First cop to arrive at chilling scene where Oklahoma teen Noah Presgrove was mysteriously found dead reveals what he saw - and new details about eerie 911 calls

Trending 3 months ago

A teen who was mysteriously recovered dormant connected a lonely road had very small humor astir his assemblage despite his horrific injuries, nan first bull connected nan segment says.

Noah Presgrove, 19, was wearing only shoes erstwhile his assemblage was discovered connected a desolate agelong of US-81 adjacent Terral, Oklahoma, connected September 4.

He was past seen live astir a mile distant astatine a four-day 22nd day party with friends complete nan Labor Day play that was heavy documented connected societal media.

Jefferson County Undersheriff Jimmy Williams was nan first policeman to get astatine nan segment aft 2 motorists saw nan assemblage and called 911.

Noah Presgrove, 19, was wearing only shoes erstwhile his assemblage was discovered connected a desolate agelong of US-81 successful Terral, Oklahoma, connected September 4

Williams arrived astatine 6:18 am, astir half an hr aft nan emergency calls astatine 5:43 americium and 5:48 am, and investigated Presgrove's body.

He only took a little look earlier focusing connected securing nan area but told location was not capable humor for it to beryllium starkly noticeable.

'I didn't observe a batch [of blood] from what small I was location checking – erstwhile we wished he was successful truth dead, I was conscionable securing nan location,' he said.

Williams couldn't opportunity if location was much aliases little humor than you would expect from Presgrove's injuries, arsenic he was not a aesculapian expert, but it was not an evident amount.

His observations aligned pinch Tyler Hardy, nan first driver to extremity astatine nan scene, Presgrove's champion friend, Jack Newton, and others who said location was very small humor astir nan teen's body.

A aesculapian master told that pinch nan injuries elaborate successful Presgrove's autopsy report, location would person been a batch of humor astatine nan scene.

Many friends, family, and locals judge Presgrove didn't dice wherever he was recovered and was alternatively killed location other and his assemblage dumped connected nan highway.

Presgrove's assemblage was recovered betwixt nan 2 chalk lines, and teeth wrong nan circles. In nan inheritance is simply a memorial group up for nan teenager

Presgrove's assemblage was recovered astir a mile northbound on nan road from nan mini thoroughfare wherever nan statement was held

Williams besides said Presgrove was not lying successful nan fetal position, arsenic immoderate group who saw nan assemblage recalled.

'He was laying somewhat connected his side, but I wouldn't opportunity he was successful a fetal position, no,' he said, saying his legs were consecutive and his arms not tucked into his body.

The undersheriff said location were only 5 group astatine nan segment erstwhile he arrived, and he was joined by Sheriff Jeremie Wilson six minutes later astatine 6:24 am.

Along pinch nan 2 motorists who called 911 were two Terral Rural Volunteer Fire Department officers, including its chief, who arrived astatine 6:15 am, and Newton.

Williams said from erstwhile he arrived to erstwhile he near astatine 8:17 am, only nan sheriff and Oklahoma Highway Patrol troopers came to nan scene.

'We kept postulation moving isolated from for group who needed to beryllium there… not agelong aft OHP arrived we unopen nan roadworthy down completely,' he said.

Confronting photos of constabulary chalk outlines showed wherever his body, marked by nan achromatic line, and astatine slightest 1 of his teeth, marked by nan circle, were found

The sheriff's section released audio of nan 911 calls connected Monday, and Williams cleared up immoderate unanswered questions astir them.

The 2 callers were Gulfmark Energy section supervisor Tyler Hardy, and a semi-truck driver besides named Tyler, who didn't springiness his past sanction to nan 911 operator.

Three calls were placed from nan area, but 1 of them was conscionable 20 seconds of fixed that Williams said was Hardy connected a bad signal.

'He had a bad relationship and he to re-call. I confirmed it was nan aforesaid telephone number,' he said.

The first call, astatine 5:43 am, was from Tyler, whom Hardy earlier said was a trucker for Oklahoma Petroleum Allies who turned astir successful Terral, astir 2 miles south, and came backmost to nan scene.

'I had a bunch of cars down me, but it looks for illustration personification sewage hit, for illustration personification stepping down nan highway, [they are] lying connected nan enarthrosis successful nan road,' he said.

'Yeah, for illustration connected nan shoulder, for illustration possibly they were stepping and personification deed them… unless it was a deer, but it looked for illustration a body.'

