very elemental really and sewage free of immoderate determination fatigue,' he told 'It had this very childlike value to it'.

'After, I felt for illustration this fare was not meant for me. I was bored, it was bland. There wasn't capable protein, truthful I was a small hungry, and sugared up from each nan Gatorade.'

The writer runs the cookinwithcongress account connected TikTok which reveals nan diets of celebrated politicians and erstwhile presidents — and already boasts 20,000 followers.

Rea researched some Presidents' diets via news articles and books.

He drew from useful including Alex Prud'homme's, 'Dinner pinch nan President' — which covers some Biden and Trump's diets — and Corey Lewandowski's, 'Let Trump beryllium Trump' — which besides contains specifications astir nan erstwhile President's nutrient preferences.

Biden usually originates his time pinch a vessel of Special K and an Orange Gatorade.

For lunch, he enjoys a peanut food and jelly sandwich, an pome and much Gatorade, while for meal he has Angel Hair pasta pinch reddish sauce.

Snacks see macromolecule and Fig Newtons, arsenic good arsenic vanilla chocolate-chip crystal pick from Haagen-Dazs.

Donald Trump is pictured supra enjoying a McDonalds and a Diet Coke connected his backstage pitchy successful 2016, which he had arsenic a ceremony aft winning nan Republican statement nomination 

Biden is pictured supra enjoying an crystal pick successful Cleveland, Ohio, successful May 2021

Trump, connected nan different hand, usually skips breakfast. Lunch is often a steak truthful good done it curls up astatine nan corners, which he eats pinch ketchup and, astatine times, a broadside crockery of Roquefort dressing.

A emblematic meal is 2 Big Macs, 2 Filet-o-Fish, a mini cocoa shingle and, again, a Diet Coke.

Snacks are Doritos aliases Lays and yet much Diet Coke — pinch Trump known to bask up to 12 cans a day.

Rea told this website: 'Trump's diet, I don't understand really personification successful their 60s, 70s aliases 80s tin eat for illustration Donald Trump for a afloat day. 

'It was getting excessively adjacent to a "Supersize Me" research and a emotion of I won't do this for much than a time because I person wellness concerns.

'The adjacent day, I felt hungover for illustration I had conscionable had a jug of reddish wine, I couldn't focus. 

'I took half a time disconnected work, I walked astir municipality and felt nauseous, it was rough, I only started to consciousness amended nan adjacent day.'

The supra shows nan 2 diets that nan Presidential candidates for this year's predetermination follow

Rea said pursuing Biden's fare near him 'bored arsenic hell' and emotion for illustration he was eating 'edible nutrient for personification connected nan older extremity of nan spectrum'.

Overall, nan research near him miserable, and amazed astatine really 2 specified high-performing individuals tin usability connected seemingly deficient diets.

'I was capable to propulsion it done and usability connected these diets pinch nan incredibly debased stakes of a freelance writer, editor and parent.' he said.

'But arsenic acold arsenic precocious stakes situations — each I tin opportunity is, it didn't consciousness great, it didn't consciousness great.'

Trump's fare near him pinch nan aforesaid stuffed emotion that personification gets aft a Thanksgiving meal and successful this 'strange fierce stance' — wherever he wasn't judge if he wanted to conflict aliases dishonesty down.

He besides said he had eaten doubly nan magnitude of brackish that is recommended successful a time — and that he was proud of himself for eating truthful overmuch accelerated food.

Describing really it impacted his accent levels, he added: 'At 1 constituent during nan Trump diet, I really ended up saying to my wife, "I can't really talk to you correct now, I conscionable ned to beryllium unsocial pinch each this nutrient that's successful my stomach".'

Neither President's fare contained alcohol, pinch Trump claiming to beryllium a lifelong teetotaler — which he says was because he watched his relative Fred struggle pinch alcoholism and dice from it — while Biden besides doesn't portion aft witnessing nan effects of intoxicant connected his family.

Rea said he missed having a solid of vino aliases brew successful nan evening while he was connected nan Presidential diets.

Biden's fare besides lacked caffeine, pinch nan President not often drinking java these days — which is believed to beryllium down to individual preference. 

Mr Rea said this near him emotion 'bored', arsenic he likes to commencement his time pinch a cup-and-a-half of coffee.

The 2 videos person wracked up much than a cardinal views, pinch nan Biden clip gaining 1.7million while Trump's is astatine 1.3million astatine clip of publication.

On Biden's video, 1 spectator commented: 'So Joe Biden is my 17-year-old. He has eaten peanut food and jelly sandwiches almost each time since he was 18mos. I retrieve him asking for it then.'

A 2nd said, 'I'm honestly amazed it's not worse... my grandma eats a vessel of cottage food and past either tuna Salad aliases barley crockery for dindin.'

On nan Trump video, 1 personification said, 'my humor unit isn't liking that McDonald's, while a 2nd said, 'my assemblage hurts conscionable watching this', and a 3rd said, 'silly me, I was worried astir his macromolecule intake for a minute'.

Rea said his family loved nan research and thought it was 'funny' that he was trying to eat for illustration a President.

Some friends besides said they hadn't seen him eat for illustration that since he was 14 aliases 15 years old, erstwhile he utilized to often bask a container of Doritos.

Rea said erstwhile he was 5 years aged he announced that he wanted to beryllium nan President and besides a master cook — pinch his transmission being a continuation of that puerility dream.

Biden's diet: Rea is pictured supra enjoying nan Angel Hair pasta and an crystal pick that nan existent President enjoys successful nan evening

He enjoys cooking regularly astatine home, wherever he will often whip up spicy aliases Moroccan dishes — but he says he has nary master acquisition successful an business kitchen.

He besides worked for a distillery for much than six years, wherever he helped operation cocktails and moreover create immoderate caller ones for nan menu.

He is presently moving connected videos revealing nan diets of different past Presidents including Barack Obama and Roosevelt — which are group to beryllium revealed successful nan coming weeks.

Source dailymail