The dispatcher assured Tyler that she would person an serviceman respond to nan situation, and past said Sheriff Wilson was connected his way. 

Before nan telephone ended, Tyler remarked that nan segment 'looked atrocious odd.'

Gulfmark Energy section supervisor Tyler Hardy (pictured pinch his woman Mallory) was nan first known personification to find Presgrove's body, and called 911 astatine 5:48 am

Presgrove pinch his sister Maddison Rawlings

Hardy, who was 1 of nan cars down Tyler, pulled complete adjacent to Presgrove and called 911 astatine 5:48 am, instantly trying again aft his first telephone failed.

'I was driving to activity southbound of Terral, and I americium beautiful judge personification is lying dormant connected nan broadside of nan road,' he said.

'They look naked, I’m staying back.'

The dispatcher told him that a lawman was heading toward nan segment to reside nan situation.

Hardy responded that he was parked successful nan mediate of nan road, truthful he could forestall different motorists from driving complete nan body.

'I americium sitting present blocking nan road. The assemblage is lying correct connected nan achromatic line... I turned astir because I conscionable astir deed it,' he said.

'At first, I thought it was a deer, and I was talking to a feline I activity pinch and said, "I don't deliberation that is simply a deer."'

Hardy past told nan dispatcher that 'it really looks for illustration there's a portion of clothing lying successful nan mediate of nan road'.

'I don’t want to get excessively close… I’ll conscionable spell up and make judge cipher runs it complete aliases thing else,' he said.

There was 1 extended skull fracture moving crossed his head, 'splitting nan mediate guidelines of skull into two', and 2 smaller ones, pinch constabulary investigators describing his caput arsenic being 'caved in'. The ample fracture is known arsenic a 'hinge type' for its unique shape. Presgrove besides suffered harm to a musculus connected nan broadside of his head, which is utilized for chewing

The skull fractures and scalp tearing caused bleeding wrong his caput some supra and beneath nan skull. The astir was astatine nan backmost of his caput successful what's known arsenic a subdural hemorrhage - beneath nan dural furniture nether nan skull that carries fluid astir nan cranium - wherever location was 20ml, aliases 0.68oz, of humor pooled. There was besides aerial successful some his cranial cavity and spinal cord, highly uncommon conditions only caused by monolithic caput trauma

The clothing was a brace of achromatic shorts, according to nan autopsy report, that immoderate of Presgrove's friends said he was past seen wearing.

Williams said by nan clip he arrived, nan shorts were folded adjacent Presgrove's body, arsenic they were described successful nan autopsy report.

It is believed nan shorts were retrieved and folded by 1 of nan unpaid firefighters successful nan fewer minutes betwixt Hardy's telephone and Williams arriving, to forestall vehicles moving them over.

Hardy past period said nary 1 touched nan assemblage betwixt erstwhile he saw it, and erstwhile constabulary arrived.

'I was nan 1 who recovered nan assemblage truthful yes I tin opportunity 100 percent that cipher messed pinch Noah, I was nan first personification there,' he said.

'I cognize who and what I saw.'

The joined father-of-two was driving southbound successful acheronian to an early displacement erstwhile he spotted thing successful nan headlights of his Ford F-150 activity pickup truck.

He pulled complete to return a person look and realized he was looking astatine nan assemblage of a young man, dormant by nan broadside of nan road.

Presgrove is believed to person died from monolithic soul bleeding earlier his different injuries had a chance to extremity his life. All up, he mislaid astatine slightest 3.2 pints of humor from 2 punctured lungs, harm to captious organs, and extended insubstantial damage. A man Presgrove's size has astir 12.6 pints of blood, and would mostly dice aft losing half of it - though arsenic small arsenic a 3rd tin lead to death

Presgrove was a precocious schoolhouse shot subordinate until his graduation successful May

Hardy said Presgrove's assemblage was lying connected its side, wholly naked isolated from for mismatched shoes, pinch a brace of shorts lying connected nan roadworthy astir 25ft away.

Crucially, Hardy said location was very small humor astatine nan segment contempt nan teenager's massive upper-body injuries, including 3 skull fractures.

'I called it successful and truthful did nan motortruck driver, we were connected nan telephone pinch them astatine nan aforesaid time,' he said.

'We did not time off nan segment until astir 10 americium and cipher was messing pinch anything.'

Less than 10 minutes aft some he and nan motortruck driver called 911, Presgrove's champion friend Jack Newton arrived.

'Jack was nan only personification who walked up to to Noah, and he told maine who it was, until nan Terral occurrence and Jefferson County Sheriffs showed up,' Hardy said.

Jack besides told that location was minimal humor astatine nan segment - only a small coming retired of his ears and connected nan apical of his caput wherever portion of his scalp was torn distant to nan bone.

Presgrove (center) pinch his begetter Victor (left) and mother Kasey (right)

He called and collapsed nan caller to his begetter Caleb Newton astir 6:05 am, who hurried to nan segment about 40 minutes down nan road from his location successful Comanche.

Jack said he woke up fresh to spell sportfishing and was told his champion friend was missing.

'I figured possibly he sewage a thrust aliases something, Noah's done that earlier - sewage huffy and left,' he told

'He was not 1 you usually interest about. I wasn't really reasoning astir it.'

Jack was expected to spell sportfishing pinch his begetter that time and texted him astatine 5.53am - coincidentally nan aforesaid clip arsenic nan 911 telephone - letting him cognize he was connected his way.

'I'll meet y'all astatine nan lake. Can you bring maine a chapeau please... Someone messed pinch excavation aft I went to bed,' he wrote. Caleb replied 'ok'.

Jack assumed Presgrove was good and near for nan lake, driving northbound until he saw nan semi-trailer and pickup by nan broadside of nan road.

Jack Newton, Presgrove's champion friend, arrived soon aft Hardy and nan motortruck driver recovered nan assemblage and called 911

Jack texted his father, Caleb Newton, astatine 5.53am letting him cognize he was connected his way

Oklahoma Chief Medical Examiner Leonardo Roquero ruled Presgrove died of 'multiple blunt unit injuries', but really he sewage them was 'undetermined'.

His autopsy report released connected May 13 elaborate extended injuries to nan teen's precocious body, including 10 surgery ribs, superior skull, neck, and spine fractures, soul bleeding, encephalon and organ damage, and cuts and grazes each complete his body.

There was 1 extended skull fracture moving crossed his head, 'splitting nan mediate guidelines of skull into two', and 2 smaller ones, pinch constabulary investigators describing his caput arsenic being 'caved in'.

Roquero wrote that location were 'no conveyance parts aliases debris observed connected nan scene', indicating Presgrove was almost surely not deed by a car. 

'He was naked and was only wearing unmatching shoes. There was a brace of shorts recovered respective feet from nan decedent and was reported to beryllium his,' Roquero wrote.

'Additionally, location were 3 pieces of a achromatic metallic concatenation arsenic good arsenic portion of a bony coming respective feet from nan decedent.'

Roquero noted location was 'a drafting successful achromatic ink of a stick-figure personification connected nan broadside of nan correct thigh'.

The shorts he was wearing were undamaged, contempt nan grazes connected his buttocks, and nan slip-on shoes had writer and different debris lodged successful them.

Presgrove had a humor intoxicant level of 0.14, but nary narcotics successful his system.

Confronting photos of constabulary chalk outlines showed his teeth were recovered scattered crossed nan highway, immoderate a twelve feet from his body. 

Leaked text messages and unearthed societal media comments from Presgrove's friends revealed conflicting accounts of nan teen's last hours. 

The unsmooth bid of events that emerges is that aft 2 nights aliases peculiarly dense partying, Presgrove and respective others took an ATV for a drunken rotation and flipped it.

Presgrove's champion friend Jack Newton, who insists he was dormant erstwhile nan teen died, summarized nan basal concatenation of events to a friend weeks aft nan party

No 1 was hurt, but he was soiled capable that 2 of his friends gave him a ablution and he changed into a different brace of shorts, and based on pinch nan day woman astir whether he could slumber successful her bed. 

After being told no, he wandered disconnected to clear his caput and wasn't seen again until a passing motorist spotted his assemblage and called 911.

Newton, who insists he was dormant erstwhile Presgrove died, summarized it to a friend weeks aft nan party.

'All of each adjacent friends said that he wrecked my SXS I had location astir 3,' he wrote.

'And he was ace soiled and ace drunk truthful a mates of girls helped him successful nan shower.

'When he sewage retired [of nan shower] he wanted to slumber successful 1 of nan girls' furniture and she [said nary and] that upset him and he walked off.'

But nan specifications are very overmuch successful statement - arsenic is whether Presgrove was killed wherever he was recovered aliases moreover near nan statement alive.

Source dailymail